This should be of special interest to people who:
- Want vitamin D from the sun during shoulder seasons
- when there is not enough UV directly landing on the the skin
- Are elderly - production of vitamin D in elderly skin is 1/3 to 1/4 that of in youthful skin
- Have darker skin - production is as little as 1/4 that as light skin
- Cannot get sun in the middle of the day - and must do it in the morning/late afternoon when there is far less UVB
- Need a lot of vitamin D for health reasons but do not want to take supplements
- Cannot afford the time or money for a winter sunny vacation or go to some high-altitude snow (altitude = 1.3X, snow = 1.8 X)
1 - Use Baby/Mineral Oil (SPF is effectvely less than zero)
- Reduces the reflection/scattering of the sun rays and increasing depth of penetration - may increase the UV by about 80%
- Appears that some oils are significantly better than others. for having negative SPF
- Carrier oils have SPF of 2 to 80
thus should avoid such oils as Soybean, Jojoba, Sesame Seed, Shea Butter, Coconut, Olive, Avocado, Castor, Almond, - Baby oil/Mineral oil apparently have SPF = 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6
- Amplifier Oil Amazon SPF =0
First ingredient is Mineral Oil. Some people indicate getting a tan (vitamin d?) faster with it than with no oil at all
2 - Use of concentrator/reflector to increase the UV intensity
- Reflect additional sunlight onto the skin that would not get there otherwise
- Suspect that a 50% increase should be possible
Have not yet seen such a reflector/concentrator, but here are some design considerations
- Probably a different design lying down, sitting, and standing
- Unlikely to need to adjust reflector position during the sunning - sun does not move much in < 1 hour
- Probably need to adjust the reflector when it is to be used at a different time of the day
- Low cost
- Easily assembled and put into place/put away
- Not blown away by the wind
- Not harmed by rain
- Reflect a minimal amount of IR (heat) - so that the person will not 'bake" - desirable, not required, and probably very expensive
Note: need a special coating to expect a front-coated mirror to reflect UV (thumbnail from Edmond Scientific)l
4 - Keep body perpendicular to the sun
- Standing is worse, lying is better, a slant board is nice
- 45 degree slant board in shoulder seasons at latitude 45 (Ontario) or in summer at latitude 60 (Helsinki) would increase UV by 30%
5 - Hypothesis – you will get the most vitamin D from sun if you do not tan
- By not spending so much time in the sun at a time you may not tan much, and thus will produce more vitamin D per minute
6 - Have enough cholesterol in your diet
7 - Get your sun in rural area - apparently 200% to 400% less UVB in urban areas
8 - Make sure you have adequate co-factors which increase bio-availability of vitamin D
- Increased vitamin D from supplements: Magnesium 20%, Boron 25%, Vitamin K2 10%: perhaps also increase vitamin D from the sun.
9 - Perhaps have more monosaturated fats in your diet - such as almonds
- This helps with vitamin D supplements, It might increase bio-availability of vitamin D from the sun
10 - Use one of the many sources of UV maps for all regions of the globe Available on the web
11 - Get vitamin D at a slower rate on cloudy days
- scattered clouds = 10% longer time, broken clouds = 27% longer, overcast = 68% longer
12- Do not shower/wash soon after sunning
- Vitamin D may be lost by showering after sunbathing – 2009
- This might also due to another product of sun/UV, cis-urocanic acid being washed off from the skin with a shower
13 - Wear tan-thru shirt and/or shorts
- Bought a tan-thru t-shirt and measured it: blocks only about 50% of the UVB
As of 2016 I own 3 shirts and 1 pair of shorts
14 - Reflect the hot sun away, while getting the VitaminD from UVB
- Some places on Earth where the sun is very very hot some people avoid it totally.
- Can make a special relector which only passes UVB - not UVA, nor visible, nor infra-red.
- Would only want to get this intense UVB for a few minutes a day
Other suggestions for sunning
- To minimize burning start the season with short sessions. As your vitamin D levels increases you can increase the amount of time in the sun
- To minimize UV damage to your eyes wear glasses, sunglasses if you wish to also reduce the intensity of the light
- To minimize wrinkles, cover your face - perhaps with a hat
- To minimize possibility of sunning too long use a timer or locate yourself such that you will be in the shade when the time is up
- To minimize burning rotate yourself - thus reducing amount of UV on a part of the skin
- Top, right side, bottom, left side
- To minimize ants/insects crawling on you, use a lounge to keep your body off the ground
- make sure the lounge can be flat/slanted such that you can get sun on all sides of your body
Google Search (sunbathing OR sunbathing) (concentration OR concentrate OR reflect OR reflector OR solarium) generated some ideas
Put aluminum foil on the inside of an old refrigerator box, put the box on the ground, then lie in it
Put aluminum foil (or other very reflective material) on the south side of a building, and lie in front of the building
The more atmosphere the light has to go thru, the less UVB which gets to the ground
- When your shadow is as long as you are, you get about 50% of UVB
- The above methods would probably be of no use at all for those times that your shadow is say >3X as long as you are.
- That is, when the season is many months away from summer, or the time of day is many hours away from noon.
See also VitaminDWiki
- Increased UVB intensity did not increase vitamin D generated – Nov 2010
- Vitamin D protects DNA against UV skin damage – 5 studies 2012-2013
- UVB annual US - 1978-2014
- Scared Out of the Sun for Fifty Years – Jan 2011
- Opinion: sun better than UV better than vitamin D
- Overview Skin and vitamin D
- Wear glasses or close eyes when getting vitamin D from the sun
- All items in category Noontime Sun and vitamin D
333 items - Tanning while getting little vitamin D
- Vitamin D from psoriasis lamps, tanning beds, and the sun – Jan 2012
- Whites were 2X more likely to be vitamin D deficient if wear long sleeves – Jan 2012
- How many minutes of sun do I need – age, skin color, UV index – Nov 2014
- No – 10 minutes per day of sun-UVB is NOT enough – May 2011
- Type 1 ==> 5 min, Type 2 ==>10 min, Type 3 ==>15 min, Type 4 ==> 20 min, Type 5 ==> 25 min, Type 6 ==> 30 min.
See also Web
- Do you know how to tan? Tanning Guru Feb 2010
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Optimize vitamin D from the sun75132 visitors, last modified 12 Jun, 2017, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 1530 Mirror Reflection Edmond Scientific.jpg admin 10 Aug, 2012 33.71 Kb 20600 711 lounge2.png admin 28 Aug, 2011 60.17 Kb 20664 710 lounge1.png admin 28 Aug, 2011 15.78 Kb 19823