The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation in Elite Adolescent Dancers on Muscle Function and Injury Incidence: A Randomised Double-Blind Study.
Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2018 Jun 12:1-15. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2018-0084. [Epub ahead of print]
- Stress fractures in basic training associated with 2.5 ng less vitamin D – meta-analysis Nov 2014
- Muscle strength of Judo athletes increased 13 percent following single dose of 150,000 IU vitamin D – RCT Nov 2015
- Fewer injuries and higher ballet jumps with 2,000 IU of vitamin D – April 2013
- Taekwondo athletes helped by just 1 month of Vitamin D (longer would be better) - RCT May 2018
- Elite Athletes Try a New Training Tactic: More Vitamin D - WSJ Jan 2016
Overview Sports and vitamin D has the following summary
Athletes are helped by vitamin D by:
- Faster reaction time
- Far fewer colds/flus during the winter
- Less sore/tired after a workout
- Fewer micro-cracks and broken bones
- Bones which do break heal much more quickly
- Increased VO2 and exercise endurance Feb 2011
- Indoor athletes especially need vitamin D
- Professional indoor athletes are starting to take vitamin D and/or use UV beds
- Olympic athletes have used UV/vitamin D since the 1930's
- The biggest gain from the use of vitamin D is by those who exercise less than 2 hours per day.
- Reduced muscle fatigue with 10,000 IU vitamin D daily
- Muscle strength improved when vitamin D added: 3 Meta-analysis
- Reduced Concussions
See also: Sports and Vitamin D category282 items PDF is available free at Sci-Hub
Wyon MA1,2, Wolman R3,2, Kolokythas N1, Sheriff K4, Galloway S1, Mattiussi A4.
1 Research Centre for Sport, Exercise and Performance, Institute of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Wolverhampton, UK.
2 National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science, Birmingham, UK.
3 Department of Rheumatology and Sport and Exercise Medicine, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, UK.
4 Healthcare Team, Royal Ballet School, London, UK.PURPOSE:
A number of studies have noted low levels of Vitamin D in dancers and this has been associated with increased risk of injuries and decreased muscular strength indices. The aim of the present study was to examine whether vitamin D supplementation over a 4-month period can improve muscle function and injury incidence.METHODS:
Eighty-four participants volunteered, exclusion criteria and drop out (19%) reduced cohort to 67 (f=29, m=38; 17-19yrs). Participants were randomly assigned to either an intervention or placebo group (2:1 ratio). All provided a venous blood sample pre and post the 4-month study period. The intervention group received 120,000IU vitamin D to be taken over a 1-week period and the placebo group received the same number of inert pills. Participants completed a series of muscle function tests pre and post the monitoring period. Injury incidence was recorded by the independent health team at the school.RESULTS:
Pre-intervention 6% of the cohort were vitamin D deficient, 81% were insufficient and 13% had sufficient levels; post-intervention 53% were insufficient and 47% were sufficient. The intervention group reported a significant increase in serum 25(OH)D3 (57%; p<0.00) and isometric strength (7.8%; p=0.022) but not muscular power. There was a significant association between traumatic injury occurrence for the intervention and control groups (10.9% vs. 31.8%; p < .02).CONCLUSION:
Vitamin D supplementation decreased the numbers of deficient and insufficient participants within this cohort. The intervention group reported a small significant increase in muscle strength that was negatively associated with traumatic injury occurrence.Teen dancers had 3X fewer traumatic injuries after 120,000 IU Vitamin D over a week – RCT June 20188118 visitors, last modified 23 Jun, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)