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VitaminDWiki update (in progress), it now looks like the following
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Here is an extremely brief summary of vitamin D
Click here for details
Top Vitamin D News at VitaminDWiki for Nov, 2012
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When you have one vitamin D deficiency problem you tend to get at least one more
as of Nov 2012:
- Statins ==> many diseases associated with low vitamin D update Jan 2012
- Parkinson's ==> Osteoporosis
- Skin wrinkles ==>fragile bones
- Depression ==> Fragile bones
- Dental problems==> depression (pregnancy)
- Pregnancy ==> dental problems
- Smoking ==> weak bones
- Prostate Cancer ==> Osteoporosis
- No molar ==> 12X increase in Breast Cancer
- Obesity ==> Diabetes
- Obesity ==> Cognitive Decline web Aug 2012
- Diabetes ==> Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Diabetes ==> Vertebral fracture in men only
- Aortic calcification==> Vertebral fracture
- Low vitamin D for various reasons ==> 9X Suicide
- Immune System disease (CVID) ==> Osteoporosis
- HIV ==> Osteoporosis
- Asthma ==> Heart Problems and death
- Kidney ==> Tooth loss (7x increase)
- Multiple Sclerosis ==> 2.6X increased Migrane Headache, web, full text online
- Multiple Sclerosis ==> 2X more Fractures, web, full text online
- Psorasis ==> Metabolic Syndrome on the web