- Chat-GPT answer
- Note: All of the slow developing health problems are related to low vitamin D
- VitaminDWiki – Cardiovascular category:
- VitaminDWiki – Overview Diabetes and vitamin D contains
- VitaminDWiki – Cancer category contains:
- VitaminDWiki - Overview Schizophrenia and Vitamin D contains
- VitaminDWiki – Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D contains:
- VitaminDWiki - Overview Parkinson's and Vitamin D contains :
- VitaminDWiki – Overview Osteoporosis and vitamin D contains
- VitaminDWiki – Chronic Kidney contains
- VitaminDWiki – COPD Overview contains:
- VitaminDWiki – Overview Liver and vitamin D category contains:
- VitaminDWiki – Multiple Sclerosis 32 percent less likely among those with more than 32 ng of vitamin D – Dec 2019
- VitaminDWiki – HIV category contains:
- VitaminDWiki - Maternal vitamin D deficiency can result in problems 1 or 2 decades later - May 2023
- This is one of the articles in the AI category (most of which are summaries or defintions)
Chat-GPT answer
Several health conditions can take more than 10 years to develop, often due to a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Here's a list of some notable conditions that typically have a long development period:
- Cardiovascular Diseases: Heart disease, including atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries), can develop over many years. Lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and smoking play a significant role in their progression.
- Type 2 Diabetes: This condition develops gradually as the body's ability to regulate insulin declines. It is often preceded by a long period of insulin resistance or prediabetes.
- Some Cancers: Many types of cancer, such as breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer, can take years or even decades to develop to a detectable size.
- Neurodegenerative Diseases: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and other neurodegenerative conditions often develop slowly over many years.
- Osteoporosis: This bone-weakening disease progresses gradually as bone mass and density decrease over time.
- Chronic Kidney Disease: The decline in kidney function can occur over many years, often as a result of long-standing conditions like hypertension or diabetes.
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Caused by long-term exposure to harmful substances like cigarette smoke, COPD develops slowly, typically becoming noticeable after significant lung damage has occurred.
- Liver Diseases: Conditions like cirrhosis, often due to chronic alcohol abuse or hepatitis infection, can take years to develop to a point where symptoms become evident.
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS): This autoimmune disease of the central nervous system can take years to manifest noticeable symptoms.
- HIV/AIDS: Without treatment, HIV infection can take many years to progress to AIDS, the most advanced stage of the infection.
These examples illustrate how many serious health conditions develop over extended periods, highlighting the importance of preventive measures, regular health screenings, and early intervention strategies. Lifestyle modifications, appropriate medical screenings, and treatments can play a crucial role in managing these long-term health issues.
I wanted to see what not to expect soon after giving lots of vitamin D to people
Note: All of the slow developing health problems are related to low vitamin D
VitaminDWiki – Cardiovascular category:
Cardiovascular category is associated with other categories: Diabetes 31, Omega-3 31 , Vitamin K 25 , Intervention 22 . Mortality 20 , Skin - Dark 18 , Magnesium 17 , Calcium 14 , Hypertension 14 , Trauma and surgery 13 , Stroke 13 , Kidney 12 , Metabolic Syndrome 11 , Seniors 10 , Pregnancy 8 as of Aug 2022
- Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D
- Cardiovascular Disease is treated by Vitamin D - many studies 39+ meta-analyses
- Coronary Artery Disease and Vitamin D - many studies 18+
- Cardiovascular problems reduced by Omega-3 - many studies 34+
- Arteries and Atherosclerosis and Vitamin D - many studies 71+
- Atrial Fibrillation decreased by Vitamin D or Magnesium - many studies 26+
- Statins and Vitamin D - many studies 25+
- Arterial Stiffness and Vitamins – only Vitamin D was found to help – meta-analysis Feb 2022
- Those raising Vitamin D above 30 ng were 1.4 X less likely to die of Heart Attack (VA 19 years) – Oct 2021
- Giving free vitamin D to every Iranian would pay for itself by just reducing CVD – Oct 2021
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest – 2.8 X higher risk if low vitamin D – 2019
- Peripheral arterial disease risk is 1.5X higher if low vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2018
- Heart attack ICU costs cut in half by Vitamin D – Oct 2018
- Cardiovascular disease 2.3 X more-likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2022
Cholesterol, Statins
- Cholesterol is needed to produce both Vitamin D and Cortisol
- Overview Cholesterol and vitamin D
- Statins and Vitamin D - many studies statins often reduce levels of vitamin D
- Statin side-effects are reduced by Vitamin D – US patent Application – April 2019
VitaminDWiki – Overview Diabetes and vitamin D contains
- Diabetes is 5X more frequent far from the equator
- Children getting 2,000 IU of vitamin D are 8X less likely to get Type 1 diabetes
- Obese people get less sun / Vitamin D - and also vitamin D gets lost in fat
- Sedentary people get less sun / Vitamin D
- Worldwide Diabetes increase has been concurrent with vitamin D decrease and air conditioning
- Elderly get 4X less vitamin D from the same amount of sun
Elderly also spend less time outdoors and have more clothes on - All items in category Diabetes and Vitamin D
557 items: both Type 1 and Type 2 Vitamin D appears to both prevent and treat diabetes
- Appears that >2,000 IU will Prevent
- Appears that >4,000 IU will Treat , but not cure
- 90% less T2 Diabetes in the group having lots of Vitamin D
- Appears that Magnesium helps both Prevention and Treatment
- Many diabetics would be better treated if Gut-Friendly Vitamin D were used
Number of articles in both categories of Diabetes and:
- Dark Skin
25 ; Intervention 57 ; Meta-analysis 40 ; Obesity 37 ; Pregnancy 45 ; T1 (child) 39 ; Omega-3 11 ; Vitamin D Receptor 24 ; Genetics 13 ; Magnesium 32 Click here to see details Some Diabetes studies
- Take Vitamin D to prevent prediabetes from progressing into diabetes – American Diabetic Association – 2024
- Diabetes and Vitamin D meta-analyses - many studies 39+ as of Nov 2024
- 99.7% of people who got Diabetes had been regularly consuming food emulsifiers - May 2024
- Type 2 Diabetes treated by Vitamin D (often 50,000 IU weekly) – meta-analysis July 2023
- Diabetic inflammation synergistically decreased by Vitamin D and exercise – RCT June 2022
- Incidence of Type-2 Diabetes increased 3X in 30 years (by the way, Vitamin D helps) – July 2022
- Vitamin d treats Type II Diabetes in many ways (14 article review) - Sept 2021
- T2 Diabetes 30 percent more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis of 47 studies – July 2021
50 ng of Vitamin D fights Diabetes
- Saudi study defines normal Vitamin D level to be 50 to 70 ng (diabetes, etc.) - June 2020
- Diabetes 5X less likely if more than 50 ng of Vitamin D – April 2018
T1 Diabetes
- T1 Diabetes 3X lower risk if high vitamin D (over 40 ng) – Meta-analysis Nov 2020
- Type 1 Diabetes is prevented and treated by Vitamin D – review of 16 studies – Sept 2019
- Type 1 Diabetes prevention with Vitamin D and Omega-3 – Symposium April 2019
- 4X reduction in prediabetes progressing to T2D if more than 50 ng of vitamin D – RCT March 2023
- Prediabetes reduced by weekly 60,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Jan 2021
- Prediabetes 1.5 X more likely to go away if take Vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2020
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Magnesium - many studies
VitaminDWiki – Cancer category contains:
- Cancer
298 items Overview Cancer and vitamin D - Cancer and Vitamin D - many studies
- After Cancer Diagnosis
116 items - Bladder Cancer
28 items - Breast Cancer
260 items Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D - Colon Cancer
146 items Overview Cancer-Colon and vitamin D - Leukemia
19 items - Liver Cancer
17 items - Lung Cancer
55 items Overview Lung cancer and vitamin D - Lymphoma Cancer
26 items - Other Cancer
66 items - Ovarian Cancer
26 items - Pancreatic Cancer
58 items - Prostate Cancer
105 items Overview Prostate Cancer and Vitamin D - Skin Cancer
121 items Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D - Childhood Cancers - Vitamin D can help - many studies
- Easiest way to treat cancer – take Vitamin D – Nov 2022
- 13 Cancers are helped by Vitamin D – Biobank July 2023
- 2X increase of 14 cancers in non-seniors in 20 years (low vitamin D) – Sept 2022
- Vitamin D prevents and treats cancer in many ways – May 2021
- Those with recent cancer diagnosis had 7X increased risk of COVID-19 (more if A-A )- Dec 2020
- Deaths from many types of Cancer associated with low vitamin D- review of meta-analyses Sept 2020
- Cancer incidence and mortality is decreased if 40-60 ng of Vitamin D – April 2019
- 8 ways that Cancer might be prevented by Vitamin D - June 2019
- Cancer stem cells and Vitamin D - many studies
- Vitamin D Reduces Cancer Risk - Why Scientists Accept It but Physicians Do Not - Feb 2019
- Overview of Vitamin D Actions in Cancer – 31 page chapter in a book – 2018
- Vitamin D prevents breast cancer, reduces BC mortality, and reduces BC chemotherapy problems – Sept 2018
- Diagnosed with breast cancer – take vitamin D to cut chance of death by half – July 2018
- Melanoma 25 X more likely if low vitamin D – Feb 2018
- Better Cancer survival if higher vitamin D a decade earlier (esp. Melanoma, Kidney, Prostate)– Aug 2018
VitaminDWiki - Overview Schizophrenia and Vitamin D contains
14 reasons to think that schizophrenia is associated with low vitamin D
1) 97% of patients with schizophrenia are vitamin D deficient
2) Schizophrenia varies with latitude (UVB) by 10X (controversy)
3) Schizophrenia is more common in those with dark skin (when away from the equator)
4) Schizophrenia is associated with low natal vitamin D
5) Schizophrenia has been increasing around the world when vitamin D has been decreasing (controversy)
6) Schizophrenia is associated with low birth rate, which is associated with low vitamin D
7) Schizophrenia is associated with Autism which is associated with low vitamin D
8) Schizophrenia Bulletin Editorial (Jan 2014) speculated that Vitamin D could be a major player
9) Schizophrenia 2X more likely if low vitamin D - meta-analysis
10) Schizophrenia increased 40 % for Spring births after Danes stopped vitamin D fortification
11) Schizophrenia is associated with season of birth
12) Schizophrenia is associated with poor Vitamin D Receptor genes
13) Schizophrenia risk is decreased if give Vitamin D after birth
14) Schizophrenia symptoms reduced when Vitamin D levels are restored
VitaminDWiki – Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D contains:
- FACT: Cognitive decline is 19X more likely if low vitamin D
- FACT: Dementia is associated with low vitamin D levels.
- FACT: Alzheimer’s Dementia 2.3X more likely in elderly if low vitamin D – Dec 2022
- FACT: Dementia is associated with low vitamin D - many studies
- FACT: Alzheimer's Disease is 4X less likely if high vitamin D
- FACT: Every single risk factor listed for Alzheimer's Disease is also a risk factor for low vitamin D levels
- FACT: Elderly cognition gets worse as the elderly vitamin D levels get even lower (while in senior homes)
- OBSERVATION: Reports of increased vitamin D levels result in improved cognition
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer’s patients 3X more likely to have a malfunctioning vitamin D receptor gene – 2012
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer's Disease has been seen to halt when vitamin D was added.
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer’s is associated with all 7 of the genes which restrict vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: 39 vitamin D and Alz. or Cognition intervention trials as of Sept 2018
- OBSERVATION: 2 Meta-analysis in 2012 agreed that Alzheimer's Disease. associated with low vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: 50X increase in Alzheimer's while decrease in vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: Vitamin D reduces Alzheimer’s disease in 11 ways
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer’s cognition improved by 4,000 IU of vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: Plaque removed in mice by equiv. of 14,000 IU daily
- OBSERVATION: DDT (which decreases Vit D) increases risk of Alzheimer's by up to 3.8X
- OBSERVATION: 2% of people have 2 copies of the poor gene reference: Alz Org
- OBSERVATION: Genes do not change rapidly enough to account for the huge increase in incidence
- OBSERVATION: End of Alzheimer's videos, transcripts and many studies protocol has been very successful
- It adjusts Vitamin D, B-12, Iron, Omega-3, food, etc, and can now be done at home. $75/month.
- FACT: Vitamin D is extremely low cost and has very very few side effects
- CONCLUSION: Everyone concerned about cognitive decline or Alzheimer's Disease should take vitamin D
- PREDICTION MET: By 2024 Omega-3 and high dose Vitamin D will be found to reverse Alzheimer's in humans
There are 13+ Alzheimer’s meta-analyses in VitaminDWiki
There are 97+ Alzheimer’s studies in VitaminDWiki
Dementia is associated with low vitamin D - many studies 50+ studies
16+ studies in both categories Cognitive and Omega-3
VitaminDWiki - Overview Parkinson's and Vitamin D contains :
- Vitamin D associated with Parkinson’s Disease in 55 studies, more studies needed- March 2022
- Parkinson's category has
118 studies - Parkinson’s Disease and Vitamin D – review of 52 studies – May 2022
- Parkinson patients: 60 % taking Vitamin D – Dec 2019
- Low Vitamin D increases Parkinson's by 3X– July 2010 "only" a 30 year test, need more study
- Parkinson's disease prevented by Vitamin D, but small doses do not treat it - Aug 2023
- 10 clinical trials for PD with vitamin D intervention as of June 2023
- Parkinson’s Disease Summer School – alternative therapies included 60-80 ng of Vitamin D – Sept 2019
- Associated with PD are: Meta-analyses (
12 ), Cognition ( 24 studies), Multiple Sclerosis ( 18 studies), VIRUS ( 4 studies), Omega-3 ( 3 studies), Vitamin D Receptor ( 11 studies) - Note by the Founder of VitaminDWiki: I have twice recommended lots of Vitamin D to treat PD. Both got much better, but one had his doctor him cut back to just 2,000 IU. All of his recovery got reversed. With lots of vitamin D he could sing and bike, but now he can barely talk or walk
VitaminDWiki – Overview Osteoporosis and vitamin D contains
- FACT: Bones need Calcium (this has been known for a very long time)
- FACT: Vitamin D improves Calcium bioavailability (3X ?)
- FACT: Should not take > 750 mg of Calcium if taking lots of vitamin D (Calcium becomes too bio-available)
- FACT: Adding vitamin D via Sun, UV, or supplements increased vitamin D in the blood
- FACT: Vitamin D supplements are very low cost
- FACT: Many trials, studies. reviews, and meta-analysis agree: adding vitamin D reduces osteoporosis
- FACT: Toxic level of vitamin D is about 4X higher than the amount needed to reduce osteoporosis
- FACT: Co-factors help build bones.
- FACT: Vitamin D Receptor can restrict Vitamin D from getting to many tissues, such as bones
- It appears that to TREAT Osteoporosis:
- Calcium OR vitamin D is ok
- Calcium + vitamin D is good
- Calcium + vitamin D + other co-factors is great
- Low-cost Vitamin D Receptor activators sometimes may be helpful
- CONCLUSION: To PREVENT many diseases, including Osteoporosis, as well as TREAT Osteoporosis
- Category Osteoporosis has
225 items - Category Bone Health has
315 items Note: Osteoporosis causes bones to become fragile and prone to fracture
Osteoarthritis is a disease where damage occurs to the joints at the end of the bones
VitaminDWiki – Chronic Kidney contains
Chronic Kidney Disease decreases Vitamin D level in 4 ways
4X more Chronic Kidney disease patients are now using vitamin D – March 2014
Vitamin D testers have different test results if there is chronic kidney disease – Sept 2019
Kidney dialysis often filters out vitamin D
Low vitamin D causes many health problems, such as weak bones
Want to have good Vitamin D levels to prevent CKD from causing other health problems
Higher vitamin D levels can treat CKD 50 ng 80 ng
Monthly dosing appears better than daily for CKD and many other health problems
CKD also decreases Vitamin K2-7
Form of vitamin D to be used; normal, Calcitriol, or synthetic
Non-oral form is often better for CKD ( topical, emulsion swished in mouth, patch cream, etc)
VitaminDWiki – COPD Overview contains:
VitaminDWiki – Overview Liver and vitamin D category contains:
- Fact: A properly functioning liver is needed for the efficient activation of vitamin D in the body
- Fact: Liver diseases often result in lower levels of vitamin D
- Fact: Various pain relievers damage the liver function
- Fact: Lower levels of vitamin D result in osteoporosis and many other diseases
- Options with a poorly functioning liver appear to be:
- Increased vitamin D (example: 2X more vitamin D if Liver is 1/2 as efficient)
- Increase the response you get from vitamin D
- Increase sunshine / UVB,
- Get the response you get from the sun/UVB
- Consider supplementing with Iron - a patented Iron supplement appears to work very well
- Get prescription for active form of vitamin D (Calcitriol) which does not need the liver or kidney to get the benefits of vitamin D in the body
- Get Calcidiol which does not need the liver
- Use Topical Vitamin D - activation by the skin etc does not require the liver
Click on image for ways of getting vitamin D even if Liver is not functioning well
VitaminDWiki – Multiple Sclerosis 32 percent less likely among those with more than 32 ng of vitamin D – Dec 2019
- Overview MS and vitamin D
- An opportunity - use Vitamin D to treat Multiple Sclerosis (has been used for 14 years) - Feb 2022
- Multiple Sclerosis treated when use high doses of vitamin D – meta-analysis May 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis: 10 percent fewer relapses for each 10 ng higher level of vitamin D – Meta-analysis April 2020
- Multiple Sclerosis: number needed to treat with vitamin D may be as low as 1.3 – Meta-analysis Oct 2013
- Multiple Sclerosis more likely if poor vitamin D genes - 22nd study – Aug 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis relapses cut in half by 100,000 IU of Vitamin D every 2 weeks– RCT 2019
UV and Sunshine reduces MS risk
- Multiple Sclerosis 2X more likely if low winter UV – June 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis half as likely if get plenty of sunshine (not a news item) – March 2018
Other things also help
- Multiple Sclerosis treated by 50,000 IU Vitamin D bi-weekly plus Omega-3 – RCT July 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis 40 percent less likely if consume tinned fish (Vitamin D and Omega-3) – Sept 2019
- Resveratrol treats Multiple Sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases – many studies
- Not a single case of multiple sclerosis in 15,000,000 people (plant-based diets)
High Dose Vitamin D and cofactors
- Coimbra protocol using high-dose Vitamin D is safe – April 2022
- The use of high dose Vitamin D (Coimbra Protocol) for multiple sclerosis in Germany – 2019
- Comparing High-dose vitamin D therapies MS and other health problems
Number of MS studies which are also in other categories
22 studies in Genetics - genes can restrict Vitamin D getting to the blood and to the cells 15 studies in Vitamin D Receptor - gene which restricts D from getting to the cells 7 studies in Vitamin D Binding Protein - gene which restricts D from getting to the cells 21 studies in Ultraviolet light - may be even better than Vitamin D in preventing and treating MS 9 studies in Omega-3 - which helps Vitamin D prevent and treat MS
VitaminDWiki – HIV category contains:
45 HIV items see also: Overview HIV and vitamin D Immunity category: 276 items Pregnant women in HIV therapy adding Vitamin D had 3X fewer deaths - RCT April 2022
HIV treatment augmented by high-dose vitamin D, daily or weekly – Dec 2021
Low vitamin D with HIV increases risk of infections – TB by 3.5X, CMV by 10.1X – Aug 2020
HIV therapy reduces Vitamin D levels, supplementation helps - Nov 2019
Cognitive problems 2X more likely if HIV and low vitamin D – June 2019
Use of Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (Hepatitis-B, AIDS) requires more vitamin D – Sept 2018
Vertebral fractures 9X more likely in HIV patients having low vitamin D – Dec 2017
HIV patients helped by monthly 120,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Oct 2017
Those with HIV who doubled their vitamin D levels reduced their chance of death by 47 percent – Oct 2013
A gut-friendly form of vitamin D should be used for those with HIV and gut problems
Alternately, just use 2X to 3X more vitamin D than for a person who has a good gut
3X more African girls and women have HIV than African males Washington Post Dec 2023
Note: Many women have lower vitamin D levels than men due to hormones and not being outdoors as much
In addition, dark-skinned women often avoid the sun due to a desire to have a lighter skin shade
VitaminDWiki - Maternal vitamin D deficiency can result in problems 1 or 2 decades later - May 2023
This is one of the articles in the AI category (most of which are summaries or defintions)
- wiki page:
- Vitamin D, minerals (Mg, Ca, K, Phosphate, Na, Fe, Zn, Cl, Se) and health – 15 studies 2024
- Diseases at high risk if just low Vitamin D, low (D and Mg), low (D and Omega-3) – Perplexity AI Jan 2025
- Vitexin activates the Vitamin D Receptor to fight Colon Cancer - Jan 2025
- Vitamin D evidence: many adults need at least 2,000 IU (more is better) - Jan 2025
- Vitamin D, Microbiome, Gut Health - Dr. Beltran Oct 2024
- Pain and swelling - typically after some distal frature in senior women - several studies
- Increased risk of child obesity if low vitamin D while pregnant
- Antibiotic, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Vitamin D - many studies
- Drs. Grimes and Campbell talk about Vitamin D - Dec 2024
- Autism costs (example -1.4 million dollars per lifetime) - Dec 2024
- Glutamate is a neurotransmitter which is regulated by Vitamin D
- Wide variety of Autism treatments - Feb 2024
- TB vaccine 21X better at stopping COVID deaths than mRNA vaccines – Dec 2024
- Osteoporosis synergistically treated by bisphosphonates and Vitamin D - meta-analysis Nov 2024
- Vitamin D, mast cells, bones, and allergies - Aug 2022
- Thinnest part of retina is thicker if low vitamin D (Myopia etc) – Dec 2024
- Some supplements: Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Omega-3, etc. must be taken with fatty meals (there are other forms)
- Vitamin D has generally decreased over the past 100 years - Nov 2024
- 40% of weight loss from GLP-1 is from muscle loss (not so if lose weight with Vitamin D) - Nov 2024
- Measles and low Vitamin D, Vitamin A
- More than 30% of Autistics also have ADHD - Nov 2024
- 60% people surveyed with rheumatic conditions are switching to medical cannabis – Nov 2024
- Earthing reduces blood viscosity and helps diabetes - Oct 2024
- Zeta potential of colloidal dispersions such as blood
- Multiple Sclerosis and Vitamin D Receptor Activators
- How might hospitals be incentivized to have healthier patients
- Extended-Release Calcifediol is useful for Hyperparathyroidism - Sept 2024
- Earthing proven by RCTs to work - improves sleep, reduces blood viscosity, etc.
- Water-soluble form of vitamins are needed for some health problems
- 30-40 % of people dislike swallowing pills (note: there are many other forms of Vitamin D) – Aug 2024
- Very preterm infants with low vitamin D are 4 X more likely to have retinal problems – Aug 2024
- Plant Nitrates decrease mortality, other Nitrates increase mortality (Nitric Oxide) - May 2024
- Vitamin D can be activated in many tissues - no Kidney needed
- Cardiac resynchronization therapy is 3.3 X less likely to help if low Vitamin D – July 2024
- Many cancers protect themselves by deactivating Vitamin D activated genes ( Pancreatic Cancer and HNF4A in this case) – April 2024
- Vitamin D reduces 5 types of chronic pain
- Other forms of supplements are often more bio-available and faster acting - June 2024
- Glutathione and Vitamin D synergism - many studies
- Elite soccer players with more vitamin D can change direction more quickly – Nov 2024
- Which Vitamin D Receptor activator for which health problem - Perplexity AI June 2024
- Magnesium: best forms for various Health Problems - Perplexity AI May 2024
- Excess death rates in high-vaccinated countries exceeded COVID death rates by 3.4 X in 2023 - May 2024
- Liposuction for Lipedema (10% of women) significantly reduced Vitamin D levels – May 2024
- 99.7% of people who got Diabetes had been regularly consuming food emulsifiers - May 2024
- Blood-brain barrier decreases with age, how to restore it
- The brain might also have a microbiome - May 2024
- Taurine fights many health problems and increases Vitamin D absorption - May 2024
- Glutathione fights Parkinson's Disease - May 2024
- Fathers taking antibiotics at time of conception had 3X higher infant deaths (mice – so far) – May 2024
- Vitamin D increases Glutathione (a great antioxidant) which fights COVID
- SSRI Drugs Can Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Mercola April 2024
- Fat-soluble Vitamins go thru the slow lymph system
- Most Common Cancers per country
- Vitamin D FAQs - answered by AI
- What vitamin D level do I need to be healthy - focus on results from VitaminDWiki - Perplexity March 2024
- Ultra-processed foods associated with worse health and lower Vitamin D - many studies
- The Vagus Nerve is helped by "vitamin d"
- Vitamin D in the gut is slow to get to the blood - must go thru the lymph system
- Seniors get about 4X less vitamin D from the sun or UVB
- Magnesium Pidolate may be a good form to reduce headaches – Aug 2020
- CDC recommends 100 vaccinations by age 18 – Feb 2024
- Wounds and pregnancy masks treated by topical Vitamin D - Jan 2024
- Can predict 10% of Alzheimer’s – unable to count dominos dots (then treat early) – Jan 2024
- How AI can help diagnose your medical problems
- Can some of the health problems from a poor diet be reduced by Vitamin D - asked Chat-GPT Jan 2024
- Vitamin D: liposomal and nanoemulsion forms - Chat-GPT Dec 2023
- Cancer Immunotherapy is enhanced by a Vitamin D loading dose - Aug 2023
- Low Vitamin D is one reason for shorter lifespan amoung the poor - Dec 2023
- Willow Bark Extract and Aspirin have many health benefits (Vitamin D might be better) - Dec 2023
- Which health problems take more than 10 years to develop - Chat-GPT Dec 2023
- AI
- The Longevity and Brain Benefits of Vigorous Exercise - Patrick video Dec 2023
- Vitamin D prevented brain damage by High Fructose corn syrup (in rats) – Feb 2024
- Nitric oxide (from sun, Mg, Vit D, etc) reduces some health problems - many studies.
- Berberine: an antioxidant that activates the Vitamin D Receptor - many studies
- You May Want to Start Taking Vitamin D NOW - video Sept 2023
- Fluoride reduces Vitamin D and Magnesium - many studies
- Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies
- Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency - many studies
- Omega-6 blocks Omega-3 etc. -many studies
- Resveratrol - liposomal may be best form to increase cellular Vitamin D - Feb 2023
- Arteries and Atherosclerosis and Vitamin D - many studies
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Vitamin D - many studies
- Obesity of 9,000 US adults: DEXA said 72% were obese, BMI said 42% were obese – June 2023
- Preterm birth and low Vitamin D - many studies
- Cataracts and Vitamin D - many studies
- Vitamin D interactions with poor gut (Celiac, IBD, and Bariatric surgery) – several studies
- PTH and Vitamin D - many studies
- Long-COVID is now the biggest COVID concern - many studies
- Periodontitis reduced by Vitamin D - many studies
- Microbiome
- Vitamin C
- Emulsified form of Omega-3 is 3X more bioavailable in low fat meal – Dec 2019
- Microplastics causing problems in most life forms (Vitamin D might help)- many studies
- Resveratrol improves health (Vitamin D receptor, etc.) - many studies
- Vitamin B12
- HPV and Vitamin D - several studies
- Vitamin D is great for dogs and cats too
- Vitamin D Receptor
- Omega-3 weekly is more bio-available than daily (rat study) – July 2015
- Vitamin D and malaria – many studies
- Back Pain
- Antimicrobial peptides (which attack pathogens) are increased by Vitamin D
- 13 reasons why many seniors need more vitamin D (both dose and level) - July 2023
- What can Vitamin D learn from Baby Aspirin
- Rett syndrome associated with low vitamin D, treated by Omega-3
- Overview Alcohol and Vitamin D
- Vitamin D can inhibit enveloped virus (e.g. Corona, Herpes, Bird Flu, Epstein, Hepatitis, RSV, etc.) – March 2011
- Overview: Omega-3 many benefits include helping vitamin D
- Thyroid and parathyroid
- Dental
- Cognitive
- IVF 4X more successful for white women with lots of vitamin D – many studies
- Sepsis is both prevented and treated by Vitamin D - many studies
- How vitamin D is made from sheep wool - Feb 2011
- Overview Tuberculosis and Vitamin D
- ALS fought by vitamin D - many studies
- Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
- Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D
- Overview Gut and vitamin D
- Overview Autism and vitamin D
- Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D
- Statins and Vitamin D - many studies
Which health problems take more than 10 years to develop - Chat-GPT Dec 202312208 visitors, last modified 22 Dec, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)
- Category Bone Health has