Serum Parathyroid Hormone, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Mendelian Randomization Study
Nutrients 2018, 10(9), 1243;
Susanna C. Larsson 1,,Matthew Traylor 2, Hugh S. Markus 2 and Karl Michaëlsson 3
- Lower vitamin D in blood causes Alzheimer's Disease (Mendelian gene analysis) – Dec 2019
- Vitamin D influences inflammation and Alzheimer’s genes (in mice) – March 2021
Information on Genes in VitaminDWiki
Gene | # of pages Oct 2017 | Location |
CYP27A1 | 223 | Liver |
CYP2R1 | 626 | Tissue |
Vitamin D Binding Protein GC | 3,450 | Blood |
CYP27B1 | 803 | Kidney & Tissue |
Vitamin D Receptor | 6,030 | Cell Tissue |
CYP24A1 | 745 | excrete excess |
Alzheimer's strongly associated with 2 genes and weakly associated with 5 others
Genetics category listing contains the following
see also
- Vitamin D Receptor has
534 items - Vitamin D Binding Protein = GC has
178 items - CYP27B1 has
63 items - CYP24A1 in title of 39+ items
- CYP2R1 25+ items
- Calcidiol has
49 items - Calcitriol has
64 items - Topical Vitamin D
- Nanoemulsion Vitamin D may be a substantially better form
- 1289 genes changed with higher doses of Vitamin D - RCT Dec 2019
- CYP3A4 (7 as of Dec 2022)
- Getting Vitamin D into your blood and cells
Vitamin D blood test misses a lot
- Vitamin D from coming from tissues (vs blood) was speculated to be 50% in 2014, and by 2017 was speculated to be 90%
- Note: Good blood test results (> 40 ng) does not mean that a good amount of Vitamin D actually gets to cells
- A Vitamin D test in cells rather than blood was feasible (2017 personal communication) Commercially available 2019
- However, test results would vary in each tissue due to multiple genes
- Good clues that Vitamin D is being restricted from getting to the cells
1) A vitamin D-related health problem runs in the family
especially if it is one of 51+ diseases related to Vitamin D Receptor
2) Slightly increasing Vitamin D shows benefits (even if conventional Vitamin D test shows an increase)
3) DNA and VDR tests - 100 to 200 dollars $100 to $250
4) PTH bottoms out ( shows that parathyroid cells are getting Vitamin d)
Genes are good, have enough Magnesium, etc.
5) Back Pain
probably want at least 2 clues before taking adding vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium, Resveratrol, etc- The founder of VitaminDWiki took action with clues #3&5
Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D starts with
- FACT: Cognitive decline is 19X more likely if low vitamin D
- FACT: Dementia is associated with low vitamin D levels.
- FACT: Alzheimer’s Dementia 2.3X more likely in elderly if low vitamin D – Dec 2022
- FACT: Dementia is associated with low vitamin D - many studies
- FACT: Alzheimer's Disease is 4X less likely if high vitamin D
- FACT: Every single risk factor listed for Alzheimer's Disease is also a risk factor for low vitamin D levels
- FACT: Elderly cognition gets worse as the elderly vitamin D levels get even lower (while in senior homes)
- OBSERVATION: Reports of increased vitamin D levels result in improved cognition
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer’s patients 3X more likely to have a malfunctioning vitamin D receptor gene – 2012
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer's Disease has been seen to halt when vitamin D was added.
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer’s is associated with all 7 of the genes which restrict vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: 39 vitamin D and Alz. or Cognition intervention trials as of Sept 2018
- OBSERVATION: 2 Meta-analysis in 2012 agreed that Alzheimer's Disease. associated with low vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: 50X increase in Alzheimer's while decrease in vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: Vitamin D reduces Alzheimer’s disease in 11 ways
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer’s cognition improved by 4,000 IU of vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: Plaque removed in mice by equiv. of 14,000 IU daily
- OBSERVATION: DDT (which decreases Vit D) increases risk of Alzheimer's by up to 3.8X
- OBSERVATION: 2% of people have 2 copies of the poor gene reference: Alz Org
- OBSERVATION: Genes do not change rapidly enough to account for the huge increase in incidence
- OBSERVATION: End of Alzheimer's videos, transcripts and many studies protocol has been very successful
- It adjusts Vitamin D, B-12, Iron, Omega-3, food, etc, and can now be done at home. $75/month.
- FACT: Vitamin D is extremely low cost and has very very few side effects
- CONCLUSION: Everyone concerned about cognitive decline or Alzheimer's Disease should take vitamin D
- PREDICTION MET: By 2024 Omega-3 and high dose Vitamin D will be found to reverse Alzheimer's in humans
There are 13+ Alzheimer’s meta-analyses in VitaminDWiki
There are 97+ Alzheimer’s studies in VitaminDWiki
Dementia is associated with low vitamin D - many studies 50+ studies
16+ studies in both categories Cognitive and Omega-3
Studies in both categories Cognition and Vitamin D Receptor
- Alzheimer's 9X more likely in women with a poor Vitamin D receptor – Sept 2022
- Alzheimer's disease 1.8 X higher risk if poor Vitamin D Receptor (if not take action) - May 2022
- 2X higher risk of Alzheimer’s if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Meta-analysis June 2021
- Lower vitamin D in blood causes Alzheimer's Disease (Mendelian gene analysis) – Dec 2019
- Cognitive decline not helped by daily vitamin D getting to just 30 ng – RCT July 2019
- Alzheimer’s is associated with all 7 of the genes which restrict vitamin D from getting to tissues – Sept 2018
- Resveratrol for Alzheimer's disease – Sept 2017
- Alzheimer’s (1.2X) and Parkenson’s (1.3X) more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis March 2019
- Treating herpes reduced incidence of senile dementia by 10 X (HSV1 reduces VDR by 8X) – 2018
- Body may change gene activation if more Vitamin D is needed (Schizophrenia in this case) – Oct 2018
- Alzheimer’s associated with Vitamin D and Vitamin D receptor – video and pdf – Aug 2018
- Cerebral small vessel disease 2.5 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Sept 2018
- Alzheimer’s Disease is associated with genes which restrict vitamin D – Aug 2015
- Parkinson's and Alzheimer's: associations with vitamin D receptor genes and race – meta-analysis July 2014
- Alzheimer’s patients 3X more likely to have a malfunctioning vitamin D receptor gene – 2012
- Alzheimer’s patients are genetically 70 percent more likely to be vitamin D in-efficient – Feb 2012
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
We conducted Mendelian randomization analyses to investigate the associations of serum parathyroid hormone (S-PTH) and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (S-25OHD) concentrations with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Five and seven single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with S-PTH and S-25OHD concentrations, respectively, were used as instrumental variables.
Data for AD were acquired from the International Genomics of Alzheimer’s Project (17,008 AD cases and 37,154 controls). Genetically higher S-PTH concentrations were not associated with AD (odds ratio per standard deviation increase in S-PTH = 1.11; 95% CI 0.97–1.26; p = 0.12). In contrast, all seven 25OHD-increasing alleles were inversely associated with AD and two of the associations were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The odds ratio of AD per genetically-predicted one standard deviation increase in S-25OHD was 0.86 (95% CI 0.78–0.94; p = 0.002).
This study provides evidence that vitamin D may play a role in AD but
found no significant association between S-PTH and AD.Alzheimer’s is associated with all 7 of the genes which restrict vitamin D from getting to tissues – Sept 201823973 visitors, last modified 25 Jun, 2021, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 11887 Alz Genes.jpg admin 01 May, 2019 44.72 Kb 1116 11886 194-Alzheiemr's disease vit D, PTH Mendelian Larsson.pdf admin 01 May, 2019 1.04 Mb 689 - Vitamin D Binding Protein = GC has