
Quick, FREE, self-test for Vitamin D deficiency

You basically want to see if 2 of 3 of your bones are tender when pressed
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  1. With your thumb, press on your bottom of your sternum (breastbone) = Xiphoid process. - was it tender?
  2. Press on the tibia (shin bone) of one leg. -was it tender?
  3. Press on the tibia (shin bone) of your other leg. - was it tender ?

If your answer is "yes" to 2 of the 3 tests,
then you have a 93% chance of being Vitamin D deficient. (<20 ng)

    If no tenderness, or tenderness in only one location, nothing can be said about your vitamin D level

A few references from the web

  • Vitamin D Deficiency: What a Pain It Is" - Dr Holick. Mayo Clinic, 2003   PDF
    "On physical examination the application of minimum pressure with the thumb on the sternum, anterior tibia or radius and ulna will often elicit pain and discomfort, which is a helpful diagnostic sign for osteomalacia. Vitamin D deficiency
  • Thumb Test for Vitamin D deficiency Dr. Oz video Feb 2017
  • Test Yourself for "D"eficiency Hawkeshealth Feb 2010

20X more likely to have sore tibia for >6 months if low vitamin D - Jan 2018

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with tibial bone pain and tenderness. A possible contributive role
International Journal of Rheumatic Disease https://doi.org/10.1111/1756-185X.13253
Mansour Babaei Mehdi Esmaeili Jadidi Behzad Heidari Hemmat Gholinia

Background: Vitamin D deficiency is associated with osteomalacia and a variety of musculoskeletal pain. This study aimed to determine the association of vitamin D deficiency with tibial bone pain and tenderness.

Methods: Patients with leg pain, defined as local pain and tenderness over tibial bones for ≥ 6 weeks, were consecutively selected. Secondary causes of pain were excluded by appropriate clinical, radiological, and laboratory examinations. Serum 25‐hydroxyvitamin D (25‐OHD) was assessed by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay method, and levels < 20 ng/mL were considered as deficiency. Age‐ and sex‐matched subjects without leg pain served as controls. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine associations.

One hundred and eighteen patients and 114 controls aged 46.8 ± 14.8 and 44.6 ± 14.1 years, respectively (P = 0.93), were analyzed. The mean 25‐OHD level was significantly lower (P = 0.001), and the prevalence of 25‐OHD deficiency was significantly higher in the patients as compared with the controls (75.4% vs. 23.6%), odds ratio (OR) = 9.54 (95% CI, 5.22–17.45, P = 0.001). There was a negative dose‐response relationship between serum 25‐OHD and tibial bone pain by

  • OR = 17.33 (95% CI, 6.48–46.3) in subjects with 25‐OHD < 10 ng/mL
  • OR = 14.7 (95% CI, 6.35–34.6) in serum 25‐OHD levels at 10–19.9 ng/mL
  • OR = 2.58 (95% CI, 1.08–6.1) in those with 25‐OHD at 20–29.9 ng/mL

as compared with 25‐OHD ≥ 30 ng/mL.
After controlling for demographic and biochemical factors, the association reached a stronger level of 19.8 (6.9–56.3) in subjects with serum 25‐OHD < 10 ng/mL and 14.4 (5.8–34.6) in those with serum 25‐OHD at levels of 10–19.9 ng/mL and 1.85 (0.73–4.6) in 20–29 ng/mL.

Conclusion: These findings indicate a possible contributive role for serum 25‐OHD deficiency in the development of pain and tenderness over the tibial bone.

See study in VitaminDWikki Tibia pain (long term) is 20X more likely if low vitamin D (under 10 ng) – Jan 2018

3,860 items had (tibia OR Shinbone) (pressure OR pain) (sternum OR breastbone) "vitamin d" in title or abstract - Dec 2024

Google Scholar

Breastbone test in Germany was becoming quantitative

Guess: pain if less than 15 nanograms
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Free Vitamin D evaluation service same German Doctor

The online free tests ofr vitamin D deficiency asks about the frequency of the following:
My fingernails have small white spots, dots, or cross lines ...
Cramps, Cramps at Night, Circulation problems, Dizzy - standing up, Dizzyness on Exercise, Dizziness that disappears when lying down, Headache, Headache - Standing up, Headache - Sport, Headache it disappears, when I lie down ...
Standing causes backpain; Standing causes hip pain; standing causes groin pain; standing causes leg pain. Standing for a long time, I feel pain in my legs ...
Weakness, Sadness, Listlessness, Tiredness, Muscle-Pain, Eyelid twitching, Arm twitching, Legs twitching

Vitamin D (total of 1,800,000 IU) reduced shinbone tenderness, Feb 2013

Tibial Tenderness Identifies Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Responding to High Dose Vitamin D in Pakistani Women.
Endocr Pract. 2013 Feb 20:1-20
Ali B, Butt A, Fatima A, McDonnell ME, Masud F.; Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.

Objectives: To assess the utility of anterior tibial tenderness (ATT) measured by visual analog score (VAS) as a clinical diagnostic tool for vitamin D deficiency in a high-risk population of Pakistani women

Methods: ATT using a VAS was assessed in 75 premenopausal women, ages 17-56 (mean 41.3), with generalized aches and pains and calcium of less than 11.0mg/dl (normal: 8-11) at a tertiary care center in Lahore, Pakistan. This was followed by administration of 1.8 million units of vitamin D3 in divided doses. ATT, vitamin D, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were checked before and after the injections. Correlation between ATT, vitamin D, and PTH as well as change in ATT, vitamin D, and (PTH) following supplementation, was determined.

Results: Pre-intervention average calcium and vitamin D were 9.3mg/dl (8-10.3) and 12.1 ng/ml (1.5-32.6) respectively. 74% (53/75) of the participants had vitamin D deficiency and elevated PTH (>60).
The mean PTH was 81.6pg/ml (29.1-370).
Change in ATT correlated strongly (r=0.422, p=0.013) with change in PTH.

Following supplementation, there was a significant improvement in ATT (p<0.01) and vitamin D levels (p<0.01), with a decrease in PTH levels (p<0.01).

Conclusions: Anterior tibial tenderness is a valid clinical diagnostic tool for vitamin D deficiency in South Asian women.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki.

See also VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki - Predict Vitamin D category contains

It is very difficult to predict the response to supplementation of Vitamin D, or additional sun/UV
There are a huge number of factors involved.
This page also has studies predicting deficiency without Vitamin D tests

Examples of 82 studies that Predict Vitamin D levels

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VitaminDWiki – Tests for Vitamin D contains:

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Quick, FREE, self-test for Vitamin D deficiency        
1559 visitors, last modified 08 Dec, 2024,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
14908 Flank.jpg admin 24 Jan, 2021 16.42 Kb 8526
4755 Tibial Tenderness.pdf admin 21 Dec, 2014 538.45 Kb 2365
961 self test f5.jpg admin 25 Dec, 2011 45.78 Kb 58188
960 self test f1.jpg admin 25 Dec, 2011 32.31 Kb 78979
881 Mayo 2003.pdf admin 13 Nov, 2011 52.55 Kb 2588
880 tibia.jpg admin 13 Nov, 2011 7.46 Kb 315463
820 sternum.jpg admin 17 Oct, 2011 20.07 Kb 377754