
Shin pain in elderly men 36 X more likely if low vitamin D – March 2017

The Relationship between Vitamin D Deficiency and Nonspecific Shin Pain in the Elderly; A Case-control Study

J Babol Univ Med Sci, Vol 19, Issu 3; Mar 2017. P: 15-20

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M. Babaei (MD)1, M. Esmaeili Jadidi 2, B. Heidari (MD)1bheidari6@gmail.com, H. Gholinia (MA)
1 .Mobility impairment research center, Health Research Center, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, I.R.Iran
2.Student Research Committee, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, I.R.Iran
3.Clinical Research Development Center, Rouhani Hospital, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, I.R.Iran

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Lower extremity pain is an important cause of impaired physical activity and the incidence of disability in the elderly. Since vitamin D plays a role in bone metabolism, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and shinbone pain and sensitivity in the elderly.

METHODS: This case-control study was conducted among patients who referred to the hospital because of nonspecific pain localized to the anterior surface of shin for 6 weeks and above and aged 50 years and above. The problem was confirmed during clinical examination with the examiner's finger pressure on the Tibia. The same-age control subjects were chosen from among patients without shin pain. The level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) was measured using ELISA method and 25OHD<20 ng/m was considered deficiency.

FINDINGS: In this research, 80 patients with mean age of 61±8.2 years and 59 control subjects with mean age of 62.3±9.1 years were studied. The level of 25OHD in patients was lower than control subjects (21±16 versus 37.4±21.6 ng/ml) (p=0.001), while BMI in patients was significantly higher than control subjects (p=0.001). Moreover, a significant relationship was observed between vitamin D deficiency and shin pain (OR=15.3 [8.5-40]), which was more severe among men.

CONCLUSION: According to the results of the resent study, the elderly patients with local pain and unexplained shin pain need to be examined in terms of vitamin D status and need to be treated in case of deficiency.

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