
Vitamin D tester by Cue: consumables only 4 dollars per vitamin D test – Spring 2015

https://cue.me announced May 2014

Update Feb 2016 Partnership with Johnson & Johnson to test to HIV viral load
Update April 2017 Building a factory, start sales = early 2018
50 People April 2017
Update May 2018
Low-cost Vitamin D testers (two yes-no tests for 11 dollars) - 2024
Uses the CUE as a read-out device

  • Cartridges are single-use and disposable.
  • Currently, Cue is being pre-sold under an Investigational Device Exemption,
  • Expect Cue to receive 510K FDA clearance by mid 2015
  • Accuracy of Vitamin D test is not stated – wait till after FDA approval
  • The Cue app requires a smartphone running the latest version iOS or Android and equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE).
    Probable iPad compatibility (with Bluetooth 4.0 = iPad models 3+)
  • Starts shipping Spring 2015.
  • Pre-order price for first 1,000 customers = $149 + $10 shipping and handling + sales tax
  • A 5-pack of inflammation vitamin D, fertility, testosterone, cartridges costs $20/pack.
    Order includes base device + 5 pack of test cartridges
    Later orders will cost $199 each instead of $150
    Full refund on pre-order any time before Cue is scheduled to ship.
  • Cost per test if only have 5 vitamin D tests about $40/each (assumes you already own a smartphone)
    cost per subsequent vitamin D test is $4/each (assumes you ignore the other tests they provide in a 5-pack)
    IF they sell consumables in the future for just vitamin D, the price per vitamin D test could drop to $20/15 = about $1.50 each
  • help@Cue.me

Tiny prick of blood needed for the test

Cue raises $7.5M for smartphone-enabled lab tests Nov 2014

Cue website

See also VitaminDWiki

Short url = http://is.gd/vitamindtests

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
8601 Cue April 2017.jpg admin 28 Oct, 2017 80.04 Kb 889
3898 Cue blood.jpg admin 13 May, 2014 6.77 Kb 1892