
Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade

Health Problem
(which is also associated
with low Vitamin D)
% increase
in a decade
Diabetes 66 %
Overweight kids 150 %
Parkinson's 100 %
Thyroid Cancer80 %
Breast Cancer 110 %
Tuberculosis 100 %
Multiple Sclerosis 250 %
Autism 250 %
Ulcerative Colitis 210 %
Concussions 80 %
Traumatic Brain Injury170 %
Pulmonary Hypertension88 %
Alzheimer's 48 %
Hospitalizations - Food Allergy 260 %
C-Section 40 %
Peanut Allergy40 %
ALS deaths 60 %
Knee injury (teen) 400 %
Chronic Disease in Children70 %
Metabolic Syndrome 250 %
Bipolar Disorder - youth 4,400 %
Celliac 100 %
ADHD (LA schools)230 %
Rickets-Minn.    (UK 600 %)500 %
IBD 200 %
Lyme Disease300 %
Clostridium difficile (age > 85)400 %
Sleep Apnea200 %
COPD44 %
Hypertension (women)160 %
Fatty liver (non alcohol)800 %
T2 Diabetes - child100 %

Every health problem listed has been associated with Vitamin D deficiency

The percentage of people with low vitamin D has also DOUBLED in a decade

The increased health problem could be due to:

   1) Decreased Vitamin D in Blood
   2) Decreased Vitamin D getting to tissue (due to poor genes)
   3) Some other reason

Have the health problems increased so slowly that,
    like the slowly heated frog, we have not noticed?


Example Charts

Diabetes age-adjusted
Diabetes (CDC) all ages
Obesity 3X in 30 years[
Obesity CDC
from: http://www.iuns.org/features/obesity/obesity.htm
Cancer - Thyroid 80 %
Cancer - Childhood - Brain 10%
Childhood Cancer Increase
Cancer - Breast 110 %
Breast cancer incidence 3X increase.gif
Cancer - Melanoma
Melanoma and suncreens Time line -2010
TB - global 100 %
TB global incidence
TB and HIV in Africa
TB HIV Aftica
Multiple Sclerosis 250%
MS Increase
Autism 250 %
updated from http://autisminnb.blogspot.com/2011/01/autism-speaks-cdc-autism-prevalence.html
Ulcerative Colitis 210 %
UC and Crohn's
Crohn's Disease
Crohn's Disease.png
Concussions- youth 80 %
Concussions, youth
Traumatic Brain Injury - military 170 %
TBI US military
Parkinson Disease 100%
Pulmonary Hypertension 88%
Alzh Death rate -age standardized 48%
Childhood Food Allergy 800 %
Age-adjusted Death rates: Alz = fastest
Lyme Disease 300%
C-Section 40 %
ALS deaths 60 %
Metabolic Syndrome 250 %
Clostridium difficile (superbug) 170 %
C-Section and Food Allergy
Childhood Chronic Disease 70 %
Septicemia 148 %
Bipolar Disorder- youth 4,400 %
Clostridium difficile (age > 85) 400 %
(age compensated)
Sleep Apnea 200 %
Rickets UK 600 %
COPD 44 %
Hypertension - women 160 %
Fatty Liver (non alcoholic)
Neonatal Mortality
Death within 28 days)
Black infant death
Autoimmune Diseases

Some of the increased health problem incidence might be attributed to an aging population.
But note: Many charts such as Alzheimer's, Parkenson's, Clostridium difficile, etc. are age-compensated.
that is, it is the % increase for that age group, rather than the % increase vs the entire population.

See also VitaminDWiki

see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1817

See also web for other increases

1 in 6 is learning disabled;
1 in 9 has asthma;
1 in 10 has a mental disorder;
1 in 13 is severely allergic to food;
1 in 20 has epilepsy;
1 in 50 has autism
1 in 400 has diabetes

Short url = http://is.gd/increasedisease

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Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday February 24, 2024 00:52:27 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 204)
Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade        
42778 visitors, last modified 24 Feb, 2024,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
12303 COPD increase.jpg admin 11 Jul, 2019 54.03 Kb 4652
9199 PD death till 2011.jpg admin 17 Jan, 2018 30.26 Kb 4026
7787 Diabetes CDC 2014.jpg admin 05 Mar, 2017 32.89 Kb 4268
5335 Infant Mortality Trends.pdf admin 17 Apr, 2015 2.38 Mb 3841
5334 Black infant mortality.jpg admin 17 Apr, 2015 38.92 Kb 6253
5333 Neonatal mortality.jpg admin 17 Apr, 2015 31.83 Kb 6228
3692 Lyme Disease.gif admin 11 Mar, 2014 10.58 Kb 10939
3520 frogpot2.gif admin 12 Jan, 2014 8.46 Kb 21065
3476 Septicemia.GIF admin 02 Jan, 2014 32.07 Kb 8454
3474 Alz death rate - age adjusted.png admin 02 Jan, 2014 24.23 Kb 19572
3473 children_with_cd.jpg admin 02 Jan, 2014 39.54 Kb 18476
3472 C-section and food allergy.jpg admin 02 Jan, 2014 24.53 Kb 16670
3471 Metabolic Syndrom increase.jpg admin 02 Jan, 2014 58.75 Kb 16581
2941 Parkinson.jpg admin 28 Aug, 2013 31.28 Kb 22516
2939 Thyroid Cancer - Europe.jpg admin 28 Aug, 2013 57.83 Kb 16885
2938 Diabetes age-adjusted.jpg admin 28 Aug, 2013 29.18 Kb 21981
2937 Pulminary hypertension.jpg admin 28 Aug, 2013 45.41 Kb 32191