Children’s cardiovascular fitness declining worldwide
American Heart Association Meeting Report: Abstract 13498 November 19, 2013
- Around the globe, children are about 15 percent less fit than their parents were when they were young.
- In the United States, kids’ cardiovascular endurance performance declined about 6 percent per decade between 1970 and 2000.
- Across nations, endurance has declined consistently by about 5 percent every decade.
- In a mile run, kids today are about a minute and a half slower than their peers 30 years ago.
- Researchers analyzed 50 studies on running fitness between 1964 and 2010 that involved more than 25 million kids, ages 9 to 17, in 28 countries.
Vitamin D was not mentioned in the abstract
See also VitaminDWiki
- Sports benefits from up to 50 ng of Vitamin – meta-analysis - Nov 2012
- Muscles and Vitamin D - many studies
- Teens with higher levels of vitamin D were more fit in some ways– May 2013
- Teen obesity strongly associated with vitamin D deficiency – April 2012
- Delima: Most youths are vitamin D deficient – what to do – April 2012
- Children sicker now than in the past - 2007
- Teens increasingly indoors - especially if dark skin
- Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade many charts
Overview Sports and vitamin D which has the following summary
Athletes are helped by vitamin D by:
- Faster reaction time
- Far fewer colds/flus during the winter
- Less sore/tired after a workout
- Fewer micro-cracks and broken bones
- Bones which do break heal much more quickly
- Increased VO2 and exercise endurance Feb 2011
- Indoor athletes especially need vitamin D
- Professional indoor athletes are starting to take vitamin D and/or use UV beds
- Olympic athletes have used UV/vitamin D since the 1930's
- The biggest gain from the use of vitamin D is by those who exercise less than 2 hours per day.
- Reduced muscle fatigue with 10,000 IU vitamin D daily
- Muscle strength improved when vitamin D added: 3 Meta-analysis
- Reduced Concussions
See also: Sports and Vitamin D category284 items
Overview Obesity and Vitamin D low vitamin D also increases obesity. The Overview of Obesity has the following summary- FACT: People who are obese have less vitamin D in their blood
- FACT: Obese need a higher dose of vitamin D to get to the same level of vit D
- FACT: When obese people lose weight the vitamin D level in their blood increases
- FACT: Adding Calcium, perhaps in the form of fortified milk, often reduces weight
- FACT: 168 trials for vitamin D intervention of obesity as of Dec 2021
- FACT: Less weight gain by senior women with > 30 ng of vitamin D
- FACT: Dieters lost additional 5 lbs if vitamin D supplementation got them above 32 ng - RCT
- FACT: Obese lost 3X more weight by adding $10 of Vitamin D
- FACT: Those with darker skins were more likely to be obese Sept 2014
- OBSERVATION: Low Vitamin D while pregnancy ==> more obese child and adult
- OBSERVATION: Many mammals had evolved to add fat and vitamin D in the autumn
- and lose both in the Spring - unfortunately humans have forgotten to lose the fat in the Spring
- SPECULATION: Low vitamin D might be one of the causes of obesity – several studies
- SUGGESTION: Probably need more than 4,000 IU to lose weight if very low on vitamin D due to
risk factors such as overweight, age, dark skin, live far from equator,shut-in, etc. - Obesity category has
444 items See also: Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies Child Obesity and Vitamin D - many studies Obesity, Virus, and Vitamin D - many studies
Obese need more Vitamin D- Normal weight Obese (50 ng = 125 nanomole)
Overview Deficiency of vitamin D has a chart showing decreases in past 40 years
Only half as many people had >30 ng of vitamin D 16 years later
Approximately 44% in 1988 but only 22% by 2004Kids less fit than their parent were (perhaps low vitamin D) – Nov 201318672 visitors, last modified 04 Dec, 2013, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)