Low levels of vitamin D are associated with multimorbidity: Results from the LifeLines Cohort Study.
Ann Med. 2015 Sep 4:1-8. [Epub ahead of print]
Meems LM1, de Borst MH, Postma DS, Vonk JM, Kremer HP, Schuttelaar MA, Rosmalen JG, Weersma RK, Wolffenbuttel BH, Scholtens S, Stolk RP, Kema IP, Navis G, Khan MA, van der Harst P, de Boer RA.
The prevalence of multimorbidity (≥ 1 disease within an individual) is rapidly increasing. So far, studies on the relationship between vitamin D and morbidity are mainly focusing on effects on single disease domains only, while vitamin D biology is associated with several diseases throughout the human body.
We studied 8,726 participants from the LifeLines Cohort Study (a cross-sectional, population-based cohort study) and used the self-developed composite morbidity score to study the association between vitamin D levels and multimorbidity.
Study participants (mean age 45 ± 13 years, 73% females) had a mean plasma vitamin D level of 59 ± 22 nmol/L. In participants aged between 50 and 60 years, 58% had ≥ 2 affected disease domains, while morbidity score increased with age (70-80 years: 82% morbidity score > 1; > 80 years: 89% morbidity score > 1).
Each incremental reduction by 1 standard deviation (SD) of vitamin D level was associated with an 8% higher morbidity score (full model OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.88-0.97, P = 0.001).
Participants with vitamin D levels < 25 nmol/L were at highest risk for increasing morbidity prevalence (versus > 80 nmol/L, OR 1.34, 95% CI 1.07-1.67, P = 0.01).
Low levels of vitamin D are associated with higher prevalence of multimorbidity, especially in participants with vitamin D levels < 25 nmol/L. Collectively, our results favor a general, rather than an organ-specific, approach when assessing the impact of vitamin D deficiency.
PMID: 26340085
See also VitaminDWiki
- Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade
- Diseases that may be related via low vitamin D which contains the following list
91+ Disease associations: Disease 1 ==> Disease 2 (both associated with low vitamin D
- Statins ==> many diseases associated with low vitamin D update Jan 2012
- Parkinson, Alzheimer, Stroke ==>Hip fracture
- Parkinson's ==> Osteoporosis
- Low Grip Strength ==> Osteoporosis
- Immune System disease (CVID) ==> Osteoporosis
- COPD ==> Osteoporosis
- COPD ==> Bone Fracture 4.7 X
- COPD ==> osteoporosis, cardio., skeletal muscle, anemia, metabolic synd.
- HIV ==> Osteoporosis
- Cancer - Prostate ==> Osteoporosis
- Cancer - Prostate ==> Melanoma
- Cancer - Gynecological ==> Atherosclerosis
- Atopic Dermatitis ==> Osteopenia 1.8 X
- Alopecia Areata spot baldness ==> 5X higher risk of Lupus, vitiligo, metabolic syndrome
- Skin wrinkles ==> Fragile bones
- Depression ==> Fragile bones
- Depression ==> Osteoporosis
- Depressed ==> Stroke 1.7X
- Depression ==> Heart Disease 1.4X
- Depression + Stroke ==> death 3X
- Depression ==> premature birth
96% increase in premature birth if anti-depressants in late pregnancy - Depression ==> Cognitive Decline
- Depression <==> Diabetes
- Acne ==> Depression
- Diabetes ==> Cognitive impairment
- Diabetes ==> Vertebral fracture in men only
- Diabetes ==> Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Diabetes ==> PCOS women
- PCOS ==> Diabetes
- Asthma ==> Diabetes 10X
- ear, nose, and throat infection ==> Diabetes 10X
- Periodontitis + Low Vit D ==> Diabetes 2.8X
- Obesity ==> Diabetes
- Diabetes ==> Pancreatic Cancer
- Diabetes ==> Cancers
- Diabetes ==> Alzheimer's
- Diabetes ==> TB?
- Diabetes (T1) ==> Multiple Sclerosis
- Diabetes ==> Parkinson's
- Smoking ==> weak bones
- Dental problems==> depression (pregnancy)
- Endometriosis ==> Coronary Heart Disease 3X
- Pregnancy ==> dental problems
- Pregnancy ==>Restless Legs
- No molar ==> 12X increase in Breast Cancer
- Obesity <==> Multiple Sclerosis
- Obesity ==> Cognitive Decline
- Obesity ==> Psorasis
- Obesity ==> Cancer
- Obesity ==> Migraine Headache 3X
- Aortic calcification==> Vertebral fracture
- Low vitamin D for various reasons ==> 9X Suicide
- Asthma ==> Heart Problems and death
- Kidney ==> Tooth loss 7X
- Kidney Disease ==> Osteoporosis 2014
- Multiple Sclerosis ==> Asthma 3X
- Multiple Sclerosis ==> 2.6X increased Migrane Headache, web, full text online
- Multiple Sclerosis ==> Fractures 4X
- Multiple Sclerosis ==>>Fibromyalgia
- Multiple Sclerosis ==> Diabetes (T1)
- Psoriasis ==> Metabolic Syndrome on the web
- Psoriasis ==> Metabolic Syndrome
- Psoriasis ==> Kidney Disease
- Psoriasis ==> Heart problems
- Psoriasis ==> Diabetes
- Psoriasis==> Osteoporosis
- Psoriasis ==> Sleep Apnea
- Celiac Disease ==> Anemia, Psoriasis
- Celiac Disease ==> poor bones Aug 2014
- Intestinal Failure (gut) ==> Low Bone Mineral Density
- Chronic Pancreatitis ==>Painful bones
- Rheumatoid Arthritis ==> Cardiovascular
- Rheumatoid Arthritis ==>Psorasis 3.6X
- IBD ==> Cancer
- Stroke ==> Hip Fracture
- Stroke ==> Parkinson's Disease 2.4X
- Restless Legs <==> ADHD
- Schizophrenia ==> Depression
- Schizophrenia ==> Diabetes 3X
- Sleep Apnea ==>Fatty Liver disease
- Sleep Apnea ==>Gout
- Gout ==> Depression 3.8 X
- Hepatitis-C ==> Cancers - liver, prostate, ?
- Hepatitis -C ==> peripheral arterial disease 12X increase if > 65 years old
- Vitiligo ==> thyroid problems 2013
- Rickets ==> Autism
- Autism ==> Poor Bones
- Epilepsy ==> Osteoporosis
- Rickets ==> Breathing
- Lupus ==>preterm birth