- Omega-3 and Vitamin D separately and together help with Depression, Cardiovascular, Cognition, Pregnancy, Infant, Obesity, Mortality, Breast Cancer, . . .
- There are many books on Omega-3: I such as: The Omega-3 Effect
- Omega-3 content of 3 ounces of (wild, not farmed) fish (150 to 1,900 mg)
- Need to take standard Omega-3 with a fatty meal - Google Bard Dec 7, 2023
- Emulsified Omega-3 does NOT need a fatty meal: Perplexity AI - May 2024
- Notes by Admin of VitaminDWiki Dec 2012
- Additional thoughts from reading The Queen of Fats
- VitaminDWiki - Omega-3 associations with other categories
- See also VitaminDWiki
- Omega-3 product
- See also Omega-3 testing
- Mercola is against Omega-6 which blocks Omega-3
- See also web
- See also PubMed
- PubMed: Omega-3 Cardio
- Clinical Trials of Omega-3
- 32+ Intervention trials using BOTH Omega and Vitamin D
- Increase Omega-3 from cows by feeding them more Omega-3
- Chart showing decreased Vitamin D for decreased Omega
- Mortality associated with HUFA (Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids = Omega-6)
- Images from the web
- Now I know why the recent Meta-analysis of Omega-3 did not find any reduction in heart deaths - 2018
- FDA battle against Omega-3 as a way to reduce cardiovascular risk - 2020
- Fatty acids: facts vs. fiction - 2021 (informative charts)
- Rhonda Patrick podcast: Unconventional effects of omega-3s - March 2022
- 4 experts agree that Omega-3 can save your life (Algae Omega-3 not blocked by Omega-6?) Oct 2024
- Dr. Rhonda Patrick Omega-3 Overview - May 2023
Omega-3 and Vitamin D separately and together help with Depression, Cardiovascular, Cognition, Pregnancy, Infant, Obesity, Mortality, Breast Cancer, . . .
There are many books on Omega-3: I such as: The Omega-3 Effect
Everything you need to know about the supernutrient for living longer, happier, and healthier
Willian Sears, 2012 Amazon $6 Kindle
Omega-3 content of 3 ounces of (wild, not farmed) fish (150 to 1,900 mg)
Mackerel (Atlantic & Pacific): 1,900 mg EPA + DHA
Herring: 1,330 mg EPA + DHA
Anchovies: 1,200 mg EPA + DHA
Sablefish (Black Cod): 1,200 mg EPA + DHA
Salmon (Atlantic, Chinook, Coho): 1,200 mg EPA + DHA
Sardines (Atlantic & Pacific): 900 mg EPA + DHA
Swordfish: 643 mg EPA + DHA
Trout: 621 mg EPA + DHA
Chat-GPT Dec 2023
Atlantic cod - cooked ~200 mg
Atlantic cod - cooked, farm-raised ~150 mg
Natures Sunshine Omega-3 vs Mercury
Need to take standard Omega-3 with a fatty meal - Google Bard Dec 7, 2023
Does a person need to take Omega-3 with a fatty meal when the Omega-3 is in oil?
Yes, taking Omega-3 oil with a fatty meal is generally recommended for optimal absorption. This is because omega-3 fatty acids are fat-soluble, meaning they require the presence of fat in the digestive system to be properly absorbed into the bloodstream.
Here's why:
- Bile acids: A high-fat meal stimulates the production of bile acids by the liver. These bile acids help to emulsify and break down fats, making them easier for the body to absorb. This includes omega-3 fatty acids present in the oil.
- Micelles: Bile acids form micelles around the omega-3 fatty acids, creating a water-soluble complex that can be transported through the digestive system and absorbed into the bloodstream.
- Absorption rate: Studies have shown that taking omega-3 supplements with a fatty meal can significantly increase their absorption rate compared to taking them on an empty stomach.
Therefore, while you can still absorb some omega-3 oil without a fatty meal, taking it with a meal containing healthy fats like avocado, nuts, seeds, or fatty fish will significantly improve its absorption and maximize its potential health benefits.
Here are some additional tips for taking Omega-3 oil with a fatty meal:
Take the oil at the beginning of the meal, as this allows for better absorption.
Choose a meal that is naturally high in healthy fats.
Avoid taking omega-3 oil with alcohol or caffeine, as these can interfere with absorption.
Of course, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice regarding the most effective way to take omega-3 supplements for your specific needs.
Emulsified Omega-3 does NOT need a fatty meal: Perplexity AI - May 2024
No, emulsified omega-3 supplements do not need to be taken with fatty meals to be effectively absorbed. Emulsified omega-3 supplements are designed to enhance the bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA, without the need for concurrent high-fat meal consumption. This is achieved through the use of self-micro-emulsifying delivery systems (SMEDS) and other emulsification technologies that simulate the emulsification process of bile, facilitating the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids in the absence of dietary fats.
Research has shown that emulsified forms of omega-3 supplements can significantly increase the absorption of EPA and DHA compared to non-emulsified forms, even when consumed in a fasted state or with low-fat or no-fat meals. For instance, a study demonstrated that a novel SMEDS formulation of omega-3 fatty acids resulted in a more than 6-fold increase in absorption compared to control conditions, highlighting the effectiveness of emulsification in enhancing bioavailability under various dietary conditions 1.
Additionally, other studies have corroborated these findings, indicating that emulsified fish oil supplements lead to enhanced absorption of omega-3 fatty acids compared to traditional capsular forms, without the need for a high-fat meal 6 7. This makes emulsified omega-3 supplements particularly beneficial for individuals who are advised to limit their fat intake or find it inconvenient to coordinate their supplement intake with fatty meals.
In summary, emulsified omega-3 supplements are specifically formulated to improve the bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids without the necessity of accompanying fat intake, making them a convenient option for various dietary preferences and conditions 1 67.
The founder of VitaminDWiki takes Omega-3 emulsion: Coromega
Notes by Admin of VitaminDWiki Dec 2012
- Aroma of food is stored in the fat.
- Certain fats are much more likely to go rancid than others and develop off flavors.
- Animals tend to store excess energy in fat.
- Linolenic acid in 10X less stable than linoleic acid: This form of Omega-3 has a short shelf life discovered 1952
- Israel is the top consumer (per person) of Linoleic acid in the world (30 grams), and have a high rate of heart attack, similar to the US, but with less meat.
- Greens are high in Omega-3
- Should have a low ratio of Omega-6 to Omega 3: US has a high ratio of 10, Sweden has 5, Japan has only 2
Japan has highest life expectancy AND highest Omega-3 consumption in the world (as well as a very high consumption of Vitamin K2) - PUFA was the only way to describe all Omegas until 1964
- Ratios in foods: Flaxseed oil 0.2, Canola 2, Walnut 5, Corn 46
- Far less saturated fat in wild animals than domesticated (1968)
- Omega-3 reduced future heart attacks in Intervention clinical trials
Intervention trial with 11,000 people who already had a heart attack. DHA and EPA 850 mg or placebo.
Within 3 years 45% fewer Sudden Deaths due to subsequent heart attacks.
Additional thoughts from reading The Queen of Fats
- Omega-3 promoters encounter even more resistance than do Vitamin D3 promoters
Economic resistance from the food industry (shelf life) only Omega-3, medical industry opposed to change: Omega-3 and D3 - Wonder – do Americans pay more on health care than they do on food?
Answer YES: 16% on health care and 10% on food - as % of disposable income or % of GDP Breakdown by income level
40 years ago the %s of O-3 and O-6 were almost reversed. - The goal of eating a balanced diet without supplements no longer makes sense when our food is no longer balanced
Perspective of the importance of Vit D and co-factors to health
VitaminDWiki - Omega-3 associations with other categories
Cognitive 48, Pregnancy 39, Cardiovascular 32, Magnesium 31, Infant-Child 31, Depression 29, Meta-analysis 22, Zinc 22, Intervention 21, Inflammation 18, Sports 16, Vitamin K 15, Obesity 13, Trauma and surgery 12, Virus 12, Diabetes 11, Supplement 10, Multiple Sclerosis 9, Seniors 9, ADHD 9, Iron 9, Autism 8, Iodine 8, Vitamin B12, 8 Sleep 7, Women 7, Resveratrol 7, Boron 6, Cancer - Breast 6, Curcumin 6, Vitamin A 6, Liver 6, Cancer - Prostate 5, Vitamin C 5, Mortality 5, Antibiotics, probiotics 4, Hypertension 4, Veterinary 4, Cancer - after diagnosis 4, Rheumatoid Arthritis 4, Metabolic Syndrome 4
See also VitaminDWiki
- Omega-3 reduces risk of COVID-19 - many studies
- Cardiovascular problems reduced by Omega-3 - many studies
- Omega-3 helps muscles - many studies
- Omega 3 increases vitamin D in the blood – many studies
- Omega-3 index - many studies
- Omega-6 blocks Omega-3 etc. -many studies
- Omega-6 increase may have increased the risk of many diseases - Jan 2022
- Preterm birth decreased by Omega-3, etc. - many studies
- Omega-3 reduces many psychiatric disorders – 2 reviews 2016
- ADHD, Autism, Early Psychosis and Omega-3 – review Dec 2017
- Schizophrenia relapses reduced 3X by Omega-3 – RCT Mar 2015
- Typical pregnancy is now 39 weeks – Omega-3 and Vitamin D might restore it to full 40 weeks
- Omega-3 supplementation during pregnancy reduce early preterm births (save 1500 USD per child) – Aug 2016
- Infants getting 1 g of Omega-3 for 12 weeks got better brains – RCT March 2017
- Omega-3 conference and 12 publications – Nov 2014
- Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell by VitaminDWiki
- For every Omega-3 dollar there is a 84 dollar savings in Cardiovascular costs - Foster and Sullivan April 2016
- Overweight women on caloric restriction diet got 3X benefits from 8 weeks of Omega-3 – RCT Dec 2015
- 2.7 fewer days in hospital after surgery if had taken Omega-3 (19 RCT) – meta-analysis – June 2017
- Sepsis: 4 fewer days in ICU if add Omega-3 – meta-analysis of 12 RCT – June 2017
- Omega-7 - in addition to Omega-3
- Consuming more monounsaturated fat increased vitamin D – Aug 2011 has the following
WikiPedia Good (more vitamin D into bloodstream)= much more BLUE than Green
Almonds and macadamia nuts are examples of good foods to take with vitamin D
Omega-3 product
- How To Choose OMEGA-3 Supplements ( Buyer's Guide ) 17 minute Video -Nov 2023
- Simple review of >300 Omega-3 products, no mention about bioavailability 2021
- https://labdoor.com/rankings/vegan-omega-3 Labdoor 2017? VEGAN
- Omega-3 Chewable 400+ items on Amazon Jan 2023
- Fish Oil Supplements – Omega-3 Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage & Best Brand
- Omega-3 Supplement Guide: What to Buy and Why Dec 2015 Healthline
Describes ~10 forms - Fish Oil Review by Consumer Labs Dec 2023 (behind a paywall)
Consumer Labs offers a 5 day free trial
82 page excellent report of 2017 had the following table of contents (updated Dec 2023)
Statins tended to cancel the benefits of Omega-3
Emulsiified forms had 3X to 8X more bioavailability when taken with low fat meal (no indication of bioavailability with high fat meal)
Discusses a huge number of health problems helped by Omega-3: arthritis, gout, ulcerative colitis, dry eye, colorectal cancer, weight loss due to chemotherapy, eye diseases, anxiety, stress, migraine headache, schizophrenia, epilepsy, reading skills, pregnancy, wheezing, cognition, muscle strength
Dose sizes ranged from 60 mg (children) to 1,460 mg/day
No difference noticed in prescription forms - other than price
See also Omega-3 testing
- Omega-3 is vital for health, mail-in test is low cost and accurate $43 Fall 2016
- OmegaQuant has several tests
$55 for Omega-3 Index, $80 adds Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio + AA/EPA ratio + transfat index
They also have a Calculator - input your current index and goal index
Mercola is against Omega-6 which blocks Omega-3
Video and lots of text - Dec 2022
Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet - May 2023 video and text
Founder of VitaminDWiki was unable to get his Omega-3 index up to 8 until he reduced his Omega-6 consumption and switched to emulsified form
See also web
-  Omega-3 LEF March 2022 PDF
- Includes Omega-3 extends life by 4.7 years (Framington Heart Study)
- Vegan form of Omega-3 announced June 2015
- Frequently Asked Questions about DHA and Omega-3 Jan 2017
- Eating fish during pregnancy may boost baby's development, not impair it Medical News today Jan 2015
Omega-3 may counteract the inflammatory effect of mercury Children followed for 20 years - 61 Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Green Med Info Jan 2012
- What’s in Your Fish Oil Supplements? New York Times Jan 2014
Includes reporting on results by LabDoor: accuracy, quality, etc of about 100 fish oil/mega-3 products - THE HISTORY OF OMEGA 3 LiveStrong March 2011
Govt recommendations since 1995 - History of omega-3s since 1923
- TAKE OMEGA 3 UK, lots of reference
- Low omega-3 levels could explain why some children have reading problems Sept 2013
Every one of 493 of the UK kids with cognitive disabilities had low levels of Omega-3
PDF is attached at the bottom of this page - Lard from pigs which never get outdoors has very little vitamin D
"Free range" lard has 500 IU vitamin D per teaspoon rare, but you can get it on the internet, etc - Are Statin Drugs Killing The Health Benefits Of Omega-3 Fat? Green Info Jan 2013
discussion of BMC study published in Jan 2013: those taking statins to no get heat benefits of Omega-3 full text online - 600 mg DHA allowed children underperforming in reading to sleep 1 more hour per night RCT March 2014
- Update on Essential Fats Suillivan, 2011 has the following graph
- Huge list of studies of benefits of Omega-3 - sorted by health problem Expertomega3
2. OMEGA-3 IN INFLAMMATORY PROCESSES - Obesity. Metabolic syndrome, Diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, Periodontitis
3. OMEGA-3 AND THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM - Blood pressure, Sudden death. Plasma lipids, Platelet aggregation, Arteriosclerosis, Arrhythmias, Atrial fibrillation
4. OMEGA-3 IN GESTATION, BREASTFEEDING AND INFANCY - Prevention of preterm birth, Pre-eclampsia, Premature infants, etc
6. OMEGA-3 AND BEHAVIOURAL AND MENTAL DISORDERS - ADHD, Depression, Autism, Bipolar disorder, Borderline personality, Substance abuse, Psychotic disorders
10. OMEGA-3 AND VISION, etc - Organic Meats have 50% more Omega-3 - meta-analysis Feb 2016 NYT
switching to organic meats only adds about 50 mg of Omega-3 - which is not very much
And Omega-6 was slightly lower in organic meats - Cooking oils compared
InformationIsBeautiful.net March 2016
Here is a tiny portion of their analysis
See also PubMed
- The role for dietary omega-3 fatty acids supplementation in older adults Oct 2014
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki. - Evidence-based nutritional advice for patients affected by age-related macular degeneration Feb 2014, free text online
- Role of omega-3 Fatty acids in the treatment of depressive disorders: a comprehensive meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials May 2014, free text online
- U.S. adults are not meeting recommended levels for fish and omega-3 fatty acid intake: results of an analysis using observational data from NHANES 2003-2008 April 2014, free text online
- Helping women to good health: breast cancer, omega-3/omega-6 lipids, and related lifestyle factors March 2014, free text online
- ω-3 PUFAs in the Prevention and Cure of Inflammatory, Degenerative, and Neoplastic Diseases. Biomed Res Int. free full text online
- Statins appear to interfere with Omega-3 Jan 2013
- Cochraine review found that PUFA reduced MS relapses Dec 2012
- Impact of ω-3 fatty acids in Parkinson's disease. PubMed Sept 2011
Association between fish consumption, long chain omega 3 fatty acids, and risk of cerebrovascular disease:
systematic review and meta-analysis Oct 2012 - Omega-3 fatty acids, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes Oct 2011 free text online
- Association between fish consumption, long chain omega 3 fatty acids, and risk of cerebrovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis free text online
- Fetal and neonatal levels of omega-3: effects on neurodevelopment, nutrition, and growth 2012 free text online
- Celiac disease, inflammation and oxidative damage: a nutrigenetic approach. April 2012
- Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): an ancient nutrient for the modern human brain. May 2011
- Omega-3 fatty acids modify human cortical visual processing--a double-blind, crossover study. 2011
- 10-year cognition in preterms after random assignment to fatty acid supplementation in infancy. Oct 2011
- Long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids may be beneficial for reducing obesity-a review.
Dec 2010 PDF is attached at bottom of this page - it has the following graph of fat loss vs type of fat
- Dietary interventions for multiple sclerosis. Cochrane Dec 2012
Review of many RCT - Omega-3 reduced MS relapases by 18%, but was not statistically significant - Fish oil (n-3 fatty acids) in drug resistant epilepsy: a randomised placebo-controlled crossover study Sept 2014
1080 mg eicosapentaenoic acid+docosahexaenoic acid) was associated with a 33.6% reduction in seizure frequency
2000 mg was similar to placebo - no reduction
PubMed: Omega-3 Cardio__
- Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiac rhythm: an introduction. 2012 full text online
- Are the anti-arrhythmic effects of omega-3 fatty acids due to modulation of myocardial calcium handling? 2012 free text online
- Omega-3 for patients with cardiovascular disease Nov 2012 free text online
- Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiac rhythm: an introduction. Dec 2012 full text online
After almost 20 years, still no consensus - Omega-3 index and cardiovascular health Feb 2014 free text online
- Omega-3 Fatty acids: anti-arrhythmic, pro-arrhythmic, or both? 2012
- Effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D on cardiovascular diseases Feb 2014,
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki__
PubMed: Omega-3 Brain
- Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain: metabolism and neuroprotection. PubMed June 2011
- A nutrient combination that can affect synapse formation April 2014, free text online
- The older people, omega-3, and cognitive health (EPOCH) trial design and methodology:
a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial investigating the effect of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids
on cognitive ageing and wellbeing in cognitively healthy older adults. Oct 2011
PubMed: Omega-3 Cancer__
- Omega-3 aids chemotherapy (by reducing inflammation) Jan 2013
Omega-3 reduce the risk only in patients not taking a statin - Relationship of dietary intake of omega-3 and omega-6 Fatty acids with risk of prostate cancer development Dec 2012 full text online
a meta-analysis of prospective studies and reviewthe of literature.High intake of ALA may reduce risk of prostate cancer, while intake of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids does not have a significant effect. - Omega-3 Fats Help Overcome Multi-Drug Resistant CancerNov 2013
Nothing about Vitamin D, but interesting anyway - mainly colon cancer, but it might apply to others as well.
Clinical Trials of Omega-3
- INTERVENTION Clinical trials with Omega-3 927 as of Dec 2022
Bacterial and Fungal Diseases, Behaviors and Mental Disorders , Blood and Lymph Conditions
Cancers and Other Neoplasms , Digestive System Diseases, Diseases and Abnormalities at or before Birth
Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases , Eye Diseases, Gland and Hormone Related Diseases
Heart and Blood Diseases, Immune System Diseases, Mouth and Tooth Diseases
Muscle, Bone, and Cartilage Diseases, Nervous System Diseases, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases
Occupational Diseases, Parasitic Diseases, Respiratory Tract (Lung and Bronchial) Diseases
Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases, Substance Related Disorders , Symptoms and General Pathology
Urinary Tract, Sexual Organs, and Pregnancy Conditions; Viral Diseases; Wounds and Injuries
32+ Intervention trials using BOTH Omega and Vitamin D
Increase Omega-3 from cows by feeding them more Omega-3
- Supplementing different ratios of short- and medium-chain fatty acids to long-chain fatty acids in dairy cows: Changes of milk fat production and milk fatty acids composition
Journal of Dairy Science, Feb 2013
The milk fat percentage and total SMCFA concentration in milk fat tended to increase linearly and the proportion of milk total solids increased linearly with increasing ratios of SMCFA to LCFA in the supplements, whereas milk fat yield was not changed.
Omega-3 from cattle vanish after eating grain in the feedlot
Note:By US definitions Grass fed beed can be grain finished in a feedlot since the definitions are not regulations nor are they checked.
Also: the defintions allow feeding grain for about half of the year - when the grass is not growing
Fatty Acid Analysis of Grass-fed and Grain-fed Beef Tallow Masterjohn Jan 2014
Total PUFA Grain: 3.45% Grass: 1.9%
NOTE: PDF of a 2010 study of Cattle and Omega-3 is attached at the bottom of this page
100% grassfed has the best Omega-3 / Omega-6 ratio
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki.
author also has a GREAT book on eating far healthier heritage fruits and vegitables Eating on the Wild Side
Chart showing decreased Vitamin D for decreased Omega
Mortality associated with HUFA (Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids = Omega-6)
Images from the web
Now I know why the recent Meta-analysis of Omega-3 did not find any reduction in heart deaths - 2018
Previous version of the Cochrane analysis had excluded all trials with fewer than 50 deaths
This review looked at 2100 studies and excluded 90% of them
This review did not mention if they had continued that outrageous exclusion.
details in Orthomolecular Nutrtion
I had wondered how the Cochrane Review could possibly have not found a benefit.
The reading of the paper did not indicate the reason. But now I have found out why.
I wonder how many other Cochrane reviews are similarly biased by excluding studies which find a benefit
Henry Lahore, founder of VitaminDWiki Aug 2018
FDA battle against Omega-3 as a way to reduce cardiovascular risk - 2020
Are We Finally Reaching Consensus About Fish Oil ? Life Extension Magazine editorial Aug 2020
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
"On February 26, 1987, the FDA conducted an armed raid against Life Extension®
The FDA seized our fish oil and brochures describing fish oil’s potential to reduce cardiovascular risk.
We fought a multi-year legal battle that resulted in the government dismissing all charges against Life Extension®, marking the first time in the FDA’s 88-year history that it has been forced to give up on a criminal prosecution"
Fatty acids: facts vs. fiction - 2021 (informative charts)
Int J Vitam Nutr Res (2021), 1–21 https://doi.org/10.1024/0300-9831/a000713
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Rhonda Patrick podcast: Unconventional effects of omega-3s - March 2022
Must be a $5/month member to listen
The cardioprotective effects of omega-3s are pretty well established. But the research on omega-3s has also revealed that they're involved in nearly every aspect of human health, eliciting some unconventional effects that influence neurocognitive, immunological, and respiratory health, and lots more – throughout the lifespan.
In this Aliquot, we share a variety of segments from different interviews covering some of the unconventional effects of omega-3 fatty acids and how to overcome some of the roadblocks to obtaining these effects.
00:00:00 - Omega-3s support the brain, the immune system, and healthy aging
00:03:29 - Omega-3's in breastmilk support brain development
00:05:24 - Omega-3s slow epigenetic aging (Dr. Steve Horvath segment)
00:09:19 - EPA and DHA resolve inflammation
00:10:35 - Omega-3s in phospholipid form are better absorbed (discussion w/ Kevin Rose)
00:18:10 - Sources of phospholipid-bound omega-3s
00:26:23 - Rhonda's omega-3 intake
00:28:15 - Risks of omega-3 supplementation
00:30:28 - Is vegetarian ALA equivalent to marine EPA and DHA?
4 experts agree that Omega-3 can save your life (Algae Omega-3 not blocked by Omega-6?) Oct 2024
Dr. Rhonda Patrick Omega-3 Overview - May 2023
100724 visitors, last modified 11 Feb, 2025, |
ID | Name | Uploaded | Size | Downloads | |
20447 | seafood-omega3-mercurys.jpg | admin 08 Dec, 2023 | 71.62 Kb | 482 | |
19613 | FoundMyFitness Omega-3 fatty acids_CompressPdf.pdf | admin 29 May, 2023 | 575.12 Kb | 305 | |
19543 | Veg oil obesity.jpg | admin 08 May, 2023 | 74.15 Kb | 756 | |
17065 | LEF March 2022-Omega-3.pdf | admin 19 Feb, 2022 | 394.35 Kb | 496 | |
16256 | Fatty acids facts vs fiction.pdf | admin 22 Sep, 2021 | 586.36 Kb | 652 | |
14059 | LEF Fish Oil Aug 2020.pdf | admin 20 Jul, 2020 | 527.44 Kb | 786 | |
10906 | Omega-3 CL Nov 2018.jpg | admin 25 Nov, 2018 | 19.97 Kb | 4567 | |
9969 | Omega-3 LEF July 2018.pdf | admin 18 Jun, 2018 | 1.06 Mb | 976 | |
9512 | Omega-3 body.jpg | admin 13 Mar, 2018 | 46.46 Kb | 5534 | |
9511 | Omega-3 - 10 benefits.jpg | admin 13 Mar, 2018 | 101.68 Kb | 11029 | |
8130 | CVD Vitamin D.jpg | admin 24 Jun, 2017 | 70.88 Kb | 7594 | |
8129 | CVD Omega-3.jpg | admin 24 Jun, 2017 | 95.26 Kb | 6524 | |
8128 | CVD, Omega-3 and Vitamin D.pdf | admin 24 Jun, 2017 | 93.77 Kb | 1226 | |
7618 | Oils 2016.jpg | admin 04 Jan, 2017 | 56.79 Kb | 6448 | |
6679 | mortality-and-omega-6-graph.jpg | admin 18 May, 2016 | 30.05 Kb | 7434 | |
4804 | Omega-3 and seniors.pdf | admin 01 Jan, 2015 | 1.04 Mb | 2436 | |
4693 | Omega3-6 pasture.jpg | admin 07 Dec, 2014 | 47.97 Kb | 8726 | |
4692 | grassfed_quivira.pdf | admin 07 Dec, 2014 | 263.04 Kb | 2758 | |
3810 | Vectomega 1 = 6 oz salmon.jpg | admin 16 Apr, 2014 | 157.71 Kb | 11416 | |
3030 | Omega-3 and cognitive performance.pdf | admin 24 Sep, 2013 | 642.05 Kb | 2333 | |
2513 | Grass fed omega.pdf | admin 20 May, 2013 | 491.98 Kb | 1914 | |
2507 | Omega-3 feedlot.jpg | admin 17 May, 2013 | 29.97 Kb | 11360 |