- 16+ VitaminDWiki pages having MENOPAUSE etc in the title
- VitaminDWiki -
29 studies for Senior Women - VitaminDWiki - Risk of hot flashes decreased by vitamin D, vegan diet, etc.
- VitaminDWiki - The Role of Vitamin D in Menopausal Medicine – Jan 2016
- VitaminDWiki - Age of menopause increases if add vitamin D or UVB
- $1.8 billion = cost of workdays missed due to Menopause Symptoms - June 2023
- UK is considering making severe menopause a disability - Feb 2024
- Note: ~10X faster response times if start with a loading dose
- TOP articles in Loading Dose of Vitamin D
- 92+ studies have Menopause and Vitamin D in the title (Google Scholar)
- See also: Web
- There have been
172886 visits to this page
16+ VitaminDWiki pages having MENOPAUSE etc in the title
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 17
VitaminDWiki -
29 studies for Senior Women This list is automatically updated
- Menopause delayed and symptoms decreased by Vitamin D - many studies
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse after menopause 5.6 X more likely if low Vitamin D (weak muscles) – Oct 2023
- Menopause is earlier in black women (low vitamin D) - Aug 2023
- Breast Cancer prevention with vitamin D might reduce number of mammograms by 4X – Aug 2022
- Senior women need slightly more Vitamin D than senior men (24 ng vs 21 ng) – April 2021
- Coronary Artery Disease 2.9 X more likely in postmenopausal women if Vitamin D deficient – March 2020
- Age of menopause increases if add vitamin D or UVB
- Less cognitive decline in women consuming more Magnesium (and vitamins) – Nov 2019
- Dairy improved bones of senior women – if they also had enough vitamin D – Jan 2019
- Metabolic Syndrome 3.5 X more likely if both Vitamin D and Estrogen are low (senior women)– June 2019
- Majority of postmenopausal women have less than 30 ng of Vitamin D - Review June 2019
- Postmenopausal women need Vitamin D, protein and exercise to prevent loss of muscle and bone – Aug 2018
- All older women need vitamin D supplementation to get to even 20 ng (results of modeling) – May 2018
- Half of Women Over 50 Desperately Need This Potent Nutrient (Vitamin D) – April 2018
- Nordic Walking and 4,000 IU of vitamin D lowered cholesterol, fat, weight, and lipids (senior women) – RCT Feb 2018
- Overweight senior women with low vitamin D were 12X more likely to be weak – Feb 2018
- Vitamin D In Older Women - Fractures, Frailty and Mortality – Buchebner thesis 2017
- Metabolic syndrome 1.9 X more likely if senior women had less than 30 ng of Vitamin D – Oct 2017
- Total hip replacement: 14 times more likely to redo if low vitamin D – March 2017
- The Role of Vitamin D in Menopausal Medicine – Jan 2016
- Muscle strength of senior women increased 25 percent with vitamin D, decreased 6 percent with placebo – Oct 2016
- Improved muscle function in postmenopausal women with just 1,000 IU of vitamin D daily – RCT May 2015
- Senior Korean women have much less vitamin D than men (possible reasons) Jan 2014
- Metabolic syndrome 2.4 X more likely if senior women had low vitamin D – Nov 2013
- Less weight gain by senior women if vitamin D levels over 30 ng – Kaiser Dec 2012
- Women very low on vitamin D were 56 percent more likely to die in nursing home – Feb 2012
- Menopause group advises too little vitamin D supplementation etc. – Jan 2012
- Low vitamin D in elderly women associated with being heavier and less active – Jan 2010
- 2X less urinary incontinence in senior women when vitamin D greater than 30 ng– April 2010
VitaminDWiki - Risk of hot flashes decreased by vitamin D, vegan diet, etc.
VitaminDWiki - The Role of Vitamin D in Menopausal Medicine – Jan 2016
VitaminDWiki - Age of menopause increases if add vitamin D or UVB
$1.8 billion = cost of workdays missed due to Menopause Symptoms - June 2023
Impact of Menopause Symptoms on Women in the Workplace
Mayo Clinic Proceedings Vol 98, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 833-845 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2023.02.025
Stephanie S. Faubion MD, MBA a d, Felicity Enders PhD b, Mary S. Hedges MD c, Rajeev Chaudhry MBBS, MPH d e, Juliana M. Kling MD, MPH d f, Chrisandra L. Shufelt MD, MS a d, Mariam Saadedine MD a d, Kristin Mara MS b, Joan M. Griffin PhD g, Ekta Kapoor MBBS d h iObjective
To evaluate the impact of menopause symptoms on work outcomes and to assess the estimated economic impact.Patients and Methods
Women aged 45 to 60 years receiving primary care at 1 of the 4 Mayo Clinic sites were invited to participate in a survey study (Hormones and ExpeRiences of Aging) from March 1 through June 30, 2021. A total of 32,469 surveys were sent, with 5219 responses (16.1% response rate). Of the 5219 respondents, 4440 (85.1%) reported current employment information and were included in the study. The primary outcome was self-reported adverse work outcomes related to menopause symptoms assessed by the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS).Results
The mean age of the 4440 participants was 53.9±4.5 years, with the majority being White (4127 [93.0%]), married (3398 [76.5%]), and educated (2632 [59.3%] college graduate or higher); the mean total MRS score was 12.1, signifying moderate menopause symptom burden. Overall, 597 women (13.4%) reported at least one adverse work outcome due to menopause symptoms; 480 women (10.8%) reported missing work in the preceding 12 months (median, 3 days missed). The odds of reporting an adverse work outcome increased with increasing menopause symptom severity; women in the highest quartile of total MRS scores were 15.6 (95% CI, 10.7 to 22.7; P<.001) times more likely to have an adverse work outcome vs those in the first quartile. Based on workdays missed due to menopause symptoms, we estimate an annual loss of $1.8 billion in the United States.Conclusion
This large cross-sectional study identified a major negative impact of menopause symptoms on work outcomes and the need to improve medical treatment for these women and make the workplace environment more supportive. Additional studies are needed to confirm these findings in larger and more diverse groups of women.Section snippets
Study Design and Participants
We conducted a one-time survey study among women aged 45 to 60 years receiving primary care at 1 of 4 Mayo Clinic sites—Rochester, Minnesota; Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Health System, Northwest Wisconsin. The women were invited to complete a questionnaire between March 1 and June 30, 2021, that aimed to assess their menopause experiences and their perceptions about the care they received. The questionnaire assessed menopause symptoms, the impact of these...Participants
Of the 32,469 surveys sent, 5219 responses were received (16.1%); 4440 (85.1%) of the respondents reported current employment and were included in the study. The demographic characteristics of the women in the study are summarized in Table 1. The mean age of the 4440 participants was 53.9±4.5 years, and the majority were White (4127 [93.0%]), married (3398 [76.5%]), and educated (2632 [59.3%] college graduate or higher). The mean total MRS score was 12.1, signifying moderate menopause symptom...Discussion
To our knowledge, this is the largest study to date examining the impact of menopause symptoms on work outcomes. Employed US women receiving primary care at a large medical center across 4 geographic locations reported a substantial menopause symptom burden and a negative impact of these symptoms on work outcomes. Women who reported adverse work outcomes had a higher BMI and were less likely to be married or to consume alcohol regularly compared with those without an adverse work outcome. The...Conclusion
Women are a vital part of the global workforce and economy. This study identified an association between menopause symptoms and adverse work outcomes, including lost work productivity. The severity of menopause symptoms strongly predicted the odds of an adverse work outcome. Based on this analysis, the estimated annual cost associated with lost days of work related to menopause symptoms among US women aged 45 to 60 years is $1.8 billion. Racial and ethnic differences were identified, with Black ...43 References
- G. Jack et al. Menopause in the workplace: what employers should be doing Maturitas (2016)
- A. Griffiths et al. Menopause and work: an electronic survey of employees' attitudes in the UK Maturitas (2013)
- M. Evandrou et al. Menopausal transition and change in employment: evidence from the National Child Development Study Maturitas (2021)
- R.A.M. Hammam et al. Menopause and work—the experience of middle-aged female teaching staff in an Egyptian governmental faculty of medicine Maturitas (2012)
- C. Hardy et al. What do working menopausal women want? a qualitative investigation into women's perspectives on employer and line manager support Maturitas (2017)
- C.L. Kracht et al. It just seems like people are talking about menopause, but nobody has a solution": a qualitative exploration of menopause experiences and preferences for weight management among Black women Maturitas (2022)
- N.F. Woods et al. Symptoms during the perimenopause: prevalence, severity, trajectory, and significance in women's lives Am J Med (2005)
- M. Rees et al. Global consensus recommendations on menopause in the workplace: a European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) position statement Maturitas (2021)
E.B. Gold et al.
Factors related to age at natural menopause: longitudinal analyses from SWAN
Am J Epidemiol
World Population Prospects 2019. Population by broad age groups—female, 2019. United Nations website
N.F. Woods et al.
Quality of life, menopause, and hormone therapy: an update and recommendations for future research editorial
M. Geukes et al.
The impact of menopausal symptoms on work ability
R. Kagan et al.
Impact of sleep disturbances on employment and work productivity among midlife women in the US SWAN database: a brief report
J. Whiteley et al.
Impact of the severity of vasomotor symptoms on health status, resource use, and productivity
M. Hickey et al.
No sweat: managing menopausal symptoms at work
J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol
G. Jack et al.
Temporality and gendered agency: menopausal subjectivities in women’s work
Hum Relations
N.E. Avis et al.
Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN). Duration of menopausal vasomotor symptoms over the menopause transition
JAMA Intern Med
E.W. Freeman et al.
Risk of long-term hot flashes after natural menopause: evidence from the Penn Ovarian Aging Study cohort
N. Coslov et al.
Symptom experience during the late reproductive stage and the menopausal transition: observations from the Women Living Better survey
A.L. Hersh et al.
National use of postmenopausal hormone therapy: annual trends and response to recent evidence
B.L. Sprague et al.
A sustained decline in postmenopausal hormone use: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2010
Obstet Gynecol
Cited by (4)
Why is everyone talking about menopause?
2023, Maturitas
Menopause—Biology, consequences, supportive care, and therapeutic options
2023, Cell- Menopause: Time for a Paradigm Shift 2023, Mayo Clinic Proceedings It's time to wake up: vasomotor symptoms, poor sleep, and their relationship with adverse work outcomes - 2023, Menopause
UK is considering making severe menopause a disability - Feb 2024
Note: ~10X faster response times if start with a loading dose
Loading Dose of Vitamin D category contains:
209 items in category
see also Overview Loading of vitamin D Overview Toxicity of vitamin D
Better than Daily 1: Fewer chances to forget, 2) Gets past receptor barrier
Injection category has68 items
It appears that over 1 million Vitamin D loading doses have been taken
Doses ranged from 100,000 to 600,000 IU over a period of a day to a month
No reports of serious adverse reactions
Many studies report on the benefits resulting from loading dosesTOP articles in Loading Dose of Vitamin D
- Surgery complications cut in half by 300,000 IU of vitamin D 2 weeks before (hip and knee) – RCT May 2024
- Some ICU patients got 540,000 IU of Vitamin D: good responders lived longer than controls or poor responders – RCT June 2024
- Single 600,000 IU dose of nanoemulsion Vitamin D is safe and effective to fight COVID, even if delay until enter ICU – RCT May 2024
- Vitamin D loading dose of 30,000 IU twice a week is safe and effective – RCT July 2023
- Large dose Vitamin D before surgery was found to help by 35 studies
- Vitamin D is needed before many surgeries – many studies and RCTs
- 400,000 IU of vitamin D 3 days after COVID symptoms reduced 14 day mortality by 3X – Annweiler RCT May 2022
- High-dose Vitamin D safe for children (10,000 IU daily, 600,000 IU bolus) – meta-analysis April 2022
- Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID
- Rapid Vitamin D Delivery May Result in Better COVID Outcomes - Dec 9, 2021
- Vitamin D loading doses quickly and safely raise levels – meta-analysis Dec 2021
- Childhood cancers – give Vitamin D loading dose if low – Oct 2021
- French recommended 200,000 IU of Vitamin D to stop COVID-19 - Jan 2021
- Vitamin D loading dose was as effective as daily dosing (rickets in this case) – RCT July 2021
- Stoss (loading) dose of vitamin D resulted in bigger response at 30 days (again) – RCT April 2021
- Vitamin D loading dose (stoss therapy) proven to improve health
- Low trauma bone fractures in seniors – considering Vitamin D loading dose for all, without testing – Nov 2019
- Intensive Care (ICU) helped by Vitamin D – review of past and on-going studies – Dec 2018
- Vitamin D restoration then monthly was the most popular dosing by trials – Nov 2018
- Rickets virtually cured by 90,000 IU of Vitamin D along with daily Calcium – RCT Nov 2018
- Rapidly restore Vitamin D levels with 10,000 IU per kg for children in ICU – RCT 2024
- Reasons for Low Vitamin D and what to do
- Healthy in Seven Days - Loading dose of Vitamin D – book 2014
- Can get 50,000 IU Vitamin D anywhere on the globe
92+ studies have Menopause and Vitamin D in the title (Google Scholar)
Google Scholar Some sample studies
- Relationship between vitamin D levels and age of menopause and reproductive lifespan: Analysis based on the National health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES) 2001–2018 - Oct 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejogrb.2023.09.003
- Determinants and Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review - Jan 2023 https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15030685 FREE PDF
- The role of vitamin D in menopausal women’s health - June 2023 https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2023.1211896 FREE PDF
- Vitamin D supplementation after the menopause - June, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1177/2042018820931291 FREE PDF
- Effect of Vitamin D on the Vaginal Health of Menopausal Women: A Systematic Review- Dec 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.6118/jmm.19194 FREE PDF
- EMAS position statement: Vitamin D and menopausal health - March 2023 FREE PDF
- Vitamin D and the Immune System in Menopause: A Review - Dec 2021 https://doi.org/10.6118/jmm.21011 FREE PDF
- Vitamin D, menopause, and aging: quo vadis? - Nov 2019 https://doi.org/10.1080/13697137.2019.1682543
- Vitamin D supplementation after the menopause - 2020 https://doi.org/10.1177/2042018820931291 FREE PDF
See also: Web
- Some studies have shown vitamin D can also help stabilise your emotions and moods and it is widely considered to be the most important vitamin for menopausal women. URL
- Benefits of Vitamin D for Women in Menopause - Dec 2022 URL mainly decrease health problems while aging
- Vitamin D Deficiency: Widespread Effects in Postmenopausal Women - Feb, 2023 URL
- Why You Should Supplement Vitamin D for Menopause - Oct 2023 URL
There have been
172886 visits to this page
Menopause delayed and symptoms decreased by Vitamin D - many studies169715 visitors, last modified 23 Feb, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)