- Overview
- Back Pain:
- See also
- Review of Over the Counter Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain - Nov 2020
- See also PubMed
- Back pain is 4th biggest global cause of disability: ages 50-69
- Back Pain relief experience - Henry Lahore, admin of VitaminDWiki, Dec 2014
- UK review of Back Pain - asking for comments March 2016
- Notes on Low back pain in recent times:less exercise, outdoors less (low vitamin D)
- VitaminDWiki - Lumbar degenerative disc diseases can be prevented via Vitamin D Receptor – many studies
- Pain relievers can extend the duration of back pain - and sometimes turning it into a chronic pain - May 2022
- Pain Reprocessing Therapy for Chronic Back Pain - RCT Sept 2021
- Opioids no better than placebo for Back Pain - RCT June 2023
- A Back Pain clinical trial is underway - trying out 12 back pain remedies - to be completed March 2024
- By what mechanism does magnesium relieve back pain? Perplexity AI - May 2024
- See also web
- Low back pain 2X more likely if very low Vitamin D – meta-analysis Nov 2017
- Lumbar degenerative disc diseases might be fought by Vitamin D Receptor activation– many studies
- Back pain was found in one study to be relieved in 95% of patients by vitamin D
- Vitamin D treats many types of Chronic Pains
- Vitamin D improves bone health, which decreases back problems
- There are
44 items in the Back Pain category in VitaminDWiki - Magnesium also reduces back pain
- by reducing muscle tension and improving bones- Founder of VitaminDWiki found a combination including Vit D plus Mg to be great
Learn how Vitamin D is essential for good health
Watch a 5 minute video "Does Less Sun Mean more Disease?"
Browse for other Health Problems and D in left column or here
see also Supplementing and More in the menu at the top of every page
If you have a disease associated with low Vit D take Vit D
Raising your Vit D levels will substantially prevent other low-Vit D health problems
Proof that Vitamin D Works Getting Vitamin D into your blood and cells
Books and Videos279 Diseases that may be related via low vitamin D
Reasons for low response to vitamin D Why are doctors reluctant
Cancer studies include: Breast261 Colon 147 Lung 56 Prostate 106 Pancreatic 59 Skin 121
Colds and flu Dark Skin471 Diabetes 558 Obesity 444 Pregnancy 937 Seniors 434
COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videosBack Pain:
44 items total
- wiki page:
- Low Back Pain not helped by vitamin D if low dose or short duration (loading dose does help however) - meta-analysis Nov 2024
- Earthing proven by RCTs to work - improves sleep, reduces blood viscosity, etc.
- Willow Bark Extract and Aspirin have many health benefits (Vitamin D might be better) - Dec 2023
- Backpain relief – low evidence that drugs or NSAIDS help – Meta-analysis March 2023
- Off topic: back muscle pain quickly treated by TENS - Jan 2023
- Low back pain – 72 percent have low vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2018
- 2.5 X more health compaints in children and youths if low vitamin D – Jan 2021
- Spinal Fusion complications 2.2 X more likely if low Vitamin D – Dec 2020
- Lumbar disc degeneration and low back pain associated with low vitamin D (senior women) - May 2020
- Spinal disc degeneration 1.8X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – mata-analysis Sept 2020
- Spinal disc degeneration reduced by Omega-3 (in rats) – RCT Dec 2019
- Long-term neck and back pains greatly reduced by 50,000 IU of Vitamin D – 4 cases – Sept 2019
- Employees back pain costs an average of 440 dollars (not counting lost productivity) – 2017
- Chronic Lower Back pain increased - post high school, Medicare, number of years, etc. – Feb 2009
- Low back pain over age 30 – about 1 in 10 – Review Oct 2015
- Less sun, more back pain (low vitamin D) – Sept 2018
- Low back pain 2X more likely if very low Vitamin D – meta-analysis Nov 2017
- Lower back pain treated by 600,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT June 2019
- Lumbar disc degeneration 30 percent more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – May 2019
- Back pain not helped by Vitamin D (if ignore amount and type) – meta-analysis March 2018
- Widespread pain, arthritis pain and muscle pain are associated with low vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2018
- Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease 3X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – March 2018
- Disc Degeneration in women is 1.7X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Jan 2017
- Degeneration of lumbar disc 2.5 X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor (not detected by test) Feb 2018
- Back pain in adults 2 times more likely if less than 12 ng of vitamin D – Review Nov 2017
- Lumbar degenerative disc diseases might be fought by Vitamin D Receptor activation– many studies
- Long-term lower back pain greatly reduced by Magnesium - RCT 2013
- Low back pain in 71 percent of youths in Egypt – associated with low vitamin D – April 2017
- Chronic Back Pain relieved by weekly 60,000 IU of vitamin D – Jan 2017
- Degenerative Diseases of the Spine are related to low vitamin D levels – Oct 2016
- Back pain not relieved when vitamin D levels remained below 30 nanograms – RCT Nov 2015
- Lower back pain 3X more likely if low vitamin D – Jan 2015
- Backache strongly associated with low vitamin D – July 2014
- Back Pain
- Vitamin D and rheumatic diseases. – Review July 2014
- Back pain extremely associated with low level of vitamin D – May 2014
- Back pain cured with vitamin D – Book May 2014
- Spinal disc degeneration is associated with vitamin D receptor genes, and others – March 2013
- Lumbar spinal stenosis pain strongly associated with low vitamin D – March 2013
- Back pain associated with less than 40 ng vitamin D – March 2013
- Vitamin D reduced skeletal pain in 85 percent of the patients – Nov 2012
- After back surgery failure, vitamin D greatly reduced the pain of every person
- 100 Million Americans Have Chronic Pain – IoM June 2011
File- Back pain reduced for 95 percent of those who took vitamin D - 2003
This file resulted in the creation of VitaminDWiki
See also
169 items
Overview Pain and Vitamin D
Overview Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue and vitamin D
Bone - Health category listing has315 items along with related searches -
Note: People with healthy bones are less likely to have poor backsClinical Trial for Back Pain announced 2014, but not published as of 2024
extensive full text online, 100,000 IU vitamin D injection, unilateral lumbar disc herniation
Review of Over the Counter Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain - Nov 2020
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
MAGNESIUM (clipped from PDF)
Magnesium acts as an NMDA receptor antagonist, blunting central nervous system sensitization to pain 36. It is currently available in a variety of forms including magnesium oxide, citrate, and chloride. The most common adverse effects of magnesium are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Magnesium also may interfere with coagulation and cause increased bruising and bleeding in those with clotting disorders. At toxic doses, magnesium may lead to hypotension, muscle weakness, depressed reflexes, and cardiac arrhythmias.Randomized Controlled Trials (2 weeks infravenous then 4 weeks oral; pain relieved for 6 months)
A 2012 double-blinded RCT evaluated magnesium therapy in patients with chronic low back pain with a neuropathic component 37. All enrolled patients received gabapentin 300 mg orally three times daily, amitriptyline hydrochloride 25 mg orally at bedtime, and celecoxib 200 mg orally twice daily. Treatment (magnesium) group patients received an intravenous infusion of magnesium sulfate 1 g in 250 ml saline 0.9% given over 4 h every day for 2 weeks. This infusion was then replaced with oral magnesium therapy twice daily for 4 weeks using capsules containing magnesium oxide 400 mg and magnesium gluconate 100 mg. All patients rated their pain intensity using an independent pain physician and an 11-point numeric scale (NRS). Patients in the placebo and treatment groups reported a statistically significant reduction in pain intensity at 2 weeks. However, this pain reduction continued throughout the 6-month follow-up period only among patients receiving magnesium therapy. The researchers concluded that magnesium therapy contributed to a significant reduction in chronic pain intensity at 6 months compared with both baseline and control group values 37.Summary
Studies evaluating the use of magnesium in chronic low back pain are currently limited. However, existing evidence demonstrates an improvement over placebo for patients with chronic low back pain with a neuropathic component. Overall, magnesium appears to be a viable treatment option for those who have failed conventional treatment; however, further research is needed to identify the optimum dose and period of treatment.
See also PubMed
- High Prevalence of Hypovitaminosis D in Indian Chronic Low Back Patients Sept 2015
50% more likely to have a functional disability if low vitamin D
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki - Genetic Alterations in Intervertebral Disc Disease Nov 2016
Collagin, Vitamin D Receptor (3.1 X more likely to have disk degeneration if a type of poor VDR)
See also in VitaminDWiki Vitamin D Receptor - Assessment of Vitamin D status In Patients of Chronic Low Back Pain of Unknown Etiology April 2015
Free PDF is online - Predictive Markers for Vitamin D Deficiency in Young Patients with Low Backache 2016
EVERY person with lower back pain had very low Vitamin D levels
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Back pain is 4th biggest global cause of disability: ages 50-69
Back Pain relief experience - Henry Lahore, admin of VitaminDWiki, Dec 2014
The following combination worked great - pain for only 3 days instead of the typical 10 days
Pain went from 8 ==> 3 on this visual scale
Back pain relief is probably due to one or more of the following:
1) Vitamin D - 50,000 IU - sublingual to get it to the bloodstream in a few hours instead of 12-20 hours
2) Magnesium Chloride - both topical twice a day and internal - I used 1 teaspoon (160 ml) every two hours, total ~ 800 mg/day
Previously had been taking about 50 mg/day ( realized after)
note: horses get 1600 mg/day Mg continuously in their feed- Magnesium For Chronic Low Back Pain Dr. Murray
Increased cellular Mg level by 11% - back pain went away in 4 weeks - and was still low at 6 months - Magnesium for Pain Relief 2010
Discusses medical study of Mg increasing brain chemical called “NMDA.” which reduced pain
study suggests that magnesium deficiency can be a major amplifier of pain - Ending Back Pain with the help of Magnesium Jigsaw health
If there is too much calcium in your body – or not enough magnesium to balance out the calcium – your muscles cannot relax.
These contracted muscles - or spasms or knots – are one of the major sources of back pain
The company has a slow-release form of Magnesium (which should result in fewer gut problems) - See also VitaminDWiki Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
- RCT of Mg injection for lower back pain March 2013 PDF at bottom
Visual pain score 7.5 ==> 4.2 - intracellular magnesium increased by 11% Study 2001
Low back pain score reduced by 49% - Magnesium for leg cramps 2013 review
PDF at bottom conflicting evidence
3) Vitamin C - 500 mg each hour
- Recommended to me along with Magnesium.
Dr. correctly assumed (from previous communications) that I already had a high level of vitamin D
4) Omega-3
5) Back movement exercises while lying on the floor (Feldenkrais)
Update March 2016 - no back pain for more than 1 year
- Vitamin D
- Magnesium Chloride - internal
- Feldenkrais movement exercise weekly as a prevention
- Twisting exercise for 5 minutes at the first sign of lower back pain
- Also Omega-3 and Vitamin K - which may help
Update Nov 2021 - 75+ - back exercises eliminated new back pain
Lie face down on bed with legs extended beyond the bed
raise legs to level of bed using back muscles
Also: Relieve immediate back pain: MgCl mixed with DMSO and/or Arnica
Update Jan 2023 TENS quickly treated my backpain
Note: In May 2023 the US FDA approved implant nerve stimulation to relieve backpain
Update June 2023 - strengthing core muscles appears to have totally eliminated my low back pain
There are many exercises on YouTube that build and maintain core muscles
I liked Fix Lower Back Pain By Strengthening Your Core here are two of their exercises
lie on ground and lift feet >6" for a total of 30 seconds10 minutes of core muscle exercises (4 total)
1 minute psoas stretches - 1 leg on bed, 1 leg standing, then switch legs1 minute stretch legs to horizontal off bed while lying face down on the bed
UK review of Back Pain - asking for comments March 2016
- The words Omega-3 and Magnesium do not exist in the PDF
- "Studies have linked low vitamin D levels to back pain, but the evidence of causation not clear."
- There have been no random controlled clinical trials for Back Pain and vitamin D so the UK was not interested
Note: 13 years before this study it was found that 95% of back pain was reduced with vitamin D - not an RCT
Notes on Low back pain in recent times:less exercise, outdoors less (low vitamin D)
Manual and often outdoors ==> “Labor-saving devices” and less time outdoors
Clothes manual ==> washers and driers
lawn manual ==> powered mower
Edging manual ==> powered edger
Weeding manual ==> chemical
Golf carry clubs while walking ==> electric cart
School walk ==> bus
Clean house sweep ==> vacuum
VitaminDWiki - Lumbar degenerative disc diseases can be prevented via Vitamin D Receptor – many studies
Pain relievers can extend the duration of back pain - and sometimes turning it into a chronic pain - May 2022
Common Medications Can Prolong Back Pain, Study Says New York Times
- "Guidelines from professional medical societies already say that people with back pain should start with nondrug treatments like exercise, physical therapy, heat or massage. Those measures turn out to be as effective as pain-suppressing drugs, without the same side effects."
- Biobank stiudy found ...2,163 people with acute back pain, 461 of whom went on to have chronic pain. Those taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory had nearly double the chance of developing chronic back pain as those taking other drugs or no drugs, the researchers found.
- "An analysis of randomized clinical trials found that these drugs had almost no benefit over placeboes in reducing low back pain."
Study - Acute inflammatory response via neutrophil activation protects against the development of chronic pain PDF
Pain Reprocessing Therapy for Chronic Back Pain - RCT Sept 2021
(Vitamin D is not mentioned)
66% of those randomized to PRT were pain-free or nearly pain-free at posttreatment
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Opioids no better than placebo for Back Pain - RCT June 2023
A Back Pain clinical trial is underway - trying out 12 back pain remedies - to be completed March 2024
Each participant will try 4 treatments for 12 weeks each and indicate how much each helped
Treatments include: duloxetine. opiods, physical therapy, etc. no vitamin D no Magnesium
The BEST Trial: Biomarkers for Evaluating Spine Treatments (BEST)
By what mechanism does magnesium relieve back pain? Perplexity AI - May 2024
Magnesium relieves back pain through several mechanisms, primarily by its action on the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and its role in muscle relaxation and inflammation reduction.
NMDA Receptor Antagonism
One of the primary mechanisms through which magnesium relieves back pain is by acting as an antagonist at the NMDA receptors. The NMDA receptor is a type of glutamate receptor that plays a significant role in pain transmission and central sensitization, a condition where the central nervous system becomes sensitized to pain stimuli, leading to an exaggerated pain response. Magnesium inhibits calcium ions from entering cells by blocking these receptors, which prevents central sensitization and attenuates preexisting pain hypersensitivity. This action helps in reducing the excessive stimulation of the brain chemical NMDA, which is a major mechanism of pain.
Muscle Relaxation
Magnesium also aids in muscle relaxation, which can significantly alleviate muscle tension and spasms that often contribute to back pain. Magnesium's role in muscle function is well-documented; it is essential for proper muscle contraction and relaxation. By helping muscles to relax, magnesium can reduce muscle tightness and spasms, leading to relief from back pain. This is particularly beneficial for conditions like chronic lower back pain, where muscle tension can exacerbate the pain.
Anti-inflammatory Effects
In addition to its role in muscle relaxation and NMDA receptor antagonism, magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a common cause of back pain, and by reducing inflammation, magnesium can help alleviate pain. Magnesium's ability to prevent cartilage breakdown and reduce the likelihood of inflammatory immune responses that damage cells and tissues contributes to its effectiveness in managing back pain. This anti-inflammatory action is crucial for conditions like arthritis, where inflammation plays a significant role in pain.
Additional Mechanisms
Magnesium also plays a role in improving the overall health of the nervous system and supporting energy production in the body. It is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions, including those necessary for energy production, which can indirectly affect the body's ability to manage pain. Furthermore, magnesium's ability to improve sleep quality can also contribute to pain relief, as poor sleep is often associated with increased pain sensitivity.In summary, magnesium relieves back pain through a combination of mechanisms, including antagonism at the NMDA receptors, muscle relaxation, anti-inflammatory effects, and support of overall nervous system health. These actions make magnesium an effective option for managing back pain, as evidenced by various studies and clinical practices.
Click here for references
See also web
- A Comprehensive Guide to the New Science of Treating Lower Back Pain review of 80 studies - Jan 2023 - nothing about Vitamin D
- Vitamin D levels in relation to low back pain during adolescence - Feb 2020?  PDF Kuwait
- this Common Vitamin Deficiency is Causing Your Agonizing Back and Joint Pain Sept 2016
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki - An historical perspective on low back pain and disability 1989
"What is new is chronic disability due to simple backache. Apart from rare cases, this only began to appear in the late nineteenth century. It escalated after World War II." - Spinal Fractures Can Be Terribly Painful. A Common Treatment Isn’t Helping NYT Jan 2019
"Injections of bone cement into fractured vertebrae fail to relieve pain any more than a placebo does, researchers found."
"Medicare pays about $2,400 to $3,000 for vertebroplasty, and $6,500 to $10,000 for kyphoplasty, depending on where the procedure is performed."- This is what has been threatened for my back 30 years ago, but I instead cured my extreme back pain by stretching exercises - founder of VitaminDWiki
- Wikipedia
Low back pain may be classified by duration as acute (pain lasting less than 6 weeks), sub-chronic (6 to 12 weeks), or chronic (more than 12 weeks).
Low back pain often affects mood Vitamin D?
Alternative medicine therapies, including the Alexander technique and herbal remedies
Approximately 9 to 12% of people (632 million) have LBP at any given point in time, and nearly 25% report having it at some point over any one-month period.1920
About 40% of people have LBP at some point in their lives,19 with estimates as high as 80% among people in the developed world.
The majority of LBP does not have a clear cause5 but is believed to be the result of non-serious muscle or skeletal issues such as sprains or strains. Magnesium?
Mechanical or musculoskeletal problems underlie most cases (around 90% or more)
In the United States, it is the most common type of pain in adults, responsible for a large number of missed work days, and is the most common musculoskeletal complaint seen in the emergency department.
In 1998, it was estimated to be responsible for $90 billion in annual health care costs, with 5% of individuals incurring most (75%) of the costs
low back pain responsible for 40% of all missed work days in the United States.Back Pain86553 visitors, last modified 28 May, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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