
Vitamin D and Human Reproduction – 51 page chapter – April 2017

Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani and Samira Behboudi-Gandevani
http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/67394 251 references

See also VitaminDWiki

Healthy pregnancies need lots of vitamin D

   has the following summary
Most were taking 2,000 to 7,000 IU daily for >50% of pregnancy
   Click on hyperlinks for details

Vit. D
0. Chance of not conceiving3.4 times Observe
1. Miscarriage 2.5 times Observe
2. Pre-eclampsia 3.6 timesRCT
3. Gestational Diabetes 3 times RCT
4. Good 2nd trimester sleep quality 3.5 times Observe
5. Premature birth 2 times RCT
6. C-section - unplanned 1.6 timesObserve
     Stillbirth - OMEGA-3 4 timesRCT - Omega-3
7. Depression AFTER pregnancy 1.4 times RCT
8. Small for Gestational Age 1.6 times meta-analysis
9. Infant height, weight, head size
     within normal limits
10. Childhood Wheezing 1.3 times RCT
11. Additional child is Autistic 4 times Intervention
12.Young adult Multiple Sclerosis 1.9 timesObserve
13. Preeclampsia in young adult 3.5 timesRCT
14. Good motor skills @ age 31.4 times Observe
15. Childhood Mite allergy 5 times RCT
16. Childhood Respiratory Tract visits 2.5 times RCT

RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Vitamin D is one of the steroid hormones.
The precursor of vitamin D, 7-dehydrocholesterol, which is an intermediary for cholesterol pathway, is available in the skin.
Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation makes the transformation of 7-dehydrocholesterol to provitamin D3, which automatically isomerizes to cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).
Vitamin D3 is secreted into blood circulation and carried by the vitamin D-binding protein (VDBP).
Around 80-90% of vitamin D is from sunlight-derived production in the skin.
A little amount of vitamin D is also extracted from foods and/or additional supplementation.
Vitamin D has been well known for its function in maintaining calcium and phosphorus homeostasis and promoting bone mineralization.
Accumulating evidence from animal and human studies suggests that vitamin D also modulates reproductive processes in women and men and is involved in many functions of the reproductive system.
Vitamin D receptor (VDR) and vitamin D-metabolizing enzymes are found in reproductive tissues of women and men.
This chapter presents an up-to-date review for describing the function of vitamin D in female reproduction throughout reproductive ages from menarche to menopause, during pregnancy and lactation, and some disorders affecting women and also the role of vitamin D applied to male fertility.

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