The London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association Dec 2011
Infant boy died at age 4 months.
Parents charged with murder
After 2 1/2 years of waiting and 6 weeks of trial they are finally free to grieve for their child
The autopsy had found Rickets
Pathologist wonders how many of the 27 other infant autopsies had missed rickets over the past few years..
A consultant orthopaedic surgeon last year found that more than 20 % of children tested for bone problems in Southampton (UK) showed signs of rickets.
BBC update Jan 24, 2012 found vitamin D deficiency associated with 30 infants deaths
See also VitaminDWiki
- The Vitamin Deficiency Signs That Can Send You to Prison – Feb 2014
- Child abuse, vitamin D deficiency, or what - for parents and defense attorneys - Cannell June 2015
- Vitamin D deficiency was mistaken for child abuse in a small fraction of 2800 cases – April 2014
- Rickets items in VitaminDWiki
128 items - Your vitamin D deficient infant could be taken away from you – Sept 2010
The above item from the Vitamin D council includes the following quotes:
"1/4 of all otherwise normal infants have evidence of infantile rickets while they are still in the womb."
"... it is likely that tens of thousands of infants are being sent home from the hospital with multiple fractures because no one has ever done a study looking for asymptomatic fractures."- Low Vitamin D in infants - video interview of Dr. Holick - May 2017
- Childhood Fractures – consensus report on vitamin D – Feb 2016
- Vitamin D and infants- Dec 2010 file - see page 10+ for battered child
- Vitamin D Levels in Kids are So Low that Rickets is Back with a Vengeance – Kerri Knox
- 50% of very low birthweight infants develop osteopenia with rickets before May 2011
- Wonder when the first doctor will be found liable for not providing vitamin D to a patient
Owners were charged with cruelty to their pet monkey by not providing vitamin D
Wonder when parents will be charged for cruelty to their child for having low levels of vitamin D- Vitamin D: Before, During, and After Pregnancy which has the following summary
IUCumulative Benefit Blood level and notes Co-factors
(see list)Calcium $*/year 400 + less infant rickets
+ 3X less adolescent Schizophrenia
+ fewer child seizures<30 ng/ml Not needed No effect $3 2000 + More likely to get pregnant naturally or via IVF
+ fewer dental problems with pregnancy
+ 8X less diabetes
+ 4X fewer C-sections (>37 ng)
+ 4X less preeclampsia (40 ng vs 10 ng)
+ 5X less child asthma42 ng/ml Desirable < 750 mg $12 - Fewer than 40% of infants got 400 IU of vitamin D - The amount recommended by American Academy of Pediatrics
A June 2010 study which includes the following graph, found that MANY children do not even get 200 IU
and NONE of the children got more than 480 IU
See also web
- Child abuse? Or vitamin D deficiency rickets? Vitamin D Council 2009
- Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets: Another Tragedy Vitamin D Council 2010
- Vitamin D deficiency rickets: another shattered family Vitamin D Council 2010
- Mercola March 2011 - lack of vitamins C, D, or K mistaken for shaken baby syndrome
- Dec 2010 man acquitted of beating his 3 month old - after 14 months of being kept away from his child
- UK couple released from jail and allowed to talk about what happened April 2012
- BBC video on lack of vitamin D- Jan 2012 starts with this following Xray of rickets
Mother and father on trial for infant death – set free – death was due to rickets – Dec 201124408 visitors, last modified 22 Dec, 2017, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category) - Your vitamin D deficient infant could be taken away from you – Sept 2010