
Hospital patients with Vitamin D Deficiency: estimates per 100 vary from 59 to 91 (Nepal)

Vitamin D Deficiency among Patients Presenting to Outpatient Department of Medicine of a Tertiary Care Centre: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study

JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2022 May 5;60(249):465-468. doi: 10.31729/jnma.7452.
Adhyashree Karki 1, Shreeju Vaidhya 2, Dipak Kunwar 3, Rajyashree Kunwar 4

Introduction: Vitamin D deficiency is a global health concern with over billions of people worldwide being vitamin D deficient or insufficient. Many epidemiological studies have reported cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases and neoplastic diseases to be associated with vitamin D levels. This study aims to find out the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients presenting to the outpatient Department of Medicine of a tertiary care center.

Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study done among 362 patients in the outpatient Department of Medicine of a tertiary care center between May, 2016 and August, 2016. Ethical Approval was taken from Institutional Review Committee (Reference number: 21082015). Convenience sampling was done. Informed consent was obtained and data were collected. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 25.0. Point estimate at a 95% Confidence Interval was calculated along with frequency and percentages for binary data.

Results: Out of 362 patients, vitamin D deficiency was found in 215 (59.39%) (54.33-64.45 at 95% Confidence Interval) patients.

Conclusions: The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was found to be lower to the other studies done in in similar settings. Physicians should be aware of the growing prevalence of vitamin D deficiency.
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Vitamin D deficiency in Nepalese hospitals

<20 ng
This out-patient
cross-sectional study
Previous cross-sectional study 73.6%
Previous retrospective study 91.2%

Lower Vitamin D levels in hospital settings

People going to a hospital usually have health problems
Many health problems are either created by or result in low vitamin D
So, hospital vitamin D levels are often lower than the levels in the healthy public

Many countries have low vitamin D levels

see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=2533

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Should not expect the hospitals to give Vitamin D to everyone - they would lose a huge amount of income

There have been 3145 visits to this page

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