
Better erection associated with better Vitamin D – July 2018

The effect of low vitamin D status on sexual functioning and depressive symptoms in apparently healthy men: a pilot study

Robert Krysiak 1, Anna Szwajkosz 2 & Bogusław Okopień 1
International J. of Impotence Research (2018) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41443-018-0041-7
1) Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
2) Oncology Ward, Beskid Oncology Centre—John Paul II Municipal Hospital in Bielsko-Biała, Bielsko-Biała, Poland


Group A
15 men
Group B
16 men
Group C
16 men
Vitamin D 14 ng24 ng40 ng
Erectile function 252829
Orgasmic Function7.39.19.4
Sexual Desire7.08.59.3
Depressive symptoms 27 %12 % 6%

    All differences were statistically significant

Fertility and Sperm category contains the following summary

144 items in Fertility or Sperm in VitaminDWiki

See also:
Overview Women and Vitamin D
Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D    Fertility and Vitamin D – several articles
Ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby - take Vitamin D before conception
IVF OR "IN VITRO FERTILIZATION" etc. in 18 VitaminDWiki titles

Items in both of the categories Intervention AND Fertility/Sperm

PDF is available free at Sci-Hub   10.1038/s41443-018-0041-7

Hypovitaminosis D is associated with sexual dysfunction in apparently healthy women and with erectile dysfunction in men with the presence of concomitant disorders. This study was aimed at investigating sexual functioning and depressive symptoms in young men with low vitamin D status. The study included 15 apparently healthy men (18–40 years old) with vitamin D deficiency (group A), 16 subjects with vitamin D insufficiency (group B ), and 16 men with normal vitamin D status (group C). All participants of the study completed questionnaires investigating their sexual function (the International Index of Sexual Function-15—IIEF-15 for heterosexual men), as well as the presence and severity of depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition—BDI-II). Compared with healthy men, subjects with vitamin D deficiency obtained lower scores for erectile function, orgasmic function, and sexual desire, while individuals with vitamin D insufficiency lower scores only for erectile function. Erectile dysfunction was more prominent in group A than group B. The total BDI-II score was higher in group A than in the other study groups. The results of the study suggest that low vitamin D status impairs male sexual functioning and severity of sexual dysfunction correlates with the degree of hypovitaminosis D.


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