
Asthma: some aspects reduced by Vitamin D – July 2022

Asthma and Vitamin D Deficiency: Occurrence, Immune Mechanisms, and New Perspectives

J Immunol Res. 2022 Jul 15;2022:6735900. doi: 10.1155/2022/6735900
Fardis Salmanpour 1 2 3, Naghmeh Kian 2 3 4, Noosha Samieefar 2 3 4, Mohammad Amin Khazeei Tabari 2 5 6, Nima Rezaei 2 7 8

Asthma PDF Table of Contents


Asthma chart

Asthma, as a chronic inflammatory condition of the airways, has a considerable prevalence among children. Vitamin D might play a role in asthma pathogenesis by affecting the development of the lung, regulating the immune responses, and remodeling of airway smooth muscle (ASM). Study results on the association between the serum level of vitamin D and asthma severity have suggested a converse relationship between lower vitamin D levels and more severe clinical courses. However, they are not consistent in these findings and have shown insignificant correlations, as well. The possible effects of vitamin D on asthma have led researchers to consider this vitamin a potential prophylactic and therapeutic tool for managing children with variant degrees of asthma. Adding vitamin D to the routine corticosteroid therapy of asthmatic children is another field of interest that has shown promising results. In this narrative review study, we aim to elaborate on the existing knowledge on the role of vitamin D in asthma pathogenesis and prognosis, explain the controversies that exist on the effectiveness of treating patients with vitamin D supplements, and make a general conclusion about how vitamin D actually is linked to asthma in children.
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VitaminDWiki - Overview Asthma and Vitamin D contains

The worse the bronchial asthma, the lower the vitamin D – Jan 2017
click on the chart to see the study

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Asthma: some aspects reduced by Vitamin D – July 2022        
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18186 Asthma children new perspectives_CompressPdf.pdf admin 26 Jul, 2022 419.99 Kb 190