- Obesity linked to multiple ills in MS study
- VitaminDWiki -
5 studies in both categories Obesity and MS - VitaminDWiki – Multiple Sclerosis 32 percent less likely among those with more than 32 ng of vitamin D – Dec 2019
Obesity linked to multiple ills in MS study
MD Edge
They seem unaware that
1) Obese people are more likely to have low vitamin D
2) People with lower vitamin D are more likely to get MS
VitaminDWiki -
5 studies in both categories Obesity and MS This list is automatically updated
- Water-soluble form of vitamins are needed for some health problems
- Obese are 50% more likely to develop or have severe MS (Vitamin D not mentioned) - Oct 2023
- Multiple Sclerosis 40% more likely in obese than in overweight (Mendelian randomization) Jan 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis much less likely for children who are thin and tanned - April 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis and obesity share some gene problems (as well as low vitamin D) – June 2016
VitaminDWiki – Multiple Sclerosis 32 percent less likely among those with more than 32 ng of vitamin D – Dec 2019
- Overview MS and vitamin D
- An opportunity - use Vitamin D to treat Multiple Sclerosis (has been used for 14 years) - Feb 2022
- Multiple Sclerosis treated when use high doses of vitamin D – meta-analysis May 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis: 10 percent fewer relapses for each 10 ng higher level of vitamin D – Meta-analysis April 2020
- Multiple Sclerosis: number needed to treat with vitamin D may be as low as 1.3 – Meta-analysis Oct 2013
- Multiple Sclerosis more likely if poor vitamin D genes - 22nd study – Aug 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis relapses cut in half by 100,000 IU of Vitamin D every 2 weeks– RCT 2019
UV and Sunshine reduces MS risk
- Multiple Sclerosis 2X more likely if low winter UV – June 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis half as likely if get plenty of sunshine (not a news item) – March 2018
Other things also help
- Multiple Sclerosis treated by 50,000 IU Vitamin D bi-weekly plus Omega-3 – RCT July 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis 40 percent less likely if consume tinned fish (Vitamin D and Omega-3) – Sept 2019
- Resveratrol treats Multiple Sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases – many studies
- Not a single case of multiple sclerosis in 15,000,000 people (plant-based diets)
High Dose Vitamin D and cofactors
- Coimbra protocol using high-dose Vitamin D is safe – April 2022
- The use of high dose Vitamin D (Coimbra Protocol) for multiple sclerosis in Germany – 2019
- Comparing High-dose vitamin D therapies MS and other health problems
Number of MS studies which are also in other categories
22 studies in Genetics - genes can restrict Vitamin D getting to the blood and to the cells 15 studies in Vitamin D Receptor - gene which restricts D from getting to the cells 7 studies in Vitamin D Binding Protein - gene which restricts D from getting to the cells 21 studies in Ultraviolet light - may be even better than Vitamin D in preventing and treating MS 9 studies in Omega-3 - which helps Vitamin D prevent and treat MS Obese are 50% more likely to develop or have severe MS (Vitamin D not mentioned) - Oct 2023854 visitors, last modified 14 Oct, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)