
Obese are 50% more likely to develop or have severe MS (Vitamin D not mentioned) - Oct 2023

Obesity linked to multiple ills in MS study

MD Edge
They seem unaware that
1) Obese people are more likely to have low vitamin D
2) People with lower vitamin D are more likely to get MS

VitaminDWiki - 5 studies in both categories Obesity and MS

This list is automatically updated

VitaminDWiki – Multiple Sclerosis 32 percent less likely among those with more than 32 ng of vitamin D – Dec 2019

UV and Sunshine reduces MS risk

Other things also help

High Dose Vitamin D and cofactors

Number of MS studies which are also in other categories

  • 22 studies in Genetics - genes can restrict Vitamin D getting to the blood and to the cells
  • 15 studies in Vitamin D Receptor - gene which restricts D from getting to the cells
  • 7 studies in Vitamin D Binding Protein - gene which restricts D from getting to the cells
  • 21 studies in Ultraviolet light - may be even better than Vitamin D in preventing and treating MS
  • 9 studies in Omega-3 - which helps Vitamin D prevent and treat MS