
Breast Cancer Awareness Month founder sells treatment, not prevention

Covering Up The Causes of Breast Cancer Since 1985: AstraZeneca's BCAM GreenMedInfo Oct 2019

Breast Cancer Alert: Conflicts of Interest in Breast Cancer Awareness Month Oct 2015

  • “On its company website, drug giant AstraZeneca (formerly Zeneca Group PLC) explains how it launched Breast Cancer Awareness Month back in 1985. It wasn’t just to raise awareness about breast cancer, but also to get more people talking about breast cancer as part of a “national dialogue.” This dialogue has served as the catalyst for generating immense fear in many women’s minds about the possibility of developing breast cancer, which is why more women than ever are now getting routine mammograms.”
  • “What you likely aren’t being told by your favorite news source is that mammograms have an exceptionally high rate of false alarms – some 500 women per 2,500 screened undergo needless biopsies due to improper diagnoses.”

Those who get a (sometimes false) diagnosis of Breast Cancer are sometimes put on drugs made by AstraZeneca

See also VitaminDWIki

Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D contains the following summary and sections

5X increase of in situ Breast Cancer since the 1985 start of Breast Cancer Awarness month__


Pages listed in BOTH Breast Cancer AND Meta-analysis


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