
Asthma occurrence rate reduced 3X by Vitamin D – 8 study meta-analysis - Aug 2021

Asthma exacerbations in children reduced 2.4X (59%) by 1600 IU of vitamin D daily – 10 study meta-analysis Dec 2024

Vitamin D supplementation decrease asthma exacerbations in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Ann Med. 2024 Dec;56(1):2400313. doi: 10.1080/07853890.2024.2400313
Katherine Fedora 1 2, Retno Asih Setyoningrum 1 2, Qorri' Aina 1, Laili Nur Rosyidah 1, Nur Lailatun Ni'mah 3, Feelin Fatwa Titiharja 4

Background: Observational studies have linked low vitamin D (VD) levels to increased asthma attacks in children. Subsequent meta-analyses of adults and children revealed that VD treatment might benefit asthmatic patients by reducing the incidence of exacerbations. Therefore, this review aims to analyze the effects of VD supplementation in reducing asthma exacerbations in children.

Methods: Published reports from PubMed, Cochrane, and Google Scholar were systematically searched until April 2023. The study protocol was registered in the PROSPERO database CRD42023411796. Randomized controlled trial studies were included in this review. Meta-analysis was performed using Cochrane RevMan 5.1 and presented with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).

Results: Ten relevant studies enrolled 1243 asthmatic children (631 children receiving vitamin D3 supplementation, 612 children receiving placebo) were included in this review. Our pooled analysis found that VD supplementation had a significant effect on lowering the total number of asthma exacerbations (RR 0.62; 95% CI: 0.44, 0.87; p = 0.01).
Subgroup analysis revealed that a daily dose of VD given based on standard daily dose recommendation had a significant improvement on asthma exacerbations [(RR 0.41; 95% CI: 0,18, 0,92; p = 0.03).

Conclusions: Vitamin D supplementation can lower the occurrence of exacerbations in children with asthma, along with the improvement of FEV1.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Vitamin D and asthma occurrence in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis - Aug 2021

Journal of Pediatric Nursing, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2021.07.005 PDF costs $14.


Note: 3X average reduction for trials giving
200, 200, 600, 650, 1,000, 1,000, 1,200, 2,000 IU daily   for as little as 6 weeks
   Should have given > 1,500 IU daily for at least 24 weeks

The association between serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) level and asthma occurrence in children was controversial.

Eligibility criteria
The Pubmed, Ovid Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library were systematically searched up to April 13th 2020. All the study measured the serum 25-OHD level in children, or classified the children based on the 25-OHD level into severe vitamin D deficiency, insufficient deficiency and comparing the prevalence of asthma in childhood were included in our study.

A total of 35 studies were included in our meta-analysis. Among them, 24 studies were included for analyzing the association between 25-OHD level and asthma, and 12 studies evaluated the treatment effect of vitamin D.

The children with asthma (5711 participants) had significant lower 25-OHD level than children without asthma (21,561 participants) (21.7 ng/ml versus 26.5 ng/ml, SMD = −1.36, 95% = −2.40 - - 0.32, P = 0.010).
Besides, the children with asthma treated with vitamin D supplement had a significantly lower recurrence rate than the placebo group (18.4% versus 35.9%, RR = 0.35, 95%CI = 0.35–0.79, P = 0.002).

Children with asthma had a lower 25-OHD level than healthy children.
Vitamin D supplement could decrease the asthma recurrence rate in the follow-up years.

This study implies that lower 25-OHD may cause asthma in childhood.

Overview Asthma and Vitamin D contains

The worse the bronchial asthma, the lower the vitamin D – Jan 2017
click on the chart to see the study

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