MIT Classics also Also Wikipedia
VitaminDWiki - Other Greek quotations
Sunshine is a cure for “weak and soft muscles” – 425 BC Herodotus
Sunny side of the hill is the healthiest – 400BC Hippocrates
VitaminDWiki - Intervention - Vitamin D contains
See also
More than 700 Intervention Trials in VitaminDWiki since the IoM decision a count of some of the trials- by health problem
Loading dose for Vitamin D
Proof that Vitamin D Works
Supplementing Vitamin D
Items in category Meta-analysis
Intervention - Vitamin D by date instead of by health problem
__Randomized Controlled Trials and Vitamin D - many studies 800+
VitaminDWiki - Noontime sun and D category starts with
Noontime sun and D hassee also
No – 10 minutes per day of sun-UVB is NOT enough
Vitamin D Myths - SUN
Optimize vitamin D from the sun
Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D
Overview UV and vitamin D
50 ng of Vitamin D - 100 hours of noon sunbathing OR 3 dollars of Vit D
3.3 X more likely to be Vitamin D deficient if wear long-sleeves – Oct 2022
Sun and UV
Avoiding the sun may be as bad as smoking - many studies
Vitamin D from the sun without the heat (silver-coated plexiglass)
Opinion: sun better than UV better than vitamin D
Fewer cognitive problems if more sun or Vitamin D
Which Is Worse - Avoiding Sunlight or Vitamin D Deficiency – April 2019
Have We Gotten Sunscreen Totally Wrong - Jan 2019
People who get little noon-day sun must supplement with Vitamin D – systematic review June 2017
The Greatest Public Health Mistake of the 20th Century (sunscreen block Vitamin D) - 2017
Does Less Sun mean More Disease 5 minute video
340,000 US deaths annually due to insufficient sun (some due to low vitamin D) – July 2020
Health benefit of Sunlight is more than Vitamin D in the blood - many studies
5 Amazing Properties of Sunlight You've Never Heard About
Vitamin D and Sun conference – Germany June 2017
2537 visitors, last modified 12 Dec, 2021, |