Toggle Health Problems and D

Allergic Rhinitis in infants treated by 1,000 IU vitamin D daily – June 2019

Vitamin D: A Modulator of Allergic Rhinitis

Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, pp 1–6 June 2019
Sunita Agarwal Shashank Nath Singh Rohtash KumarRitu Sehra


Items in categories Breathing + Infant/child + Intervention:

Global warming ==> longer pollen seasons + more pollen in the North ==> more hay fever

Daily Mail March 2014
by 2060 up to 70 percent of people in England will have hay fever.

3X increase in Hay Fever in 18 year-old Swedish men

 Download the 2006 PDF from VitaminDWiki

Allergic rhinitis is a topic of concern among clinicians. Despite of being treated in form of oral medicines, nasal drops and sprays several patients come back with complaint of no relief. This necessitates to review and focus on etiology and to find some other treatment regimen. Established relation of serum vitamin D level and various allergic conditions attracts us to use it as a therapeutic agent for allergic rhinitis. It is a case–control observational study recruited 80 subjects with 40 cases and 40 controls. There was drop out of two subjects among cases. Cases were supplement with oral vitamin D (cholecalciferol-1000 IU OD) and controls received no treatment. Serum vitamin D level, Total nasal symptom score (TNSS) and total eosinophilic count (TEC) were calculated at 0, 1 and 3 months and compared. Pre-treatment average serum vitamin D level of cases was 20.15 + 10.26 ng/ml and of control was 27.94 + 13.38 ng/ml. The TNSS score of cases was 7.43 + 1.87 and of controls was 5.00 + 1.52. TEC of cases was 546.15 + 113.39 and of controls was 313.33 + 125.08. Post-treatment serum vitamin D level of cases was 38.05 + 14.62 and of controls was 27.43 + 12.76. TNSS of cases was 3.53 + 0.68 and 4.43 + 1.17 in control group, TEC of cases was 68.13 + 38.95 and of controls was 197.03 + 123.36. This study concludes that vitamin D acts as disease modulator in allergic rhinitis In case of allergic rhinitis with vitamin D deficiency its supplementation gives symptomatic relief and also lowers down the values of TNSS and TEC.

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12380 Hay fever 3X increased in 18 year old men.jpg admin 23 Jul, 2019 30.28 Kb 1720
12379 Major_public_health_problems_-_allergic_disorders.pdf admin 23 Jul, 2019 453.80 Kb 607
12378 UK Hayfever Forecast.jpg admin 23 Jul, 2019 61.91 Kb 869