Vitamin D supplementation for preventing infections in children under five Cochrane
VitaminDWiki Summary
I looked at the report and found the reason for the conclusion - tucked back on page 43+
4 trials were examined - with awful dosing
- 402 IU Vitamin D3
- 400 IU vitamin D2
- 400 IU Vitamin D2
- Quarterly Vitamin D3
See also VitaminDWiki
- Infant infection reduced by half with vitamin D supplementation – RCT May 2016
- Third study found that Infants needed 1600 IU of vitamin D – JAMA RCT May 2013
1600 IU is 4 times larger dose size than that considered by Cochrane - Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Children - associated with low vitamin D – meta-analysis Dec 2014
- Several more Vitamin D analyses fail to consider dose size, duration, etc. – Dec 2013
This Cochrane report fails for all 9 reasons listed - Overview Vitamin D3 not D2 includes many reasons to never use Vitamin D2
- Take vitamin D3 daily, weekly, or bi-weekly NOT quarterly!
- Quarterly vitamin D3 is too infrequent – it increases the occurrence of pneumonia – June 2012
- 100,000 IU of vitamin D every 90 days was not frequent enough to prevent Diarrhea – Sept 2013
- Vitamin D dosing every three months is not often enough – found again – Jan 2016