Vitamin D fortification of foods and prospective health outcomes.
J Biotechnol. 2018 Aug 31. pii: S0168-1656(18)30609-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2018.08.010. [Epub ahead of print]
Moulas AN 1, Vaiou M 2.
1 Technological Education Institute, T.E.I. of Thessaly, 41110, Larissa, Greece.
2 Technological Education Institute, T.E.I. of Thessaly, 41110, Larissa, Greece.
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Study does not appear to deal with high-dose fortification
PDF is available free at Sci-Hub 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2018.08.010Yogurt fortification from the PDF
Study covers many kinds of food
Vitamin D is essential for bone health and has significant roles in non-skeletal health and organ function. Dermal synthesis through exposure to ultraviolet B light is the major natural source of vitamin D, while only a small portion of the necessary amount can be acquired by a diet without fortified foods. In recent years, vitamin D deficiency as a result of lifestyles with inadequate sun exposure, has received increased attention due to its association with the increased risk of serious chronic diseases. This review summarizes our current understanding of food fortification strategies with vitamin D and the resulting health impact. Conventional and biotechnological approaches can be used for the production of new and novel vitamin D rich or vitamin D fortified foods. The availability of a wider range of every-day consumed fortified foods as part of a "Daily D" public health policy can contribute to the improvement of vitamin D status and to prevention of vitamin D deficiency.
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