Hypothesis: Sun provides more than vitamin D – June 2012

Vitamin D supplementation, moderate sun exposure, and control of immune Diseases.

Hart PH.
Department of Inflammation, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia 6008, Australia.
Discov Med. 2012 Jun;13(73):397-404.

There is considerable debate about the benefits of vitamin D supplementation for multiple sclerosis, allergic asthma, and type 1 diabetes.

This has been driven mainly by observational studies linking vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency with increased prevalence of autoimmune and other diseases driven by immune processes.

Randomized controlled trials of vitamin D supplementation to treat these (and other) diseases have been disappointing.

This review examines the evidence that circulating vitamin D levels provide a surrogate measure of sun exposure and that it is the other molecules and pathways induced by sun exposure, rather than vitamin D-driven processes, that explain many of the benefits often attributed to vitamin D.

PMID: 22742645
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See also VitaminDWiki

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