Getting little UV is associated with 15 types of Cancer – Jan 2012

Ecological Studies of the UVB–Vitamin D–Cancer Hypothesis

Anticancer Research January 2012 vol. 32 no. 1 223-236
WILLIAM B. GRANT, Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center, P.O. Box 641603, San Francisco, CA 94164-1603, U.S.A.

Background/Aim: This paper reviews ecological studies of the ultraviolet-B (UVB)–vitamin D–cancer hypothesis based on geographical variation of cancer incidence and/or mortality rates.

Materials and Methods: The review is based largely on three ecological studies of cancer rates from the United States; one each from Australia, China, France, Japan, and Spain; and eight multicountry, multifactorial studies of cancer incidence rates from more than 100 countries.

This review consistently found strong inverse correlations with solar UVB for 15 types of cancer:

  • bladder,
  • breast,
  • cervical,
  • colon,
  • endometrial,
  • esophageal,
  • gastric,
  • lung,
  • ovarian,
  • pancreatic,
  • rectal,
  • renal, and
  • vulvar cancer; and
  • Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Weaker evidence exists for nine other types of cancer:
brain, gallbladder, laryngeal, oral/pharyngeal, prostate, and thyroid cancer; leukemia; melanoma; and multiple myeloma.

Conclusion: The evidence for the UVB–vitamin D–cancer hypothesis is very strong in general and for many types of cancer in particular.

See also VitaminDWiki

details at:
Items in both categories Cancer and UV are listed here:

Perhaps UV Fluctuations are more important than the UV absolute level

in wikipage:

CLICK HERE for more information

See also VitaminDWiki - MS

MS Latitude correlation - Garland smile graph

MS  Latitude  correlation - Garland smile graph

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