Toggle Health Problems and D

STD rates are highest if dark skin, and US rates are increasing – Sept 2017

New STD cases hit record high in US, CDC says

  • “In 2016, Americans were infected with more than 2 million new cases of gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia, the highest number of these sexually transmitted diseases ever reported, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday”
  • Only those three STDs are required by law to be reported to the CDC by physicians. When you include HIV, herpes and more of the dozens of diseases which can be transmitted sexually but which are not tracked, the CDC estimates there are more than 20 million new cases of STDs in the United States each year. At least half occur in young people ages 15 to 24. ”
  • syphilis, a long-forgotten disease (like rickets) increased 19% in one year (2015-2016)
  • "For the first time in many years, we are now seeing more cases of babies born with congenital syphilis than babies born with HIV,”

Dark Skin






Hepatitis B viral load is inversely associated with vitamin D – 2016
Warts (due to HPV) removed by vitamin D injection, with 90 percent success – April 2017
Other groups at high risk of having low vitamin D levels include:
Colon Cancer
Breast Cancer
Wear excessive clothes
avoid sun a lot
Work night shift

See also web

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8485 STD Fig W.jpg admin 27 Sep, 2017 57.57 Kb 1153
8484 STD Fig S.jpg admin 27 Sep, 2017 82.40 Kb 994
8483 STD F40.jpg admin 27 Sep, 2017 59.27 Kb 1060
8482 STD F31.jpg admin 27 Sep, 2017 35.69 Kb 994
8481 STD F16.jpg admin 27 Sep, 2017 60.29 Kb 871
8480 STD F6.jpg admin 27 Sep, 2017 62.52 Kb 977
8479 STD F1.jpg admin 27 Sep, 2017 31.21 Kb 1143
8478 STD 2016-min.pdf admin 27 Sep, 2017 4.99 Mb 5753