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Caries (tooth decay) and Vitamin D - many studies

23+ VitaminDWiki pages with CARIES or DECAY in the title

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Items found: 26
Title Modified
Childhood Dental Caries about 2X more likely if Vitamin D is less than 20 ng – review April 2024 24 Apr, 2024
Childhood Dental Caries about 2X more likely if Vitamin D is less than 20 ng – review April 2024 24 Apr, 2024
Dental Caries 2.2 X more likely if low Vitamin D (NHANES) – Feb 2024 17 Feb, 2024
Early Childhood Caries 1.4 times more likely if 20-30 ng of Vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 2024 03 Feb, 2024
Caries in deciduous teeth about 2X more likely if low vitamin D – Review Nov 2023 25 Nov, 2023
Dental caries 1.22 X more likely if Vitamin D Deficient – meta-analysis Oct 2023 20 Oct, 2023
Caries (tooth decay) and Vitamin D - many studies 09 Aug, 2023
Dental caries associated with poor Vitamin D receptor – 2016 09 Aug, 2023
Severe infant caries 10X higher risk if low vitamin D (under 14 ng) - Dec 2021 14 Dec, 2021
How tooth decay due to vitamin D deficiency came to be treated with Fluoride - Dec 2021 10 Dec, 2021
More dental caries in children who have less than 30 ng of Vitamin D – Review Sept 2020 02 Jan, 2021
Increased dental decay if take Calcium without Magnesium – Feb 2020 22 Feb, 2020
Vitamin D cut dental caries in half 80 years ago – meta-analysis 2013 29 Oct, 2019
3X fewer infant dental caries if good level of vitamin D while pregnant – April 2014 07 Aug, 2019
No tooth decay in children with adequate Vitamin D (small study) – June 2018 27 Aug, 2018
Dental caries cut in half by vitamin D, review of 24 old clinical trials – Nov 2012 21 Aug, 2018
Early tooth decay 1.9 X more likely if a poor Vitamin D receptor – July 2017 13 Jul, 2017
Severe tooth decay in children unless supplemented with Vitamin D drops – Oct 2013 17 Jul, 2016
Genes associated with low vitamin D also associated with childhood tooth decay – Dec 2015 21 Dec, 2015
Dental Caries risk in children cut in half if more than 20 nanogram of Vitamin D – Nov 2015 11 Nov, 2015
Off topic : Fluoridation fails to reduce tooth decay but succeeds in causing health problems – Dec 2014 31 Oct, 2015
Tooth decay and bleeding gums associated with low vitamin D in postmenopausal women – Dec 2012 06 Aug, 2013
Children with severe caries were 2X more likely to have inadequate vitamin D – July 2012 10 Nov, 2012
Vitamin Deficiency Underlies Tooth Decay – 2009 and 1931 24 Sep, 2012
UVB and Vitamin D might decrease dental caries better than fluoride – July 2011 11 Aug, 2012
Vitamin D and minimum cereal minimized tooth decay – in 1932 12 Dec, 2010

VitaminDWiki – Dental category contains

116 Dental items

Some Dental studies