
An apple a day keeps the doctor away (reduces all-cause mortality by 35%) – July 2023

For Flavonoid Benefits, Don’t Peel Apples - Dr. Greger July 2023

For Flavonoid Benefits, Don’t Peel Apples YouTube


  • "Even a fraction of an apple a day is associated with 24 percent lower odds of having severe major artery calcifications, a marker of vascular disease."
  • Test of peeled vs unpeeled apples..."flavonoid levels in the bloodstream shot up in the unpeeled apple group, compared to the peeled apple group, which coincided with significantly improved artery function— peeled versus unpeeled. They conclude that the lower risk of cardiovascular disease with higher apple consumption is most likely due to the high concentration of flavonoids in the skin, which improve artery function, though it could be anything in the peel. All we know is that apple peels are particularly good for us, improving artery function and lowering blood pressure"


VitaminDWiki - What happened to "an apple a day" - Dec 2013

VitaminDWiki - Ways to improve health

Vitamin D is the lowest-cost way to improve health (thin line, large circle)
Importance to Health VDW10426

5 studies of apples and health

  • “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”: The potentials of apple bioactive constituents for chronic disease prevention - May 2022 PDF
  • Bioavailability of quercetin in humans and the influence of food matrix comparing quercetin capsules and different apple sources - Oct 2016 PDF
  • Apple Peel Supplementation Potential in Metabolic Syndrome Prevention - March 2023 PDF
  • Apple polyphenols in human and animal health - 2021 PDF
    • Abstract: Apples contain substantial amounts of polyphenols, and diverse phenolics mainly flavonoids and phenolic acids, have been identified in their flesh and skins. This work aimed to analyze the overall landscape of the research literature published to date on apple phenolic compounds in the context of human and animal health. The Web of Science Core Collection electronic database was queried with (apple* polyphenol*) AND (health* OR illness* OR disease* OR medic* OR pharma*) to identify relevant papers covering these words and their derivatives in the titles, abstracts, and keywords. The resulted 890 papers were bibliometrically analyzed. The VOSviewer software was utilized to produce term maps that illustrate how the frequent phrases fared in terms of publication and citation data. The apple polyphenol papers received global contributions, particularly from China, Italy, the United States, Spain, and Germany. Examples of frequently mentioned chemicals/chemical classes are quercetin, anthocyanin, catechin, epicatechin, and flavonol, while examples of frequently mentioned medical conditions are cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimers disease, and obesity. The potential health benefits of apple polyphenols on humans and animals are diverse and warrant further study.
  • VitaminDWiki note: Quercetin (a flavonoid) helps activate the Vitamin D receptor – many studies

VitaminDWiki – Greger category has 29 items many on plant-based diets


3+ studies found Mortality is reduced by Vitamin D

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
19884 Apple Peeel metabolic.pdf admin 31 Jul, 2023 672.37 Kb 127
19883 Quercetin and apples.pdf admin 31 Jul, 2023 708.73 Kb 152
19882 Apple polyphenols_CompressPdf.pdf admin 31 Jul, 2023 552.89 Kb 135
19880 Apple chronic disease_CompressPdf.pdf admin 31 Jul, 2023 424.97 Kb 156
19879 Apple reduced chance of dying.jpg admin 31 Jul, 2023 53.63 Kb 136