Toggle Health Problems and D

Top Icelandic disease concerns - Global Burden of Disease 2010

Global Burden of Disease considers a few impacts

  Years of life lost
  Years of disability
But does not consider
  Costs of health the problem
    Medicines, hospitalizations,
    Care needed - family or professional
    Reduction in income
  Causes of premature death
  Lifespan reduction or healthspan reduction



Change in Disability Life Years in 30 years

Daily Adjusted Life Years 2010: 1 = best in world

Iceland is the best in the world in 3 out of 5 health measures
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Top 10 causes of death in Iceland


Icelandic Health problems that are the top 10 Disability Life Years


VitaminDWiki - Back Pain category:

VitaminDWiki - Global Burden of Disease - Dec 2012

https://www.thelancet.com/gbd updated 2020

VitaminDWiki - Iceland and Vitamin D - many studies

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
20105 DALY Iceland 2019.jpg admin 18 Sep, 2023 51.34 Kb 47
20104 DALLY 2010 Iceland.jpg admin 18 Sep, 2023 124.36 Kb 46
19002 Icelandic DALY vs world.jpg admin 19 Dec, 2022 51.04 Kb 43
19001 Iceland Table.jpg admin 19 Dec, 2022 118.01 Kb 130
19000 Iceland DALY.jpg admin 19 Dec, 2022 50.40 Kb 138
18999 Icelandic deaths top 10 2019.jpg admin 19 Dec, 2022 16.16 Kb 491
18998 Iceland YLL.jpg admin 19 Dec, 2022 233.73 Kb 128
18997 Iceland YLD.jpg admin 19 Dec, 2022 131.33 Kb 531
18996 GBD iceland.pdf admin 19 Dec, 2022 216.91 Kb 154