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Dengue Fever decimated by Vitamin D - many studies

Is Vitamin D being ignored because it is not a vaccine?

13+ VitaminDWiki pages with DENGUE in title

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46 studies had both Dengue and Vitamin D in their title as of July 2024

Google Scholar

  • Role of Serum Vitamin D Level in the Progression of Dengue Viral Illness: A Potential Immunomodulator?: A Literature Review - June 2024 FREE PDF
  • Association of systemic vitamin D on the course of dengue virus infection in adults: a single-centre dengue cohort study at a large institution in Singapore - June 2024. FREE PDF
  • Activity of vitamin D receptor agonists against dengue virus - July 2020 FREE PDF
  • Effectiveness of vitamin d in prevention of dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome - 2017 FREE PDF
  • Effect of high doses of vitamin D supplementation on dengue virus replication, Toll-like receptor expression, and cytokine profiles on dendritic cells - 2020 PDF in ResearchGate

Peru declares a Dengue Emergency - Feb 2024

The Telegraph

  • "20 out of 25 regions in Peru have declared a health emergency."
  • "Some 400 million people are infected with dengue virus each year, according to the World Health Organisation, while at least 100 million are estimated to become ill – a steep rise from the half a million cases reported in 2000."

120,000 cases of Dengue in a Brazilian city of 2.8 million - March 2024

Brazil’s staggering dengue fever crisis is a warning to the world Washington Post

  • "But the disease has surged with particular virulence in Brazil, where epidemiologists expect the number of dengue cases to reach into the millions — more than doubling the previous record — and potentially kill thousands of people."
  • " Brazil registered more than 1 million cases of dengue fever in January and February alone. By the end of the year, the country is expected to suffer 4.2 million..."

Dengue emergency in Brazil (4.2 million) is likely to head north - Feb 2024

Brazil Has a Dengue Emergency, Portending a Health Crisis for the Americas New York Times

  • "Experts say El Niño and climate change have amplified the problem this year."
  • "Brazil’s Health Ministry warns that it expects more than 4.2 million cases this year, outstripping the 4.1 million cases the Pan-American Health Organization recorded for all 42 countries in the region last year."
  • "The World Health Organization has warned that dengue is rapidly becoming an urgent global health problem, with a record number of cases last year and outbreaks in places, such as France, that have historically never reported the disease."
  • "...she expected high rates of dengue infection in Puerto Rico this year and that there would be more cases in the continental United States as well, especially in Florida, as well as in Texas, Arizona and Southern California."
  • "Three-quarters of people who are infected with dengue don’t have any symptoms at all, and among those who do, most cases will resemble only a mild flu. But some dengue infections are serious, producing headaches, vomiting, high fever and the aching joint pain that gives the disease the nickname “breakbone fever.” A bad dengue case can leave a person debilitated for weeks."

Dengue incidence up 30-fold in 50 years (now 96 million/year) - Oct 2023

Almost half the world’s population could be at risk from dengue due to global warming - The Telegraph

  • Annual global Dengue infections now estimated to be 96 million.
  • France Dengue identifications: 6 regions in 2010, 70 regions in 2022

Only 1 person getting 200,000 IU of Vitamin D got DHF, 17 with no Vitamin D got DHF - RCT Sept 2017

Effectiveness of Vitamin D in Prevention of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome
Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College (JRMC); 2017;21(3): 205-207

Strangely: vitamin D resulted in more Dengue
Background: To compare the risk and severity of development of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and Dengue Shock Syndrome(DSS) in patients receiving Vitamin D supplement compared to those not receiving it.

Methods: Diagnosed patients of DF (n=124) were enrolled in this comparative study. Patients were randomized into two groups having 62 participants in each group. Group A received single dose of 200,000 IU Vitamin D and Group B received no intervention. Both groups were followed for development of DHF or DSS. Chi square was applied to compare the groups.

Results: One patient (1.6%) in Group A developed DHF. Seventeen (27%) patients in Group B progressed to DHF. The relationship between Vitamin D and progression to DHF was significant, X2 (2, N=170) =16.43, p= 0.000). The calculated relative risk was 0.0588 (95% confidence interval, .0081 to .4285; p for trend = 0.0588).
Conclusion: Vitamin D decreases the risk of DHF and may have a role in management of dengue fever.
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Perplexity compares Dengue with DHF
Dengue Fever: The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 390 million dengue virus infections per year globally, of which approximately 96 million manifest clinically. The CDC notes that each year, up to 400 million people get infected with dengue, with about 100 million people getting sick from the infection

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: It is estimated that there are 500,000 cases of DHF annually, leading to approximately 25,000 deaths. This severe form of dengue fever has seen a resurgence and increased epidemic activity over the past 20 years, with an expanded geographic distribution of both the viruses and the emergence of DHF in new geographic regions

4X reduced risk of severe Dengue if >20 ng of Vitamin D - RCT Jan 2023

Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD) and Susceptibility towards Severe Dengue Fever-A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study of Hospitalized Dengue Fever Patients from Lahore, Pakistan
Trop Med Infect Dis . 2023 Jan 5;8(1):43. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed8010043.
Somia Iqtadar 1, Amjad Khan 2, Sami Ullah Mumtaz 1, Shona Livingstone 3, Muhammad Nabeel Akbar Chaudhry 4, Nauman Raza 1, Mehreen Zahra 1, Sajid Abaidullah 1

Dengue is a mosquito-borne flaviviral serious febrile illness, most common in the tropical and subtropical regions including Pakistan. Vitamin D is a strong immunomodulator affecting both the innate and adaptive immune responses and plays a pivotal role in pathogen-defense mechanisms. There has been considerable interest in the possible role of vitamin D in dengue viral (DENV) infection. In the present prospective cross-sectional study, we assessed a possible association between serum vitamin D deficiency (VDD) and susceptibility towards severe dengue fever (DF) illness. Serum vitamin D levels were measured at the time of hospitalization in 97 patients diagnosed with dengue fever (DF), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS) at Mayo Hospital, King Edward Medical University, Lahore, PK, from 16 November 2021 to 15 January 2022. In terms of disease severity, 37 (38.1%) patients were DF, 52 (53.6%) were DHF grade 1 and 2, and 8 (8.2%) were DSS. The results revealed that most patients (75 (77.3%)) were vitamin-D-deficient (i.e., serum level < 20 ng/mL), including 27 (73.0%) in DF, 41 (78.8%) in DHF grade 1 and 2, and 7 (87.5%) in DSS. The degree of VDD was somewhat higher in DSS patients as compared to DF and DHF grade 1 and 2 patients. Overall, serum vitamin D levels ranged from 4.2 to 109.7 ng/mL, and the median (IQR) was in the VDD range, i.e., 12.2 (9.1, 17.8) ng/mL. Our results suggest that there may be a possible association between VDD and susceptibility towards severe dengue illness. Hence, maintaining sufficient vitamin D levels in the body either through diet or supplementation may help provide adequate immune protection against severe dengue fever illness. Further research is warranted
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Review of micronutrients and Dengue - including the above RCT

Micronutrient Supplementation and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Dengue Fever
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2021 Jan; 104(1): 45–51 2020 Nov doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.20-0731
Steven D. Langerman and Mija Ververs*

Abtract Dengue fever (DF) is a viral infection that is common in tropical countries and represents a significant cause of global morbidity and mortality. Despite its prevalence and severity, treatment options for DF remain limited and consist primarily of supportive measures. Several recent studies have concluded that micronutrient supplementation may improve clinical outcomes in patients with DF, but no review has summarized and synthesized these findings. We conducted a literature review to identify articles investigating the effect of micronutrient supplementation on clinical outcomes among patients with DF.
We found several studies which indicated that supplemental

  • vitamin C,
  • vitamin D,
  • vitamin E, and
  • zinc

may be useful adjuncts in DF treatment. Folic acid supplementation did not appear to affect clinical outcomes. The reviewed studies have significant limitations including small sample sizes and limited data about the baseline nutritional status of study subjects. We identify a need for additional high-quality randomized trials to elucidate the role of micronutrient supplementation in DF treatment.
Clipped from PDF
Vitamin D.
Zaman et al.23 conducted an RCT of 124 patients suffering from DF at an academic medical center in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The mean age of the study subjects was 33 years, but baseline data were not provided separately for the intervention and control groups. Patients were randomized either to receive a single dose of 200,000 international units of vitamin D (n = 62) in addition to standard care, or to receive standard care only (n = 62). Both groups were followed for development of dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome.

  • Among patients who received the vitamin D supplement, only one patient (1.6%) developed dengue hemorrhagic fever.
  • In the group that did not receive the supplement, 17 patients (27%) developed dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Those not receiving vitamin D were more likely to develop dengue hemorrhagic fever (χ2 = 16.43, P = 0.00). The relative risk of progressing to dengue hemorrhagic fever in patients who received vitamin D compared with those who did not receive vitamin D was 0.0588 (95% CI: 0.0081, 0.4285). However, this study did not assess whether patients were vitamin D deficient at baseline, and did not contain any information about the patients’ diets.
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Dengue mosquito is now in 30 European countries (global warming) - May 2023

The Telegraph

Dengue decreased when add 4,000 IU of vitamin D for just 11 days - 2020

Effect of high doses of vitamin D supplementation on dengue virus replication, Toll-like receptor expression, and cytokine profiles on dendritic cells
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry volume 464, pages169–180 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11010-019-03658-w
Jahnnyer Martínez-Moreno, Juan C. Hernandez & Silvio Urcuqui-Inchima

Dengue, caused by dengue virus (DENV) infection, is a public health problem worldwide. Although DENV pathogenesis has not yet been fully elucidated, the inflammatory response is a hallmark feature in severe DENV infection. Although vitamin D (vitD) can promote the innate immune response against virus infection, no studies have evaluated the effects of vitD on DENV infection, dendritic cells (DCs), and inflammatory response regulation. This study aimed to assess the impact of oral vitD supplementation on DENV-2 infection, Toll-like receptor (TLR) expression, and both pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production in monocyte-derived DCs (MDDCs). To accomplish this, 20 healthy donors were randomly divided into two groups and received either 1000 or 4000 international units (IU)/day of vitD for 10 days. During pre- and post-vitD supplementation, peripheral blood samples were taken to obtain MDDCs, which were challenged with DENV-2. We found that MDDCs from donors who received 4000 IU/day of vitD were less susceptible to DENV-2 infection than MDDCs from donors who received 1000 IU/day of vitD. Moreover, these cells showed decreased mRNA expression of TLR3, 7, and 9; downregulation of IL-12/IL-8 production; and increased IL-10 secretion in response to DENV-2 infection. In conclusion, the administration of 4000 IU/day of vitD decreased DENV-2 infection. Our findings support a possible role of vitD in improving the innate immune response against DENV. However, further studies are necessary to determine the role of vitD on DENV replication and its innate immune response modulation in MDDCs.
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VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D inhibits enveloped virus - Corona, Dengue, etc - 2011

Examples of enveloped virus   Coronavirus, Herpes simplex (cold sore), Shingles, Epstein-Barr, Hepatitis A & B & C, Zika, HIV, Dengue, Yellow fever, Measles, Mumps, smallpox, monkeypox, ebola, rabies, influenza A & B, West Nile, Valley Fever, Croup, Lasa Fever, Hemorrhagic Fever, H5N1 bird flu

Wikipedia Viral Infections (most are prevented/treated by Vitamin D)


VitaminDWiki – COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

As of March 31, 2024, the VitaminDWiki COVID page had:  trial results,   meta-analyses and reviews,   Mortality studies   see related:   Governments,   HealthProblems,   Hospitals,  Dark Skins,   All 26 COVID risk factors are associated with low Vit D,   Fight COVID-19 with 50K Vit D weekly   Vaccines   Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID   166 COVID Clinical Trials using Vitamin D (Aug 2023)   Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023
5 most-recently changed Virus entries

Why Singapore is on alert for a record-breaking year of disease (Dengue) Jan 2023

The Telegraph

  • " 2022 "total cases last year were almost six times higher than in 2021 – with 32,000 recorded. But officials warned the trend appears to have seeped into the new year, with almost twice as many infections reported in the week ending January 9 compared to the same period in 2022. "
  • "Climate change and rapid urbanisation have fuelled a rise in the disease for decades – it was endemic in just nine countries in the 1970s, but is now common in more than 100 and affects as many as 400 million people a year."

Poor VDR 1.24X more-likely if severe Dengue - Dec 2020

Association of vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphism with disease severity among dengue patients
International Journal of infectious Diseases https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2020.09.1297
A. Chakravarti. T. Bharara, N. Kapoor

Background: Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is coded by VDR gene located on chromosome 12. The present study was undertaken to decipher the effect of vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphism on dengue disease outcome, as there is a dearth of similar studies in the context of Indian population.

Methods and materials: The study was conducted in the Virology Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. We studied 100 cases (suspected dengue patients) and 100 healthy controls over a period of 1 year (January 2014 to December 2014). Revised WHO guidelines (2009) were followed to define and characterize a case of dengue. Peripheral venous samples were collected for diagnosis of dengue (NS1 antigen, IgM and IgG antibody). Genomic DNA was extracted from patients and healthy controls and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism was done for detection of VDRL gene polymorphism (start codon rs2228570 and 3′ UTR, rs7975232). Data was analysed using SPSS software (version 17.0). A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: VDR gene polymorphism (rs 2228570 and rs 7975232) was screened in the samples. Genotype C/C, C/T and T/T (rs 2228570) was found in 11 (25.58%), 18 (41.9%) and 14 (32.6%) dengue positive cases and 59%, 25% and 16% healthy controls respectively (p = 0.001, significant). Significant association of the T allele of rs 2228570 polymorphism in a dominant mode of inheritance (C/T + T/T genotype) was seen with severe dengue cases [OR of 3.86 (1.59–9.35), p = 0.002 for C/T and 4.69 (1.79–12.3), p = 0.001 for T/T genotypes].
Genotypes A/A, A/C and C/C (rs 7975232) were found in

  • 34.9%, 55.8%, 9.3% dengue positive cases and
  • 31%, 40%, 29% healthy controls respectively.

While comparing the A/A with A/C and C/C genotypes among dengue cases and healthy controls, the OR was estimated to be 1.24 (0.55–2.75, p > 0.05) and 0.28 (0.08–0.96, p < 0.05) respectively. This suggested that C/C genotype of rs7975232 was associated with reduced risk of developing symptomatic dengue (p = 0.035).

Conclusion: A significant association of T allele of rs 2228570 polymorphism was found in severe dengue cases in the study. The results also suggest that C/C genotype of rs 7975232 was associated with reduced risk of developing symptomatic dengue.
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Increased Vitamin D receptor activation reduced Dengue cells 2X to 3X - July 2020

Activity of vitamin D receptor agonists against dengue virus
Scientific Reports volume 10, Article number: 10835 (2020)
Janejira Jaratsittisin, Bin Xu, Wannapa Sornjai, Zhibing Weng, Atichat Kuadkitkan, Feng Li, Guo-Chun Zhou & Duncan R. Smith

Infections with the mosquito-transmitted dengue virus (DENV) are a pressing public health problem in many parts of the world. The recently released commercial vaccine for DENV has encountered some problems, and there is still no effective drug to treat infections. Vitamin D has a well characterized role in calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, but additionally has a role in the immune response to bacterial and viral pathogens. In this study a number of fused bicyclic derivatives of 1H-pyrrolo1,2imidazol-1-one with vitamin D receptor (VDR) agonist activity were evaluated for possible anti-DENV activity. The results showed that five of the compounds were able to significantly inhibit DENV infection. The most effective compound, ZD-3, had an EC50 value of 7.47 μM and a selective index of 52.75. The compounds were only effective when used as a post-infection treatment and treatment significantly reduced levels of infection, virus output, DENV protein expression and genome copy number. These results suggest that these VDR agonists have the potential for future development as effective anti-DENV agents.
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20791 DHF.png admin 11 Feb, 2024 21.68 Kb 142
20790 Dengue RCT.pdf admin 11 Feb, 2024 150.66 Kb 88
20377 Micronutrient Dengue.pdf admin 20 Nov, 2023 369.60 Kb 220
20374 Dengue 200,000 IU.pdf admin 20 Nov, 2023 150.66 Kb 88
19620 Dengue Grade.jpg admin 30 May, 2023 25.90 Kb 654
19312 Dengue Lahore.jpg admin 03 Mar, 2023 28.55 Kb 284
19164 Dengue VDR 2020.pdf admin 31 Jan, 2023 235.34 Kb 335
19163 VDR Dengue_CompressPdf.pdf admin 31 Jan, 2023 571.31 Kb 312
19125 Dengue 4000.jpg admin 21 Jan, 2023 19.32 Kb 929
19124 Dengue 4,000 IU_CompressPdf.pdf admin 21 Jan, 2023 361.77 Kb 310
19123 Dengue Fever Lahore.pdf admin 21 Jan, 2023 530.59 Kb 339