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Breast cancer more deadly for blacks than whites

Chart is from PDF at the bottom of this page


Note: Vertical axis of the next chart is not linear


See also VitaminDWiki

Black Disparity 16 vs 26 ng/ml
breast cancer 1.34 1.26
colorectal cancer 1.43 1.44
cardiovascular disease1.29 1.27
all-cause mortality 1.26 1.26

See also web

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
253 More black women die of breast cancer than whites.png admin 23 Oct, 2010 38.52 Kb 2406
252 breast cancer statistics - 2003.pdf admin 23 Oct, 2010 1.13 Mb 1318
251 breast cancer death rates vs race.png admin 23 Oct, 2010 52.58 Kb 1774