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Transgender associated with autism, low vitamin D, low BMD, etc. - many studies

Vitamin D levels have been crashing
1) There has been a big increase in Autism
2) Vitamin D has been proven to both prevent and treat Autism
3) There has been a big increase in Transgender etc. individuals
4) Perhaps low vitamin D before and/or after birth increases gender confusion
5) People preparing for transgender therapy had lower Vitamin D levels
6) Speculation: Increased vitamin D levels sometime after conception will decrease gender confusion

20+ items

People preparing for transgender therapy had lower Vitamin D levels - July 2023

Bone health and body composition in transgender adults before gender-affirming hormonal therapy: data from the COMET study
J Endocrinol Invest. 2023 Jul 14. doi: 10.1007/s40618-023-02156-7
C Ceolin 1 2, A Scala 3 4, M Dall'Agnol 5, C Ziliotto 5, A Delbarba 6, P Facondo 6, A Citron 5, B Vescovi 3, S Pasqualini 3, S Giannini 7 4, V Camozzi 8 4, C Cappelli 6, A Bertocco 5, M De Rui 5, A Coin 5, G Sergi 5 4, A Ferlin 3 4, A Garolla 3 4; Gender Incongruence Interdisciplinary Group (GIIG)

Female at birth, before hormone therapy (similar for males)

Purpose: Preliminary data suggested that bone mineral density (BMD) in transgender adults before initiating gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) is lower when compared to cisgender controls. In this study, we analyzed bone metabolism in a sample of transgender adults before GAHT, and its possible correlation with biochemical profile, body composition and lifestyle habits (i.e., tobacco smoke and physical activity).

Methods: Medical data, smoking habits, phospho-calcic and hormonal blood tests and densitometric parameters were collected in a sample of 125 transgender adults, 78 Assigned Females At Birth (AFAB) and 47 Assigned Males At Birth (AMAB) before GAHT initiation and 146 cisgender controls (57 females and 89 males) matched by sex assigned at birth and age. 55 transgender and 46 cisgender controls also underwent a complete body composition evaluation and assessment of physical activity using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ).

Results: 14.3% of transgender and 6.2% of cisgender sample, respectively, had z-score values < -2 (p = 0.04). We observed only lower vitamin D values in transgender sample regarding biochemical/hormonal profile. AFAB transgender people had more total fat mass, while AMAB transgender individuals had reduced total lean mass as compared to cisgender people (53.94 ± 7.74 vs 58.38 ± 6.91, p < 0.05). AFAB transgender adults were more likely to be active smokers and tend to spend more time indoor. Fat Mass Index (FMI) was correlated with lumbar and femur BMD both in transgender individuals, while no correlations were found between lean mass parameters and BMD in AMAB transgender people.
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7 more studies on the web: on Autism increases the risk of gender identification problems - June 2024

  • Research methods at the intersection of gender diversity and autism: A scoping review - April 2024 FREE PDF
  • A comparison of gender diversity in transgender young people with and without autistic traits from the Trans 20 cohort study - May 2024 FREE PDF
  • Proportional Overrepresentation of Gender-Diverse Identities in Two US-Based Autistic Adult Samples from the SPARK Database - May 2024 https://doi.org/10.1089/aut.2023.0121
    • " We found that 16.1% of autistic adults in Dataset 1 and 19.8% of autistic adults in Dataset 2 were gender diverse. "
  • The intersection of autism and gender in the negotiation of identity: A systematic review and metasynthesis - Feb 2022 FREE PDF
  • Greater gender diversity among autistic children by self-report and parent-report - April 2022 FREE PDF
  • Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals - Aug 2020 FREE PDF
  • Theories on the Link Between Autism Spectrum Conditions and Trans Gender Modality: a Systematic Review - Aug 2022 FREEE PDF


  • "Multiple studies have demonstrated that autistic children are prone to ostracization, and are suggestible. This makes them easy prey for counselors and others who are pushing transgenderism. As pornography and indoctrination becomes a routine part of the school environment, autistic children are attracted to the LGBT fantasy."

Previous Substacks by the same author on the topic

Bone Health in transgender people: a narrative review - May 2022

Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism https://doi.org/10.1177/20420188221099346
Giulia Giacomelli and Maria Cristina Meriggiola cristina.meriggiola at unibo.it

Bone health in transmen and transwomen is an important issue that needs to be evaluated by clinicians. Prior to gender-affirming hormone treatment (GAHT), transwomen have lower bone mineral density (BMD) and a higher prevalence of osteopenia than cismen probably related to external factors, such as hypovitaminosis D and less physical activities. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues in transgender youth may cause bone loss; however, the addition of GAHT restores or at least improves BMD in both transboys and transgirls. The maintenance or increase in BMD shown in short-term longitudinal studies emphasizes that GAHT does not have a negative effect on BMD in adult transwomen and transmen. Gonadectomy is not a risk factor if GAHT is taken correctly. The prevalence of fractures in the transgender population seems to be the same as in the general population but more studies are required on this aspect. To evaluate the risk of osteoporosis, it is mandatory to define the most appropriate reference group not only taking into consideration the medical aspects but also in respect of the selected gender identity of each person.
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Autism and gender identity: National Autistic Society - 2023

Gender dysphoria
People may experience discomfort or distress when their assigned sex is different from the gender they identify with – this is known as gender dysphoria (GD). There is some evidence to show a link between gender dysphoria and autism, and that autistic people may be more likely than other people to have gender dysphoria. However there is little evidence about the reason(s) why, and some recent research suggests the link between autism and gender dysphoria is not so clear. More research is needed. More research is also required to develop and test assessment tools, support and treatment for autistic people experiencing gender dysphoria.

" I think there is a huge overlap with autistic people and transgender people. There are also a lot of non-binary autistic people around. I think this is because a lot of us don’t really fit in socially, and this extends to ideas around gender." Madge Woollard - a non-binary autistic pianist.'

Changes of Vitamin D-Binding Protein, and Total, Bioavailable, and Free 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in Transgender People – Feb 2019

  • The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 104, Issue 7, July 2019, Pages 2728–2734, https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2018-02602
  • Hailing Chen, Chantal M Wiepjes, Natasja M van Schoor, Annemieke C Heijboer, Renate T de Jongh, Martin den Heijer, Paul Lips

Total 25-hydroxyvitamin D 25(OH)D is mainly bound to vitamin D-binding protein (DBP). Bioavailable 25(OH)D consists of albumin-bound and free 25(OH)D and is available for metabolic processes. As sex steroids influence DBP, hormonal treatment (HT) in transgender people might affect DBP and consequently the available 25(OH)D. Total 25(OH)D might, therefore, not well represent bioavailable and free 25(OH)D.

Objective: To investigate the effects of HT on DBP, and total, bioavailable, and free 25(OH)D, and to assess whether total 25(OH)D well represents bioavailable and free 25(OH)D.
Design: A prospective study.
Setting: A university hospital.
Participants: Twenty-nine transwomen and 30 transmen.
Intervention: Estradiol and cyproterone acetate in transwomen, and testosterone in transmen.
Main Outcome Measures: DBP, total 25(OH)D, free 25(OH)D, and albumin were measured at baseline and after 3 months of HT, and deseasonalized total 25(OH)D and bioavailable 25(OH)D were calculated.

Results: DBP changed with +5% (95% CI, −0% to 10%; P = 0.06) in transwomen and with −3% (95% CI: −9% to 3%; P = 0.34) in transmen. No significant changes were found in total 25(OH)D, free, and bioavailable 25(OH)D concentrations. Total 25(OH)D was well correlated with bioavailable (R2, 0.75) and free (R2, 0.76) 25(OH)D.

Conclusions" DBP tended to increase in transwomen, but did not change in transmen. HT did not influence free 25(OH)D, total 25(OH)D, and bioavailable 25(OH)D concentrations in transwomen and transmen. As total 25(OH)D represents bioavailable and free 25(OH)D well, HT in transgender people does not interfere with the assessment of vitamin D status.
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Scandalous 40 year saga Hormone blocking Durgs - March 2024

Puberty Blockers Are Incredibly Dangerous Drugs - Midwetern Doctor
has a section on Selling Lupron - which increases doctor's income while increasing death rates

Gender Dysphoria in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (4 X) – April 2019

LGBT HealthVol. 6, No. 3 https://doi.org/10.1089/lgbt.2018.0252
Elizabeth Hisle-Gorman, Corinne A. Landis, Apryl Susi, Natasha A. Schvey, Gregory H. Gorman, Cade M. Nylund, and David A. Klein

Purpose: While gender dysphoria (GD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are generally identified in isolation, research on individuals who are gender-referred or have autism suggests a possible overrepresentation of ASD in persons with GD and GD in persons with ASD. We investigated diagnosed GD in patients formally diagnosed with ASD and matched controls in the Military Health System.

Methods: We performed a retrospective case-cohort study of GD diagnoses in children aged 2–18 years with and without ASD utilizing healthcare records from 2000 to 2013. Cases were formally diagnosed with ASD and matched to five controls by date of birth, gender marker, and enrollment time. Outpatient visits for GD were identified by relevant International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision codes. Logistic regression analysis determined odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) of GD diagnoses by ASD.

Results: A total of 48,762 children with diagnosed ASD were identified, and each matched to five controls, for a total of 292,572 children. Cases and controls were each 80% assigned male at birth. The median end age of included children was 11.6 years. Of included children, 66 (0.02%) had diagnosed GD. Children with ASD were over four times as likely to be diagnosed with a condition indicating GD (OR 4.38 95% CI 2.64–7.27, p < 0.001) compared with matched controls.

Conclusion: This study corroborates previous research indicating an overrepresentation of GD in children with ASD. Further research is needed to understand the association and to demonstrate approaches to providing optimal care to these children.


Approximately 3.5% of adults in the U.S. identify within the LGBTQ+ umbrella (as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, etc.). Studies from the last decade suggest that these rates may be higher for autistic individuals. For example, a recent international study of more than 600,000 adults identified that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was 3 to 6.4 times more common among transgender people compared to cisgender (i.e., non-transgender) people, and studies of autistic adults report that more than 10% may identify as a gender different from their sex assigned at birth. Similarly, evidence indicates sexual orientation diversity (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual sexual orientations) may be more common among autistic individuals. We do not understand why LGBTQ+ identities may be more common among autistic people.

Autism, Transgender, etc. Aug 2020

Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals
Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 3959 (2020)
Varun Warrier, David M. Greenberg, Elizabeth Weir, Clara Buckingham, Paula Smith, Meng-Chuan Lai, Carrie Allison & Simon Baron-Cohen

It is unclear whether transgender and gender-diverse individuals have elevated rates of autism diagnosis or traits related to autism compared to cisgender individuals in large non-clinic-based cohorts. To investigate this, we use five independently recruited cross-sectional datasets consisting of 641,860 individuals who completed information on gender, neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses including autism, and measures of traits related to autism (self-report measures of autistic traits, empathy, systemizing, and sensory sensitivity). Compared to cisgender individuals, transgender and gender-diverse individuals have, on average, higher rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses. For both autistic and non-autistic individuals, transgender and gender-diverse individuals score, on average, higher on self-report measures of autistic traits, systemizing, and sensory sensitivity, and, on average, lower on self-report measures of empathy. The results may have clinical implications for improving access to mental health care and tailoring adequate support for transgender and gender-diverse individuals.
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A note on gender identity
Because the term “trans” means “change,” anyone who isn’t cisgender could identify as transgender, including folks who fall under the umbrella of nonbinary or gender nonconforming.

Still, gender is an aspect of a person’s identity and can be defined only by said individual.

For this piece, Psych Central uses the language within the research on the connection between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and “gender diversity.” Researchers use this term to denote people who aren’t cisgender — those whose gender identities divert from their sex assigned at birth.

Autistic people are more likely to have gender diversity than neurotypical people, and folks who are gender diverse are more likely to have autism than cisgender folks, according to recent studies, like this one from citation = elevated rates 2020 on this page.

This study suggests that people who don’t identify with their assigned sex at birth are 3 to 6 times more likely to report autism-related behaviors and be diagnosed with ASD than their cisgender counterparts.

The largest study to date confirms overlap between autism and gender diversity- Sept 2020

"People who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth are three to six times as likely to be autistic as cisgender people are, according to the largest study yet to examine the connection1. Gender-diverse people are also more likely to report autism traits and to suspect they have undiagnosed autism."

  1. Warrier V. et al. Nat. Commun. 11, 3959 (2020) PubMed
  2. Walsh R.J. et al. J. Autism Dev. Disord. 48, 4070-4078 (2018) PubMed
  3. Strang J.F. et al. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry 57, 885-887 (2018) PubMed
  4. George R. and M.A. Stokes J. Autism Dev. Disord. 48, 2052-2063 (2018) PubMed
  5. Strang J.F. et al. J. Autism Dev Disord, 48, 4039-4055 (2018) PubMed

Arch Sex Behav . 2022 Oct;51(7):3583-3600. doi: 10.1007/s10508-022-02386-5
Aimilia Kallitsounaki 1, David M Williams 2

Evidence indicates a link between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and gender diversity, yet this intersection remains insufficiently understood. Here, we investigated whether

  • (1) ASD affects gender-related cognition (i.e., mental processes of perceiving and interpreting one's own gender self-concept),
  • (2) autistic people have increased gender dysphoria and recall limited gender-typed behavior from childhood, and
  • (3) transgender individuals have increased ASD-like traits and difficulties in mentalizing.

A total of

  • 106 non-autistic cisgender (51 birth-assigned female),
  • 107 autistic cisgender (57 birth-assigned female),
  • 78 non-autistic transgender (41 birth-assigned female), and
  • 56 autistic transgender adults (27 birth-assigned female)

participated in the study. The mean age of participants was 31.01 years (range = 18 to 70). Using an explicit as well as an implicit measure, for the first time, we found that ASD affected gender-related cognition only in autistic cisgender people. Sex differences were also observed in this group. Whereas autistic cisgender birth-assigned males showed a stronger implicit gender-group identification than non-autistic cisgender birth-assigned males, autistic cisgender birth-assigned females showed a weaker gender-group identification than non-autistic cisgender birth-assigned females. Furthermore, autistic cisgender people reported significantly more gender dysphoric feelings and recalled significantly less gender-typed behavior from childhood than non-autistic cisgender individuals. No difference was observed between non-autistic and autistic transgender people. We also found that relative to non-autistic cisgender individuals, both non-autistic transgender and autistic transgender people reported significantly more ASD-like traits. However, mentalizing difficulties were observed only in the latter group. This research enhances our understanding of the link between ASD and gender diversity.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Dysphoria/Incongruence. A systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis - May 2022

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2022) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-022-05517-y
Aimilia Kallitsounaki & David M. Williams

The suggested overlap between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and gender dysphoria/incongruence (GD/GI) has been much disputed. This review showed a relationship between ASD traits and GD feelings in the general population and a high prevalence of GD/GI in ASD. Our meta-analyses revealed that the pooled estimate of the prevalence of ASD diagnoses in GD/GI people was 11% (p < .001) and the overall effect size of the difference in ASD traits between GD/GI and control people was significant (g = 0.67, p < .001). Heterogeneity was high in both meta-analyses. We demonstrated that the chances that there is not a link between ASD and GD/GI are negligible, yet the size of it needs further investigation.
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Autism and transgender identity: Implications for depression and anxiety - Jan 2020

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Volume 69, January 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2019.101466
Jennifer Murphy a, Freya Prentice b, Reubs Walsh c, Caroline Catmur d, Geoffrey Bird a b

Autistic traits are over-represented in transgender populations, and gender variance is high in autistic individuals. Furthermore, some evidence suggests that the autism/transgender overlap is limited to individuals sex assigned female. Few studies, however, have investigated the impact of this overlap on mental health. This study therefore sought to investigate whether the autism/transgender overlap confers an increased risk of depression or anxiety. An online study of 727 individuals revealed a substantial overlap between transgender identity and autism, with increased autistic traits found in trans men compared to trans women. Depression and anxiety were highest in autistic-trans individuals, but no superadditive effect was observed. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the wider healthcare system.
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Is It Autism? A Critical Commentary on the Co-Occurrence of Gender Dysphoria and Autism Spectrum Disorder – April 2021

Journal of Homosexuality Vol 69, 2022 - # 7 https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2021.1905385
Alexandro Fortunato , PhDORCID Icon,Guido Giovanardi , PhDORCID Icon,Eleonora Innocenzi , MA,Marta Mirabella , MA,Giorgio Caviglia , PhD,Vittorio Lingiardi , MD

An increasing amount of literature revealed a link between GD and ASD. Both GD and ASD are complex and heterogeneous conditions characterized by a large variety of presentations. Studies have reported that individuals with GD tend to have higher prevalence rates of autistic traits in comparison to the general population. The purpose of this commentary is to provide, through the description of a clinical case, our reading and a possible interpretation of the correlation of these two conditions in light of the several methodological limitations found in the literature.
We hypothesize that the traits often classified as autistic could be more accurately related to the distress and discomfort evoked by GD. The autistic traits of individuals with GD as forms of psychological defenses and coping mechanisms aimed at dealing with socio-relational and identity problems are discussed.

KEYWORDS: Gender dysphoria, autism spectrum disorder, co-occurrence, critical aspects, treatment, gender diversity assessment
 PDF from Research Gate via VitaminDWiki

Clinical and Phenomenological Characteristics of the Formation of Gender Reassignment Ideation in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders - Jan 2022

Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology volume 52, pages24–29 (2022)
E. A. Starostina & M. I. Yagubov

Objective. To study the characteristics of the formation of gender reassignment ideation in schizophrenia spectrum disorders and the differential diagnosis of these psychopathological formations vs. transsexualism.

Material and methods. The study included 100 outpatients referred for consideration of gender reassignment. Subjects were divided into two groups.

  • Group 1 consisted of 58 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (F20.0; F21; F22) and gender reassignment ideation.
  • Group 2 included 42 patients with diagnoses of “transsexualism” (F64.0).

Clinical psychological, pathopsychological, and statistical study methods were used.

Results and conclusions. Patients with transsexualism were statistically significantly more often adapted in terms of work and family, had experience of living in the desired gender, used independent hormone therapy, and underwent gender-determining interventions before attending medical boards for gender reassignment and were also more rarely hospitalized in psychiatric institutions (p < 0.05).
Patients with schizophrenia more frequently experienced delays and dysharmony in psychosexual development.
Gender reassignment ideation was more frequent in schizotypic disorders.
Gender reassignment ideation in schizophrenia spectrum disorders generally formed in the soil of pre-existing abnormalities at the early stages of formation of sexual identity. The central place in the psychopathology of schizophrenia spectrum disorders with gender reassignment ideation is occupied by depersonalization-dysmorphophobic experiences forming the background on which overvaluation, delusion-like, or paranoid gender reassignment ideation formed.
 PDF from VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki - Overview Schizophrenia and Vitamin D contains

14 reasons to think that schizophrenia is associated with low vitamin D
1) 97% of patients with schizophrenia are vitamin D deficient
2) Schizophrenia varies with latitude (UVB) by 10X (controversy)
3) Schizophrenia is more common in those with dark skin (when away from the equator)
4) Schizophrenia is associated with low natal vitamin D
5) Schizophrenia has been increasing around the world when vitamin D has been decreasing (controversy)
6) Schizophrenia is associated with low birth rate, which is associated with low vitamin D
7) Schizophrenia is associated with Autism which is associated with low vitamin D
8) Schizophrenia Bulletin Editorial (Jan 2014) speculated that Vitamin D could be a major player
9) Schizophrenia 2X more likely if low vitamin D - meta-analysis
10) Schizophrenia increased 40 % for Spring births after Danes stopped vitamin D fortification
11) Schizophrenia is associated with season of birth
12) Schizophrenia is associated with poor Vitamin D Receptor genes
13) Schizophrenia risk is decreased if give Vitamin D after birth
14) Schizophrenia symptoms reduced when Vitamin D levels are restored

VitaminDWiki - Brain and Vitamin D - many studies

Autism and Gender Identity - Free book 2022?

 PDF from VitaminDWiki
Table of Contents

Health Care Disparities Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth: A Literature Review - April 2017

Cureus. 2017 Apr 20;9(4):e1184. doi: 10.7759/cureus.1184.
Hudaisa Hafeez 1, Muhammad Zeshan 2, Muhammad A Tahir 3, Nusrat Jahan 4, Sadiq Naveed 5

About 3.5% Americans identify themselves as lesbian, gay, or bisexual while 0.3% identify themselves as transgender. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community belongs to almost every race, ethnicity, religion, age, and socioeconomic group.
The LGBT youth are at a higher risk for

  • substance use,
  • sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),
  • cancers,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • obesity,
  • bullying,
  • isolation,
  • rejection,
  • anxiety,
  • depression, and
  • suicide

as compared to the general population. Note more than half of those risks are associated with low vitamin D
LGBT youth receive poor quality of care due to stigma, lack of healthcare providers' awareness, and insensitivity to the unique needs of this community. The main objective of this literature review is to highlight the challenges faced by the LGBT youth and to enhance the awareness among physicians about the existing disparities in order to provide a more comprehensive, evidence-based, and humane medical care to this community.
Clpck here for full study

Half of transmale teen boys have attempted suicide - Sept 2018

click here   5X more than males who are cisgender
Source: Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior - Oct 2018 FREE PDF

VitaminDWiki - Suicide associated with low vitamin D - many studies contains:

7 Hints that suicide is associated with low vitamin D:

“Rapid-onset Gender Dysphoria” (ROGD) - alternate analysis by Robert Malone - April 13, 2023


Attached files

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19795 Female at birth.jpg admin 14 Jul, 2023 57.71 Kb 306
19794 Before Transgender_CompressPdf.pdf admin 14 Jul, 2023 220.08 Kb 115
19436 Autism gender ToC.jpg admin 05 Apr, 2023 107.32 Kb 483
19435 Autism-Gender-Identity1.09.pdf admin 05 Apr, 2023 1.03 Mb 74
19433 Schiz trans.jpg admin 05 Apr, 2023 83.41 Kb 413
19432 Gender Reassignment Ideation in Schizophrenia.pdf admin 05 Apr, 2023 259.46 Kb 114
19431 Is it Autism - Research Gate.pdf admin 05 Apr, 2023 697.00 Kb 127
19430 Autism and transgender identity - Implications for depression and anxiety.pdf admin 04 Apr, 2023 352.03 Kb 137
19429 Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Dysphoria_CompressPdf.pdf admin 04 Apr, 2023 552.04 Kb 424
19428 Implicit and Explicit_CompressPdf.pdf admin 04 Apr, 2023 323.69 Kb 155
19427 G Dys.jpg admin 04 Apr, 2023 15.05 Kb 438
19426 Autism Geneder Idenity.jpg admin 04 Apr, 2023 17.49 Kb 422
19425 Bone health in transgender people.pdf admin 04 Apr, 2023 153.35 Kb 186
19424 Elevated rates of autism.pdf admin 04 Apr, 2023 683.78 Kb 675
19423 Vitamin D-Binding Protein transgender.pdf admin 04 Apr, 2023 249.95 Kb 127