- MS and Vitamin D Overview
- Multiple Sclerosis category has
413 items along with related searches - Map of doctors using the Coimbra Protocol
- Forums and organizations are endorsing Vitamin D for MS
- Books on MS and Vitamin D
- See also in VitaminDWiki
- See also on the web
- Health problems which occur up to 5 years before: Depression, constipation, UTIs, and sexual dysfunction
- Genes, MS, and Vitamin D
22 Items in both categories MS and Genetics: 15 Items in both categories MS and Vitamin D Receptor: - Low D leads to MS which further lowers vitamin D
- As MS progresses, MSers tend to stop working
fewer than 30% are still working after 7 years- Decreased MS relapse rate with better diet - 2015
- Increasing cost of MS drugs - too big to fail?
- No MS in 15 million people eating plant-based diets
MS and Vitamin D Overview
Clinical interventions have shown that Vitamin D can prevent, treat, and even cure Multiple Sclerosis, at a tiny fraction of the cost of the drugs now used to treat it, and without side effects.- Fact: Low Vitamin D results in higher risk of getting MS
Increase latitude leads to decreased Vitamin D, which leads to increased risk of MS
Dark skinned people are far more likely to get MS (dark skin people typically have low vitamin D)
Elderly (who typically have low vitamin D) are more likely to get MS
Is there increased risk in people who already have diseases associated with low vitamin D - TB, for example ? ? ?
Women typically have 3X increased MS risk then men (note: women typically have 20% lower levels of vitamin D than men)
Exception: women in very sunny climates and dark-skinned women have the same MS risk as men
Obese are 60% more likely to get MS
Multiple Sclerosis 42X more likely if light brown skin and smoke (both associated with low vitamin D) – July 2020
MS recurrence is much higher in spring - the lowest time of the year for vitamin D
increase in clouds/rainfall (which reduces available Vitamin D) is associated with increased risk of MS (Scotland, Western Washington)
MS incidence has increased 70% in a decade while the incidence of vitamin D deficiency doubled
Less MS in those with outdoor occupations PDF file, not a web page - Fact: MS uses up Vitamin D
- Fact: Lower vitamin D (due to MS using up Vitamin D while fighting the disease) results in many other health problems (such as broken bones), so depleted vitamin D levels must be restored.
- Fact: Vitamin D looks so promising for preventing and treating MS that there were 25 INTERVENTION clinical trials as of Feb 2014
- Fact: Vitamin D reduced the MS relapse rate far better than Fingolimod which is now used for that purpose.
- Note: Fingolimod costs $25,000/year while vitamin D, which works better and has no side effects is 1000 times less expensive.
- Fact: 98% of the genes affected by Interferon are also affected by Vitamin D
- Note: 1 week of Interferon = $4,700, 1 week of vitamin D 10,000X lower cost
- Fact: MS Doctors in Brazil recommending 40-100 ng/mL of Vitamin D
- Fact: Many MS forums are recommending vitamin D to treat MS, with some taking 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily
Observation: Risk of going from pre-MS to MS reduced 68 percent with 7100 IU vitamin D – RCT Dec 2012- This is an observation instead of a fact - it has not yet been confirmed.
- Fact: VERY LARGE doses of vitamin D have CURED 2,000 people of MS in Brazil
- Controversy: UVB fron sunlight or UVB bulb may be BETTER than Vitamin D for reducing the risk of getting MS
- Hypothesis: In addition to Vitamin D there are many other photoproducts produced by UVB that may promote health.
Summary: lack of consensus on how much to prevent, treat, or cure MS.
- Coimbra Protocol (using Vitamin D) is safe and effective for Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune diseases – April 2022
- 54,000 IU of vitamin D daily with no Calcium (1,000 IU per kg: Coimbra protocol) – July 2024
- How much Vitamin D to prevent many diseases - such as MS
- How much Vitamin D is needed to treat MS? There is currently no agreement
The recommendations range from 40 to 100 ng - which can result of a dose ranging from 3,000 to 20,000 IU/day - How Vitamin D is needed to Cure MS?: It appears that 20,000-140,000 IU daily may be needed to CURE the disease
You must be under the supervision of a doctor who knows what to watch for in your individual situation.
High doses of Vitamin D cannot be used as a monotherapy.
You will need to adjust the cofactors: Typically increasing Magnesium and Vitamin K2, and reducing Calcium intake.
Your doctor will monitor these and might increase your intake of Vitamins B2, C, as well as Omega-3 - Epstein-Barr virus increases risk of Multiple Sclerosis by 32X - Jan 2022
- Multiple Sclerosis treated by Vitamin D, recommends investigating high dose Coimbra - Oct 2021
- Multiple Sclerosis patients had fewer COVID-19 problems (Note: many MSers take Vitamin D) – April 30, 2021
- Vitamin D Resistance hypothesis confirmed by Coimbra high-dose vitamin D protocol – April 2021
- Multiple Sclerosis relapses cut in half by 100,000 IU of Vitamin D every 2 weeks– RCT 2019
Multiple Sclerosis category has
413 items along with related searches which lists items which are in MA and another category: Autoimmune 33; UV 21; Genetics 20; Intervention 18; Parkinson 15; High-Dose 15; Cognitive 14; Pregnancy 11; Receptor 10; Lupus 9; RA 9; Omega 9; Virus 9; Immunity 7; Psoriasis 7; Diabetes 6; Gut 6 etc.
Map of doctors using the Coimbra Protocol
Forums and organizations are endorsing Vitamin D for MS
- Vitamin D and MS ORG excellent need to add details
- Patients like me web site shows that Vitamin D is used by more people with MS than with any other specific disease
- Mega Doses of Vitamin D for MS PatientsLikeMe Dec 2015 9,700 messages on Vitamin D Megadose forum
- Vitamin D at CureTogether: Fibromyalgia, MS, Psorasis, etc - Dec 2013
Books on MS and Vitamin D
March 2014. It uses many images and some text from VitaminDWiki. - High-Dose Vitamin D Therapy – book July 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis and (lots of) Vitamin D - book by patient on Coimbra protocol - Feb 2016 contains protocol description
Vitamin D Protocol used by Dr. Coimbra for Multiple Sclerosis etc.
Snips as of April 2016 http://www.vitamindprotocol.com/dr.-coimbra-s-ms-protocol.html- 1,000 IU's vitamin D per kilogram as a first approximation
(apparently increased/decreased depending of resulting vitamin D blood level) - Vitamin B2, magnesium glycinate, boron, chromium picolinate, Omega 3 DHA, Zinc, Methylcobalamin form of B12, Choline, etc.
- Lack of B12 may affect 10%–15% of the general population and may be the most prevalent genetic risk factor for several human diseases
- Discontinue eating or drinking dairy products or calcium enriched foods or beverages, also no Ca supplements
- Drink as least 2.5 liters [85 ounces] of fluids, preferably water
- Required Tests: Vitamin D, Parathyroid, Blood calcium, urinary calcium
See also in VitaminDWiki
- Vitamin D has already cleared 100 percent of lesions from over 1,000 MS patients in Brazil
- Multiple Sclerosis web survey: 82 percent take vitamin D (2000-5000 IU), strong association with latitude - Aug 2015
- Multiple Sclerosis is associated with about 1.5 X more Vitamin D Binding Protein – Jan 2015 This is an affect not seen by Vitamin D tests
- Hypothesis – Multiple Sclerosis risk increases with low UV, viral infections, and antibiotics in childhood – March 2015
- Multiple Sclerosis has strong associations with Vitamin D – London April 2014
- Multiple Sclerosis progressed more slowly if have 20 ng more vitamin D – Jan 2014
- Prevention with vitamin D in Multiple Sclerosis is logical – editorial April 2013
- Multiple Sclerosis: number needed to treat with vitamin D may be as low as 1.3 – Meta-analysis Oct 2013
- Vitamin D prevents multiple sclerosis through multiple mechanisms – Jan 2013 Excellent, 26 pages, many good charts
- Vitamin D looks promising to deal with MS – review 2013
- UV decreases Multiple Sclerosis via cis-urocanic acid (and via vitamin D) – June 2013
- Multiple Sclerosis more likely if mother had less than 25 ng of vitamin D – Nov 2012
- Multiple Sclerosis and vitamin D – Systematic Review inconclusive Jan 2013
- All items in category MS and vitamin D
413 items - MRI detects 32% less of one type of MS lesion for every 10 ng increased vitamin D – April 2012
- Vitamin D for MS is becoming mainstream Blog post at VitaminDWiki Feb 2012
- Vitamin D far better than fingolimod in reducing MS relapse rate better than the FDA approved drug
- Vitamin D: one sided debate is published in Multiple Sclerosis Journal – Feb 2013
- Sources of UV, in addition to the sun, you can have your UV bulb
- MS prevention by UV is 2X better than prevention by vitamin D levels – Jan 2012
- Immunologic Effects of Vitamin D on Human Health and Disease - Holick July 2020
- has an MS section and a chart of response to daily 40,000 IU of vitamin D to treat MS
- See our video Does Less Sun mean More Disease to start to learn about Vitamin D
- Inflammatory diseases: review of vitamin D, with many tables – May 2014 which has a summary table
See also on the web
- Detailed list of Coimbra Practioners around theworld - some do video - so you do not need to live nearby
- Review of MS and Vitamins- especially Vitamin D - Jan 2018
"A review on potential roles of vitamins in incidence, progression, and improvement of multiple sclerosis"
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki - MS may be a result of a gene that evolved to fight farm animal diseases
1) Nature - 2015 FREE PDF 2) not peer reviewed FREE PDF Oct 2023 - The association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels with multiple sclerosis severity and progression in a case-control study from China Aug 2016
<20ng/mL associated wth 6.3 times more likely to experience MS progression - MS clinical trial (EVIDIMS) to use 10,000 IU of vitamin D – Feb 2012
- Multiple Sclerosis ==> 2.6X more Migraine Headache, web, full text online note Migraine is assoicated with low Vit D
- Multiple Sclerosis ==> 2X more Fractures, web, full text online
- Disease Database links for MS information extensive
- Vitamin D and MS Org Many researchers - Dutch focus
- MS Physio-pedia] Good overview, a few entries for MS and vitamin D
- MS Misdiagnosis Everyday Health
Many of which are also associated with low Vitamin D
Lupus, Lyme disease, Stroke. Fibromyalgia, Sjogren's syndrome, Vasculitis, Myasthenia gravis, Sarcoidosis, Vitamin B12 deficiency. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis - An Entirely New Way to Think About Multiple Sclerosis? MedScape May 2015
Nothing about Vitamin D. Video with transcript. Continuum rather than discrete categories,
"depicts the central nervous system as a pool with a shallow end and a deep end. The shallow end and the deep end refer to different amounts of neurologic and functional reserve—the spinal cord and optic nerves have little reserve, and most relapses in MS happen in these areas.
The brain stem has a bit more reserve and is in the middle—certainly some relapses can occur there. Finally, the hemispheres have the most reserve, " - Regulation of prefrontal cortex myelination by the microbiota April 2016
Nothing directly about Vitamin D (but, Vitamin D does change the microbiota) Microbiota changes 90 genes in the brain - Study: Vitamin D May Repair MS Nerve Damage Dec 2015, Mercola
"The RXR gamma receptor protein is known to be involved in the repair of myelin. " - Vitamin D and MS power point presentation Laura Nolting, 15 minutes
- MS and Cognition nothing about Vitamin D
- Multiple Sclerosisverywell health - nothing about Vitamin D?
- MS Effects on the body each item of chart is described by HealthLine
Health problems which occur up to 5 years before: Depression, constipation, UTIs, and sexual dysfunction
Depression, constipation, UTIs early signs of MS? MD Edge] Dec 2023
Study is behind a paywall
Considered 113 heatlh problems - found 5Health Problem Increased
risk of MSDepression 1.22 Sexual dysfunction 1.47 Constipation 1.5 Cystitis 1.21 UTIs 1.38 "Suspect the PDF will identify the increased risk if have 2 of the health problems"
Genes, MS, and Vitamin D
FACT: At least some MS is associated with a gene variant
FACT: People with MS need higher levels of vitamin D to treat the symptoms
SPECULATION: Those people with the gene variant need higher levels of vitamin D in the blood to prevent/treat MS- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) malady Malacards has the following graphic
Top 20 diseases related by genes to MS ( many of which are associated with low vitamin D)
22 Items in both categories MS and Genetics: - People with Multiple Sclerosis have blunted responses to Vitamin D supplementation - Jan 2024
- Get Multiple Sclerosis while younger if have a poor CYP24A1 vitamin D gene – May 2023
- Vitamin D genes increase MS relapses in children by 2X – May 2019
- CYP2R1 gene problem increases Multiple Sclerosis risk by 1.4X – Dec 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis more likely if poor vitamin D genes - 22nd study – Aug 2017
- Mendelian proof that low vitamin D (due to 3 genes) increase risk of MS by 20 percent – Nov 2016
- Autoimmune risk gene ZMIZ1 is associated with both MS and Vitamin D – Jan 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis relapse in children is twice as likely having a Vitamin D Gene score of 6 – Oct 2016
- Multiple Sclerosis and obesity share some gene problems (as well as low vitamin D) – June 2016
- Genes make Multiple Sclerosis 2X more likely unless get more vitamin D - Aug 2015
- Multiple Sclerosis is connected to Vitamin D by gene to gene interactions – Aug 2014
- Multiple Sclerosis, gene expression, and vitamin D: Venn diagrams – Aug 2014
- Epigenetics of Multiple Sclerosis – March 2014
- Increased risk of multiple sclerosis risk in African Americans due to genes – June 2013
- 98 pcnt of genes that Vitamin D activates to reduce MS are also activated by Interferon -May 2013
- Transgeneration vitamin D deficiency related to MS was found in mice – Aug 2012
- Epigenetics, vitamin D, and Multiple Sclerosis
- Learning about MS and vitamin D in offspring from mice – Sept 2011
- Vitamin D targets 4 MS genes – May 2011
- Unable to find a gene linking vitamin D and MS – March 2011
- MS and vitamin D may be related by HLA gene – March 2010
- MS due to low level of vitamin D may be due to a specific gene – July 2010
15 Items in both categories MS and Vitamin D Receptor: - VDR activators and other synergistic nutrients for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis - Feb 2025
- Multiple Sclerosis and Vitamin D Receptor Activators
- Multiple Sclerosis: is strongly related to poor Vitamin D receptors – umbrella review Oct 2024
- Poor Vitamin D Receptor increases the risk of Multiple Sclerosis in people of European descent – Feb 2024
- Multiple Sclerosis 2X-3X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Meta-analysis Feb 2020
- Risk of Multiple Sclerosis varies with the Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Dec 2019
- Multiple Sclerosis and Vitamin D Receptor super enhancers – March 2019
- Vitamin D genes increase MS relapses in children by 2X – May 2019
- Immunological effects of vitamin D and their relations to autoimmunity – March 2019
- Inflammation and immune responses to Vitamin D (perhaps need to measure active vitamin D) – July 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis more likely if poor vitamin D genes - 22nd study – Aug 2017
- Multiple sclerosis (relapsing-remitting) increases activation of Vitamin D Receptor by 6.6 X – March 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis is more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor (4X Mexico, 3X Iran)– Feb 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis much more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – several studies
- Multiple Sclerosis and the Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis July 2014
Low D leads to MS which further lowers vitamin D
- Low vitamin D levels were lower still by time of MS diagnosis – Sept 2012
- CLICK HERE for more about deficiencies and vicious cycles
As MS progresses, MSers tend to stop working
fewer than 30% are still working after 7 years
Decreased MS relapse rate with better diet - 2015
Result of a web questionaire of 2,000+ people with MS
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Nothing about Vitamin D
Contains the following summary chart
Increasing cost of MS drugs - too big to fail?
The cost of multiple sclerosis drugs in the US and the pharmaceutical industry - Too big to fail? - 2015
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
No MS in 15 million people eating plant-based diets
- Not a single case of multiple sclerosis in 15,000,000 people (plant-based diets) Dr. Greger
- Greger category listing has
29 items along with related searches short url = http://is.gd/msvitd
Overview MS and vitamin D415866 visitors, last modified 23 Sep, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 10474 MS drug cost.jpg admin 03 Sep, 2018 69.37 Kb 5859 10473 The cost of multiple sclerosis drugs in the US and the pharmaceutical industry.pdf admin 03 Sep, 2018 581.63 Kb 2377 9279 MS and Vitamins 2018.pdf admin 29 Jan, 2018 282.19 Kb 1890 7839 MS Body.jpg admin 17 Mar, 2017 66.80 Kb 8862 7056 MS vs country.jpg admin 10 Sep, 2016 23.91 Kb 8584 5978 MS CT Oct 2014.jpg admin 27 Sep, 2015 36.28 Kb 10139 5922 MS relapse vs diet.jpg admin 14 Sep, 2015 52.49 Kb 10480 5921 MS and Diet.pdf admin 14 Sep, 2015 370.42 Kb 2796 4367 MS Hollistic.jpg admin 16 Sep, 2014 111.12 Kb 5692 4165 MS top 20 gene related diseases.jpg admin 22 Jul, 2014 61.61 Kb 13060 3872 MS progression vs employment.jpg admin 03 May, 2014 102.67 Kb 13997 3858 Fingolimod milestones.jpg admin 29 Apr, 2014 62.15 Kb 12703 1618 UV better than vitamin D for autoimmune - 2009.pdf admin 24 Sep, 2012 463.30 Kb 2849 908 MS vicious cycle.png admin 01 Dec, 2011 19.39 Kb 17335 643 ms and genetics.jpg admin 18 Jul, 2011 21.63 Kb 17412