
Stoss (loading) dose of vitamin D resulted in bigger response at 30 days (again) – RCT April 2021

Stoss therapy is safe for treatment of vitamin D deficiency in pediatric patients undergoing HSCT

Bone Marrow Transplant. 2021 Apr 19. doi: 10.1038/s41409-021-01294-x
Jessica Bodea 1, Kristen Beebe 2 3, Courtney Campbell 2, Dana Salzberg 2, Holly Miller 2, Roberta Adams 2 3, Lucia Mirea 2, Paul Castillo 4, Biljana Horn 4, Sandhya Bansal 5, Thalachallour Mohanakumar 5, Alexander Ngwube 6 7

Study used 100,000 to 600,000 IU


Vitamin D deficiency remains common among pediatric patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) despite both aggressive and standard of care strategies. This study examined the safety and efficacy of single high-dose oral vitamin D therapy (Stoss therapy) for treatment of vitamin D deficiency in HSCT recipients. Patients ages 1-21 years presenting for HSCT were randomized to receive either Stoss regimen plus weekly/daily supplementation or standard of care, per US Endocrine Society guidelines. Among the total 48 subjects, 22 (46%) were randomized to Stoss and 26 (54%) to control arms. Baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) levels were insufficient/deficient in total of 34 (71%) patients, without difference between treatment groups. The Stoss regimen was well tolerated and no toxicity was observed. At Day +30, mean 25-OHD levels were significantly higher (P = 0.04) with Stoss (42.3 ± 12 μg/l) compared to controls (35.6 ± 14.3 μg/l), and a higher proportion of Stoss patients had adequate vitamin D levels than controls (85% vs 65%). Stoss therapy is a safe and efficacious treatment option for vitamin D deficiency in children undergoing HSCT and may achieve sufficient levels more rapidly than standard of care.
This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT03176849.

Loading Dose of Vitamin D category has the following

209 items in category
see also Overview Loading of vitamin D   Overview Toxicity of vitamin D
Better than Daily 1: Fewer chances to forget, 2) Gets past receptor barrier
Injection category has 68 items
It appears that over 1 million Vitamin D loading doses have been taken
Doses ranged from 100,000 to 600,000 IU over a period of a day to a month
No reports of serious adverse reactions
Many studies report on the benefits resulting from loading doses

TOP articles in Loading Dose of Vitamin D

Better than Daily has the following

33 items in BETTER THAN DAILY category

Non-daily (Bolus) is better:

  1. Better compliance for everyone
    • Fewer opportunities to forget.
    • If happen to forget, just take the dose many days later
    • Fewer times to have to take a pill - for those who dislike doing so
  2. Non-daily gets more vitamin D to the cells for the ~20% who have a poor Vitamin D Receptor

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday October 28, 2021 06:30:45 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 10)

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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
15474 Stoss response.jpg admin 21 Apr, 2021 27.15 Kb 1126
15473 Stoss 100K to 600K.jpg admin 21 Apr, 2021 23.15 Kb 4180