
Child exposed to smoke is 1.5 X more likely to have low vitamin D – Oct 2018

Tobacco smoke exposure is an independent predictor of vitamin D deficiency in US children

PLOS x https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0205342
Benjamin Udoka Nwosu Benjamin.Nwosu at umassmemorial.org , Philip Kum-Nji
Age 5 - 9: 30% likely to have < 20 ng if a smoker
Age 10-14: 30% likely to have < 20 ng if smoker or second hand smoke
Age 15-17: 30% likely to have < 20 ng if second hand smoke   but only 18% if a smoker
seems strange



2,263 children from the 2019 NHANES analysis
Determined smoking status is based on urine content ( 0.5-10 = second hand smoke)

Increased chance of low vitamin D Association
1.5 Xany smoke exposure (probably > 0.5)
1.9 X Female
8.5 XDark skin

Note: It is far more important to take Vitamin D if Dark Skinned than if exposed to smoke
Overview Dark Skin and Vitamin D contains the following summary
FACT - - People with dark skins have more health problems and higher mortality rate than those with light skins
FACT - - People with dark skins have low levels of vitamin D
FACT - - People with light skins who have low vitamin D have health problems
OBSERVATION - - The health problems of whites with low level of vitamin D are similar to those with dark skins
CONCLUSION - - People with dark skins have more health problems due to low levels of vitamin D
African American Health Disparities are associated with low Vitamin D - Grant Feb 2021
Low Vitamin D increases health problems - independent of skin color

Dark Skin studies: Pregnancy (30 studies),  Genetics (13 studies),  Vitamin D Binding Protein (8 studies),  Vitamin D Receptor (7 studies),  Diabetes (25 studies),   Cardiovascular (18 studies),  Mortality (13 studies), Intervention (16 studies) Click here to see the studies

Smoking reduces vitamin D - many studies contains the following

Two pathways are often proposed for how smoking decreases vitamin D:
   1) Smoking decreases Calcium. and Vitamin D is used up in replacing the Calcium
   2) Smoking injures the body, and vitamin D is used up in repairing the body
It appears that taking Vitamin D while smoking will:
   1) Decrease the incidence of the many health problems associated with smoking - even lung cancer
   2) Decrease the desire to smoke (perhaps take fewer smoking breaks?)
   3) Increase breathing capacity
Opinion: If you must smoke, have recently smoked, or are getting 2nd hand smoke:
   take Vitamin D and perhaps Omega-3
    They will extinguish much of the inflammation caused by inhaling tobacco smoke.

Vitamin D should also help people quit smoking
   1) Reduces weight gain associated with quitting smoking
   2) Reduces depression associated with quitting smoking

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

The role of tobacco-smoke exposure on serum vitamin D concentration in US pediatric population is not known. We hypothesized that tobacco smoke exposure would increase the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in US children.

Representative national data were accessed from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2009–2010 databank on 2,263 subjects of ages 3 to 17 years. Subjects were categorized into two groups based on their age: children, if <10 years; and youth if 10 to 17 years. Descriptive and multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine the effect of serum cotinine-verified tobacco smoke exposure on vitamin D status after controlling for key sociodemographic confounders. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as 25(OH)D <20 ng/mL, insufficiency as 25(OH)D of 20–29.9 ng/mL, and sufficiency as 25(OH)D of ≥30 ng/mL. Tobacco smoke exposure status was defined by serum cotinine concentration as follows: unexposed and non-smoking (<0.05 ng/mL) and exposed (passive and active smokers combined) (≥0.05ng/mL). Specifically, passive and active smoking were defined as cotinine of 0.05–10 ng/mL, and ≥10ng/mL respectively.

The prevalence of second-hand smoke exposure was 42.0% (95%CI, 36.7%-47.5%); while the prevalence of active smoking among teenagers was 9.0% (95%CI, 6.2%-12.5%). Vitamin D deficiency occurred at a frequency of 15.1% in children unexposed to tobacco smoke, 20.9% in children exposed to passive tobacco smoke, and 18.0% among actively smoking youth (p<0.001). Tobacco smoke exposure independently predicted vitamin D deficiency after controlling for age, sex, race, BMI, maternal education, and family socio-economic status (OR:1.50; 95%CI, 1.14–1.85, p = 0.002).

Conclusions: This analysis of a nationwide database reports that tobacco smoke exposure is an independent predictor of vitamin D deficiency in US children.

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10653 deficiency with smoking vs age.jpg admin 08 Oct, 2018 35.70 Kb 914
10652 2nd hand smoke.pdf admin 08 Oct, 2018 994.55 Kb 586