
Increase your vitamin D from the sun by wearing a tan-through instead of standard shirt

Standard shirts block virtually all ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
Tan-through shirts permit some UVA (tan) and UVB (vitamin D) radiation to get to the skin
Tan-through shirt appears to have an equivalent SPF = 2 in UVB spectra
Thus, the skin covered by a tan-thru shirt generates about 1/2 of the vitamin D than that of skin directly exposed to the sun

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If you want to generate the same amount of vitamin D and have less UVB on each square inch on skin you can expose more skin to the UVB.

Maximizing the UVB/UVA ratio appears to
    Reduce the damage to the skin
    Increase the amount of vitamin D generated
UVB/UVA is maximized at solar noon +- 2 hours.

I (Henry Lahore, admin of VitaminDWiki) purchased a tan-through T shirt July 2013
Update March 2015 - own several "vitamin D" shirts

There are several companies making that type of shirt
I happened to buy mine from: http://www.tanthrough.com/index.htm

Relative number of minutes in sun

  • 45 minutes long sleeved shirt +pants (11% skin)
  • 20 minutes T shirt + pants (25% skin)
  • 14 minutes T shirt + shorts (35% skin)
  • 13 minutes Tan-through T shirt + pants (38% skin) = 25% + (26% trunk X 50% shirt)
       tan-through T shirt provides about as much vitamin D as wearing shorts
  • 10 minutes no shirt + pants (50% skin)
  • 7 minutes no shirt,+ shorts (88% skin)

What I normally wear in the summer when mowing the lawn, shopping: Tan-thru T shirt + shorts = 75% skin

Note: The above does not indicate IU of vitamin D as the amount of time also varies with:

  • latitude
  • standing up/lying down
  • season,
  • skin color

Of course, not wearing a shirt is often socially unacceptable for

  • seniors, and many adults
  • obese
  • women
  • Golfing, playing baseball, gardening, walking in a park, bicycling, hiking, jogging, picnicking, etc.

Also, a tan-through shirt should keep you somewhat warmer in cooler temperatures.


Note: A standard T shirt has about 1/100 UVB vs tan-through has 1/2 UVB


Update June 2014 - bought a poloshirt which is tan thru

From their literature.
Microsol fabric is a gas infused polymer with 2X the surface area of standard fabric - allowing more wicking moisture
lets more of the tanning rays and less of the burning rays to pass thru

Found a 2008 patent application http://www.google.com/patents/WO2008129278A2?cl=en which specifically mentions use for burka. Apparently a patent was not awarded.

Many companies have tan-thru fabric on Alibaba

Perhaps I will get around to making a superman logo which I can occasionally attach to the shirt

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See also VitaminDWiki

Short url = is.gd/cooltanD

Increase your vitamin D from the sun by wearing a tan-through instead of standard shirt        
43898 visitors, last modified 10 Aug, 2021,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
4080 Super D4.jpg admin 26 Jun, 2014 23.11 Kb 30211
4079 Super D1.jpg admin 26 Jun, 2014 11.66 Kb 19718
2753 Cooltan.jpg admin 08 Jul, 2013 39.68 Kb 19975
2752 Sun.jpg admin 08 Jul, 2013 39.78 Kb 19402
2738 tan-through shirts.jpg admin 07 Jul, 2013 64.51 Kb 24583