
Cataract surgery may be another reason for low vitamin D levels in seniors

I attended an outdoor barbecue at a senior residence in July 2013.
It was an excellent day: bright sun, a very slight breeze, about 75 degrees F
My 100 year-old father in-law stated that it was too bright after his cateract surgery (of 15 years ago)


80% of the seniors stayed and ate indoors, and thus missed out on getting vitamin D

Suspect: Cataract surgery ==> too bright ==> stay out of the sun ==> get less vitamin D

The seniors could have used sunglasses, but did not.

Alternative explanation for seniors not going outdoors
Seniors greatly fear falling - and the outdoor location was unfamiliar - and could have something which might cause them to fall

Image Image

See also VitaminDWiki

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
2755 Cataract map.jpg admin 08 Jul, 2013 58.39 Kb 1421
2754 Cataract surgery per year.jpg admin 08 Jul, 2013 13.50 Kb 1279