- Vitamin D was voted best acne treatment Feb 2011 http://www.acne.org
- Topical Vitamin D appears help acne (oil, cream, or paste made from capsules)
- Putting vitamin D on an affected area for a few days often clears up acne
- Vitamin D and Acne = Dr. Berg video Jan 2023
Learn how Vitamin D is essential for good health
Watch a 5 minute video "Does Less Sun Mean more Disease?"
Browse for other Health Problems and D in left column or here
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If you have a disease associated with low Vit D take Vit D
Raising your Vit D levels will substantially prevent other low-Vit D health problems
Proof that Vitamin D Works Getting Vitamin D into your blood and cells
Books and Videos
Reasons for low response to vitamin D Why are doctors reluctant
Cancer studies include: Breast
Colds and flu Dark Skin
COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos
Table of contents
- Vitamin D is very good for the skin, acne
- 4+ VitaminDWiki pages have ACNE in the title
- Facial acne eliminated in 36% of females in 1 month by Vitamin D cream – April 2024
- Web also shows the popularity of vitamin D for the skin, acne
- 26,200+ hits in Google Scholar for acne and "Vitamin D"
- Acne associated with 7 ng lower level of vitamin D - Meta-analysis March 2021
- A woman tried to stop oily skin for decades - 4,000 IU of vitamin D did it - 2018
- A study found no improvement in chronic eczema with 2,000 IU of vitamin D for 3 months
- Suspect that acne will be treated faster and better by topical vitamin D
- Vitamin D levels do not matter with Eczema until about age 4 - Dec 2015
- Atopic dermatitis reduced a bit by 1600 IU of vitamin D - RCT Nov 2020 - FREE PDF
- Eczema: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Oct 2019
- Differences between acne and dermatitis
- Acne may need a different form of fat-soluble vitamins
- Some people on TikTok claim that Vitamin D CAUSES acne, others correctly say deficiency causes acne - March 2024
Vitamin D is very good for the skin, acne
- Acne 3X more likely if low Vitamin D – meta-analysis Oct 2019
- Psorasis and vitamin D
72 items - Skin and vitamin D
123 items - Vitamin A and vitamin D
70 items Vitamin A in many acne drugs appears to hamper the benefits of Vitamin D - Acne - Accutane - vitamin A - vitamin D and suicide - Nov 2010
- Report of increased suicides in patients taking Accutane to reduce acne (128 of 5,700)
- Autoimmune category listing has
204 items along with related searches - Staph infections with eczema reduced with 2,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Oct 2015
- Off topic: Caesarean section increases risk of Eczema (Atopic dermatitis) by 1.8 X – Sept 2015
- Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) in Mongolian children reduced with 1,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Oct 2014
- Who said vitamin D could not be patented Acne patented - a good hint that it works
4+ VitaminDWiki pages have ACNE in the title
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 4Title Modified Accutane for acne associated with birth defects, abortions - April 2024 02 Apr, 2024 Acne 11 Mar, 2021 Acne 3X more likely if low Vitamin D – meta-analysis Oct 2019 25 Oct, 2019 Acne - Accutane - vitamin A - vitamin D and suicide - Nov 2010 26 Oct, 2012
Facial acne eliminated in 36% of females in 1 month by Vitamin D cream – April 2024
Topical application of vitamin D cream in participants with inflammatory acne due to vitamin D deficiency
International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention 11(4): 7087-7091, 2024 DOI:10.18535/ijmsci/v11i4.02
1 2 Lana Lekic , Bojan Pavlovic
1 Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo,Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2 MPT, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Sarajevo, University of East Sarajevo.
Acne vulgaris (AV) represents a chronic inflammatory condition affecting pilosebaceous units, characterized by a multifactorial etiology. AV can manifest as both inflammatory and non-inflammatory skin lesions. Non-inflammatory acne is termed a comedone, which can be either closed (whiteheads) or open (blackheads). Inflammatory acne encompasses papules, pustules, nodules, and pseudocysts. The most common regions for acne occurrence are the facial region (90%), thoracic area (14%), and dorsal region (60%). In the study involving transdermal application of vitamin D cream (applied twice daily; morning and evening) in subjects with inflammatory acne due to vitamin D deficiency, 33 participants took part, comprising 8 males and 25 females. The age group most affected was 18-25 years (adolescent age), followed by a lesser impact in the 26-30 age group, and the lowest incidence observed in the late 36-45 age group. Among males, facial and thoracic regions were most affected by inflammatory acne (37.5%), while among females, the facial region showed a higher percentage of 54%, and the thoracic area was at 40%, with a minimal impact on the dorsal region (M=25%; F=8%). Reductions in inflammatory acne ranged from 100% to 10%, with substantial improvements noted in the male population, achieving 100% and 80% reduction (100% reduction: facial region 25%, thoracic area 12.5%, 80% reduction: dorsal region 25%). Similarly, the female group, with a larger sample size (25 participants), demonstrated significant reductions (100% reduction: facial region 36%, thoracic area 24%, 80% reduction: dorsal area 4%). Overall, improvements were evident in all participants, with none falling below a 30% reduction, indicating remarkable outcomes after one month of vitamin D cream use. Numerous factors contribute to the onset of inflammatory acne, with this study specifically highlighting vitamin D deficiency in the blood. Other indications include the occurrence of polycystic ovaries and reduced thyroid function in women, heightened stress, and prostate issues in men. Reduced or deficient vitamin D levels may be associated with further immune system suppression, activating the aforementioned factors. This research marks a significant stride in uncovering the manifold health benefits of vitamin D.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
VitaminDWiki - Topical Vitamin D provides more benefits than oral sometimes - many studies
10+ Amazon suppliers provide Vitamin D Cream
Web also shows the popularity of vitamin D for the skin, acne
- The Top Vitamin Deficiency with Acne (Vitamin D video 7 minutes Jan 2024
- "healthy skin" "vitamin d" 623,000 hits as of Aug 2020
- psoriasis "vitamin d 12,00,000 hits as of Aug 2020
26,200+ hits in Google Scholar for acne and "Vitamin D"
Google Scholar Oct 2024
- Association between Vitamin D Level and Acne, and Correlation with Disease Severity: A Meta-Analysis - May 2022 https://doi.org/10.1159/000517514 $39 paywall
- Acne patients were 3X more likely to have low vitamin D
- Vitamin D status and efficacy of vitamin D supplementation in acne patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis March 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/jocd.14057 publisher rents PDF for $15
- "Results: The serum 25(OH)D levels in acne patients is lower (standardized mean difference = −7.66 ng/ml; 95% confidence interval (CI) = −10.92 to −4.40). Articles also revealed the prospect of a therapeutic breakthrough through the supplementing of vitamin D for acne patients.
- Vitamin D Levels in Patients with and without Acne and Its Relation to Acne Severity: A Case-Control Study Nov 2022 FREE PDF
- Associations among two vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphisms (ApaI and TaqI) in acne vulgaris: A pilot susceptibility study - September 2018 https://doi.org/10.1111/jocd.12781
- Effect of vitamin D supplementation on patients with acne vulgaris: An intervention study May 2021,DOI: 10.21608/efmj.2021.61198.1066 FREE PDF
- "Results: frequency of vitamin-D deficiency among studied patients was 82.5%, there was statistically significant relationship between vitamin-D deficiency and severity of acne. Vitamin-D deficiency is significantly prevalent among female patients (98.4%). There was significant improvement in acne grading after vitamin-D supplementation""
Acne associated with 7 ng lower level of vitamin D - Meta-analysis March 2021
J Cosmet Dermatol . 2021 Mar 10. doi: 10.1111/jocd publisher wants $8 for the PDF
Vitamin D deficiency and effect of vitamin D supplement to acne patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Meng Wang 1, Yuan Zhou 1, Yan Yan 1Acne vulgaris, a chronic inflammatory dermatosis, affects approximately 85% of adolescents and young adults. The level of vitamin D in acne patients and the effect on acne patients of a vitamin D supplementation have previously been documented; however, it remains to be disputed whether vitamin D deficiency is normal in acne patients. This paper explores the relationship between vitamin D and acne levels and the advantageous implications of vitamin D supplements on acne. From every database start date until December 2020, we checked the PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE and the Cochrane libraries. Case-controls or randomized controlled trial reporting on the serum 25(OH)D level and the efficacy of vitamin D supplement to acne patients were included. The serum 25(OH)D levels in acne patients is lower (standardized mean difference = -7.66ng/ml; 95% confidence interval (CI) = -10.92 to -4.40). Articles also revealed the prospect of a therapeutic breakthrough through the supplementing of vitamin D for acne patients. Our research offers a new guide in the field of acne prevention and health care.
A woman tried to stop oily skin for decades - 4,000 IU of vitamin D did it - 2018
Acne.org Forum March 2018
"I've tried EVERYTHING including accutane (4 rounds, antibiotics (3 years), spironolactone (3 years), topical tretinoin (10 years, still using), useless lotions and potions.. you name it, i've tried it."
A study found no improvement in chronic eczema with 2,000 IU of vitamin D for 3 months
Serum Vitamin D levels and Vitamin D supplementation do not correlate with the severity of chronic eczema in children March 2015
Results"Vitamin D concentrations in patients with moderate and severe eczema were not statistically different from Vitamin D concentration detected in the serum of patients with mild eczema. Furthermore, we did not find any correlation between Vitamin D levels, total IgEs and SCORAD index, both in the Sensitized and in the Not-Sensitized group. The Vitamin D3 supplementation did not influence the SCORAD severity or the total IgEs concentration."
Suspect that acne will be treated faster and better by topical vitamin D
Vitamin D levels do not matter with Eczema until about age 4 - Dec 2015
Associations of maternal and fetal 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels with childhood eczema. The Generation R Study.
Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2015 Dec 19. doi: 10.1111/pai.12530.
Gazibara T1,2,3,4, Elbert NJ1,5, den Dekker HT1,2,3, de Jongste JC2, Reiss I6, McGrath JJ7,8, Eyles DW7,8, Burne TH7,8, Tiemeier H3,9,10, Jaddoe VW1,3,11, Pasmans SG5, Duijts L2,3,6.BACKGROUND:
Exposure to low levels of vitamin D in fetal life might affect the developing immune system, and subsequently the risk of childhood eczema. We examined whether 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in mid-gestation and at birth were associated with the risk of eczema until the age of 4 years.
In a population-based prospective cohort study of 3,019 mothers and their children, maternal blood samples in mid-gestation and umbilical cord blood samples at birth were used to determine 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (severely deficient <25.0 nmol/L, deficient 25.0-49.9 nmol/L, sufficient 50.0-74.9 nmol/L, optimal ≥75.0 nmol/L). Eczema was prospectively assessed by annual questionnaires until the age of 4 years. Eczema patterns included never, early (age ≤1 year only), late (age >1 year only), and persistent eczema (age ≤ and >1 year). Data were assessed using generalized estimating equations and multinomial regression models.
Compared with the optimal 25-hydroxyvitamin D group, sufficient, deficient and severely deficient groups of 25-hydroxyvitamin D level in mid-gestation were not associated with the risk of overall eczema (odds ratios (95%confidence interval): 1.09 (0.82, 1.43), 1.04 (0.87, 1.25) and 0.94 (0.81, 1.10), p-values for trend >0.05), nor with eczema per year or eczema patterns in children up to the age of 4 years. Similarly, we observed no associations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D groups at birth with any eczema outcome.
Our results suggest that levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in mid-gestation and at birth are not associated with the risk of overall eczema, eczema per year or eczema patterns among children until the age of 4 years
Atopic dermatitis reduced a bit by 1600 IU of vitamin D - RCT Nov 2020 - FREE PDF
The impact of vitamin D supplementation as an adjuvant therapy on clinical outcomes in patients with severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial.
Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 30 Nov 2020, 8(6):e00679, DOI: 10.1002/prp2.679
Mansour NO1, Mohamed AA2, Hussein M3, Eldemiry E4, Daifalla A5, Hassanin S6, Nassar N7, Ghaith D8, Mohamed Salah E9
Treatment group (with only 1600 IU) got to only 36 ng
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWikiVitamin D supplementation with standard treatment yielded positive clinical outcomes in mild and moderate atopic dermatitis; however, the potential benefit of vitamin D in severe cases remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of vitamin D supplementation on response to standard treatment in pediatrics with severe atopic dermatitis. The patients were randomized to receive either vitamin D 3 1600 IU/day or placebo, plus baseline therapy of topical 1% hydrocortisone cream twice daily for 12 weeks. The primary endpoints were the change in mean Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) score at the end of the study and the mean percent change in EASI score from baseline to week 12. Eighty-six subjects completed the study. The treated group achieved a significantly higher level of 25 hydroxy vitamin D (P < .001) compared to control group at week 12. The mean EASI score was significantly lower in the treatment group compared to placebo group (P = .035). The percent change in EASI score from baseline differed significantly between the supplementation (56.44 ± 29.33) and placebo (42.09 ± 19.22) groups after intervention (P = .039). Vitamin D supplementation could be an effective adjuvant treatment that improves the clinical outcomes in severe atopic dermatitis.
Eczema: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Oct 2019
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Vitamin Supplement in Treating Eczema: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki 5 Vitamin D Studies
Differences between acne and dermatitis
How to Tell the Difference between Acne and Dermatitis Feb 2017
- Acne is the result of dead skin and excess oil clogging pores.
- Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by contact with allergens, irritants, or other triggers.
Difference Between Rosacea, Acne and Eczema Aug 2017
Acne may need a different form of fat-soluble vitamins
Water-soluble form of vitamins are needed for some health problems
Some people on TikTok claim that Vitamin D CAUSES acne, others correctly say deficiency causes acne - March 2024
This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 21835 Acne reduction table.webp admin 04 Oct, 2024 61.87 Kb 355 21834 Vit D cream treats acne_CompressPdf.pdf admin 04 Oct, 2024 105.16 Kb 50 15225 Oct 2019.pdf admin 11 Mar, 2021 1.12 Mb 801 15224 Atopic RCT 2020.jpg admin 11 Mar, 2021 27.31 Kb 5322 15223 Atopic RCT 2020.pdf admin 11 Mar, 2021 1.28 Mb 796 - Skin and vitamin D