
Vitamin D in US children: those having more than 40 ng increased 60 percent (2001-2010) - Dec 2016

From GrassrootsHealth

    • 2009/2010 (8.9%) compared to
    • 2001/2002 (5.8%). 1.58 X increase
  • 91% of U.S. children still have < 40 nanograms. (as of 2010)
  • Data has been adjusted to account for different testers used over the decade
See also VitaminDWiki

More people with more than 50 ng is.gd/50ngVitD

Increased use of D has the following

People have been noticing, and increasing vitamin D (58 items)

Studies are showing increased Vitamin D consumption and associated
      Increased levels of vitamin D PLUS increased health

More people with more than 50 ng is.gd/50ngVitD


 Download the PDF chart from VitaminDWiki

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7552 nhanes-d-trends-under-18.pdf admin 21 Dec, 2016 70.43 Kb 969
7551 Vit D increase in children.jpg admin 21 Dec, 2016 75.66 Kb 729