Critical Care Medicine: December 2014 - Volume 42 - Issue 12 - p A1623, doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000458589.15073.c6
Poster Session: Surgery/Trauma/Burns 7 1092: (Jan 2015 meeting)
Matthews, Leslie1; Ahmed, Yusuf2; Jones, Frank3; Thakkar, Pankti3; Wilson, Kenneth3; Dennis-Griggs, Diane4; Childs, Ed3; Danner, Omar3
6258 patients over 11 year time period
Patients: Category | Mortality rate |
3285 patients: Standard care | 10.7% |
2973 patients: Vitamin D & Glutamine | 4.1% |
Abstract of poster does not indicate
- How much vitamin D or Glutamine was given
- How many patients had low levels of vitamin D
- The level of vitamin D after treatment
Dr. Matthews reply to question:
98.8% of our patients have vitamin D levels less than 40 ng/ml.
Patients were given vitamin D to get their levels above 40 ng/ml.
Learning Objectives:
Vitamin D levels less than 18ng/ml are associated with a 30% increase in all-cause mortality rate including trauma patients. We hypothesize that vitamin D (a steroid hormone / immune modulator) and glutamine (an essential amino acid during trauma/stress response) supplementation has an appreciable, measurable effect in reducing the hospital mortality rate in critically injured patients.
We performed a retrospective study of 6,258 trauma patients listed in the trauma registry at Grady Memorial Hospital, between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2011. Trauma patients admitted from 2000-2006 (Untreated Group, n=3,285) were treated with standard care. Trauma patients admitted from 2007-2011 (Treated Group, n=2,973) were managed with standard care plus vitamin D/glutamine supplementation. Our primary outcome was mortality rate.
There were no difference between untreated group and the treated groups in terms of number of admitted patients, gender, age distribution, and trauma type. The mortality rate for untreated group was 10.7% compared to 4.1% of the treated group, a 6.6% absolute reduction in mortality (RRR, 61.6%, 95%CI, 2.26-3.46, P<0.0001).
Conclusions dmplementation of vitamin D and glutamine supplementation significandy reduces the mortality rate, among the trauma patients in the treated group. Further studies are warranted.
See also VitaminDWiki
- Traumatic brain injury treated by Vitamin D Progesterone Omega-3 and glutamine – May 2013 Matthews, etc.
- Vitamin D and Glutamine reduced Trauma Center deaths by half – Matthews March 2017
- Vitamin D intervention increased by 20 percent the survival of critically ill patients- RCT June 2014 540,000 IU loading dose
- Trauma and surgery category listing has
355 items along with related searches - Overview Loading of vitamin D
- Traumatic Brain Injuries routinely treated by Vitamin D, Omega-3, Progesterone and Gluatmine
- Hospital or ICU death about twice as likely if low vitamin D – March 2014
- ICU survival increased with vitamin D single 540K IU loading dose - JAMA Sept 2014 - has the following chart
Why are the USDA, NCCDB, etc. databases missing the glutamine content of foods - Dec 2023
- "Glutamine is considered “conditionally essential” because it can be synthesized from glutamate when total protein is adequate, yet it can become depleted to dangerous levels that require supplementation during illness, injury, and surgery."
Vitamin D and Glutamine resulted in 2.6X reduction in trauma center mortality rate – Dec 20148901 visitors, last modified 27 Dec, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)