Kids’ Suicide-Related Hospital Visits Rise Sharply NYT May 2018
- “What we find nationwide is that over the last decade, the numbers of kids being admitted or seeking help in the emergency department or hospital for suicidal ideation or attempts have dramatically increased,”
- “In fact, over the study period, the proportion of emergency room and hospital encounters for these suicide-related diagnoses almost tripled, from 0.66 percent in 2008 to 1.82 percent in 2015”
- “In the new study, the researchers noted a strong temporal relationship between the school year and the frequency of the encounters for suicidal thoughts or actions; the rate dropped sharply in the summer,…”
- Note below: A hint that suicide in ages 10-35 might be due to low Vitamin D.
- Vitamin D levels rise in the summer.
- Note also - people aged 19-35 rarely go to school, but still have less suicide in the summer
 Download the NYT PDF from VitaminDWiki
Youth suicide rates are rising. School and the Internet may be to blame. USA Today
They speculate | Internet | ==> Suicide |
VitaminDWiki speculates | Internet etc ==>Low sunshine | ==> low Vitamin D ==> Suicide |
Hospitalization for Suicide Ideation or Attempt: 2008–2015 Pediatics Journal May 2018
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2017-2426
 Download the PDF from Sci-Hub via VitaminDWiki
See also VitaminDWiki
- Depression category has
271 items along with related searches - Vitamin D depression RCT canceled: too many were taking Vitamin D supplements, etc. Feb 2018
- Anti-depression medication about as good as big increase in vitamin D – meta-analysis of flawless data April 2014
- Less recent sun, more suicide – Sept 2014
- Hypothesis: Some Mental Illness could be treated or prevented with vitamin D
Suicide associated with low vitamin D - many studies__ starts with
7 Hints that suicide is associated with low vitamin D:
- 1) Giving Vitamin D decreases suicide attempts
- 2) Suicide peaks in the Spring, when vitamin D values are lowest
- 3) Suicide has increased while vitamin D has been crashing
- 4) Suicide higher in dark-skinned individuals (low vitamin D due to built-in sun protection)
- 5) Suicide higher in prison (shut-ins have low levels of vitamin D)
- 6) Suicide attempts by males 3.7 X more likely if poor Vitamin D gene (CYP24A1) – Oct 2021
- 7) Suicide rate is higher at high latitudes (where vitamin D is less available)
See Criteria to associate a health problem with low vitamin D
Omega-3 also reduces depression - wonder if Omega-3 also reduces suicide
- Happy Nurses Project gave Omega-3 for 3 months – reduced depression, insomnia, anxiety, etc for a year – RCT July 2018
- Depression – is it reduced by Vitamin D and or Omega-3 – RCT 2019
Omega-3 and Suicide on the web
- Suicide Deaths of Active Duty U.S. Military and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Status: A Case Control Comparison 2011
Soldiers 60% more likely to suicide if low Omega-3
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Suicides are now the 2nd largest cause of death for age 10-35 (perhaps low Vitamin D) – May 20187962 visitors, last modified 08 Jun, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 9870 2nd causes of death under 35.gif admin 16 May, 2018 89.67 Kb 586 9869 Suicide Deaths of Active Duty U.S. Military and Omega-3.pdf admin 16 May, 2018 107.23 Kb 563 9868 Suicide season in children.jpg admin 16 May, 2018 26.31 Kb 518 9867 Suicide NYT May 2018.pdf admin 16 May, 2018 109.66 Kb 669