
Dental Implants helped by Vitamin D - many studies

History and future

  1. Animal studies: apply vitamin D to the implant
  2. Human: Observe that high Vitamin D level is associated with implant success
  3. Human takes Vitamin D before the procedure
    Start supplementing 3 months before the procedure or a loading dose of 400,000 IU a week before
  4. Human: Apply Vitamin D to the implant
    Note: A few drops of topical Vitamin D to nearby gums 2X daily for weeks
    should result in less pain, improved implant
  5. Human future implant exploration:
    Take supplements known to improve bone growth (outside of the mouth)
    Vitamin D, Boron, Magnesium, Silicon, plant-based Calcium, Vitamin K2, etc. 1   2

6+ VitaminDWiki Dental pages have IMPLANT in the title

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Items found: 6

Early Dental Implant Failure 4X more likely if Vitamin D deficient - Feb 2025

Vitamin D Screening and Supplementation—A Novel Approach to Higher Success: An Update and Review of the Current Literature
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials Vol 113, Issue 3 e35558
https://doi.org/10.1002/jbm.b.35558 PDF is behind a paywall, 27 references are on-line
Thomas G. Wiedemann, Hyun Woo Jin, Brendan Gallagher, Lukasz Witek, Richard J. Miron, Huzefa S. Talib

In recognizing the critical role of vitamin D in bone metabolism and osseointegration, research aims to identify whether preoperative vitamin D deficiency serves as a risk factor for early implant failure. By analyzing patient outcomes and their serum vitamin D levels, studies seek to establish evidence-based recommendations for vitamin D assessment and management in the preoperative period, with the ultimate goal of enhancing implant success rates and patient outcomes in dental implantology. Given these insights, it is important for clinicians to incorporate the preoperative evaluation of vitamin D serum levels into their standard protocol for patients undergoing dental implant procedures. The objective of this study is to review and investigate the correlation between early dental implant failure (EDIF) and reduced serum levels of vitamin D, and to evaluate the potential benefits of preoperative screening and supplementation of vitamin D in patients undergoing dental implant surgery. A literature review was performed using a selected database—PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane, and SCOPUS—to assess the effect of vitamin D3 level on EDIF and biological factors (i.e., peri-implant bone level). Studies were limited to peer-reviewed, indexed journals. Subsequently, a hypothesis was proposed that vitamin D3 supplementation would mitigate the negative effect of vitamin D3 deficiency.

The potential benefit of vitamin D3 supplementation—systemic and topical—was assessed in terms of bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and peri-implant bone level. The deleterious effects of low vitamin D serum levels on osseointegration of dental implants and immune system modulation are increasingly accepted. Evidence has displayed that deficiency of this vitamin can result in impaired peri-implant bone formation.
Vitamin D deficiency resulted in nearly a fourfold increase in overall EDIF incidence.
Presurgical supplementation of vitamin D3 demonstrated increased levels of

  • implant osseointegration,
  • increased bone–implant contact,
  • enhanced bone level maintenance, and
  • decreased EDIF even in at-risk demographics (i.e., diabetic subjects).

The findings of this study reinforce the role of vitamin D in dental implant osseointegration. Our study, particularly, emphasizes the necessity of vitamin D supplementation for individuals with sub-physiologic vitamin D serum levels (≤ 30 ng/mL) and those within specific risk categories: smokers, diabetics, obese individuals, and those with compromised immune systems. Adopting a proactive management plan, including screening and supplementation in these patients, may substantially enhance the clinical outcomes in dental implant surgery.

Vitamin D Supplementation for Prevention of Dental Implant Failure: A Systematic Review - Jan 2022

International Journal of DentistryVolume 2022, Issue 1 https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2845902
Alaa Makke

Background. Many factors play a significant role in osseointegration and healing after dental implant insertion and restoration. Some factors are related to dental biomaterials, such as the dental implant, prosthesis, and grafting materials. Other factors can be connected to operator skills and accumulated experience. Local and systemic patient-related factors are crucial in determining the success of the dental implant. Thorough examination and analysis of local factors using available examination tools are vital to prepare the implant candidate for such treatment. The patient’s systemic condition directly affects the healing of the dental implant.

One of the most overlooked systemic factors is the patients’ vitamin D level, which influences bone formation around the implant and subsequent osseointegration. The current review examined the available literature regarding the association between vitamin D supplementation and dental implant osseointegration.

Methods. Data of this review were derived from recent research available on PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus. Inclusion criteria were the relation between the vitamin D serum and dental implant osseointegration or failure. The Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) checklist was followed to perform the review. The study’s outcome was the need for vitamin D supplementation to prevent implant failure.

Results. Five human studies (including case reports, case series, and retrospective studies) and six animal studies. All included studies discussed the relationship between vitamin D, early dental implant failure, and bone implant contact.

  • Three retrospective studies found no significant relationship between vitamin D supplementation and EDIFs in humans.
  • On the other hand, one retrospective study showed a significant relationship in humans.
  • A case report and case series claimed that the implant was successfully placed after vitamin D supplementation.
  • A total of four animal studies showed a significant relationship between vitamin D supplementation and osseointegration of the dental implant.
  • Two animal studies showed no significant association.

Conclusion. To ensure optimal treatment outcomes, it is recommended to supplement the patient with vitamin D if the serum level is not within the normal range. Further clinical studies and case reports are needed to confirm the association between serum vitamin D levels and osseointegration.
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Less bone loss after implant if have more Vitamin D in blood - June 2022

Does the serum level of vitamin D affect marginal bone loss around dental implants?
International J. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Vol. 51, Issue 6, June 2022, Pages 832-836 partial PDF is online

Vitamin D is effective in bone healing. The aim of this study was to assess marginal bone loss (MBL) around dental implants in patients with sufficient and insufficient serum levels of vitamin D. This was a prospective cohort study with a pre-protocol population. Patients who underwent dental implantation in the first or second molar region and had a long-cone peri-apical digital radiograph taken at the time of loading and 12 months later were studied. Patients were assigned to one of three groups based on their serum vitamin D level: group 1, the serum level of vitamin D was deficient, group 2 insufficient, and group 3 sufficient. The marginal bone level change from immediately after loading to 12 months later was considered as MBL. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to compare MBL between the three groups. Ninety patients were included (30 in each group).
The mean MBL was

  • 1.38 ± 0.33 mm in group 1, (deficient)
  • 0.89 ± 0.16 mm in group 2, (insufficient)
  • 0.78 ± 0.12 mm in group 3. (sufficient)

Analysis of the data demonstrated a significant difference in the mean MBL among the three groups (P < 0.001). There was a correlation between MBL and vitamin D serum levels (P < 0.001). It appears that a low serum level of vitamin D may be associated with increased MBL.

See also: Bone implants aided by Vitamin D in 80 percent of studies, conclusion – more studies needed – Feb 2016

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