
How Alberta Canada restricts Vitamin D testing – May 2016

LESS IS MORE, Testing Vitamin D Levels and Choosing Wisely

JAMA Internal Medicine - Research Letter | May 23, 2016
Robert Ferrari, MD, MSc (Med), FRCPC1,2; Connie Prosser, PhD, FCACB3
JAMA Intern Med. Published online May 23, 2016. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.1929

VitaminDWiki Summary

This is another example of a country trying to save money by restricting vitamin D tests
Alberta is restricting tests to people who already have vitamin D deficiency diseases,
AND only allowing a test once every 3 months
See also VitaminDWiki

The study by Rosenberg et al1 illustrates how difficult it may be to achieve substantial reductions in unnecessary testing despite extensive awareness and publication of recommendations from the Choosing Wisely campaign. It may be that, rather than education, physicians need implementation tools built into the system of ordering laboratory or radiologic tests. Examples of this can be a priori criteria introduced onto the laboratory requisition form for a given test (ie, minimal criteria must be met for the test to be ordered), frequency-based restrictions (eg, a test cannot be ordered more often than every 3 months, with the timing of the most recent test monitored by the laboratory), or simply placing the test on a separate ordering form so that it is not captured in a carte blanche approach to test ordering.

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6708 Less 3.jpg admin 28 May, 2016 40.29 Kb 1133
6707 Less 2.jpg admin 28 May, 2016 136.95 Kb 1278
6706 Less 1.jpg admin 28 May, 2016 149.40 Kb 1361
6705 Restricted VitD testing.jpg admin 28 May, 2016 27.09 Kb 1317