Decreasing the Cost of Care by Avoiding Illness NEJM Feb 2018
- No mention of Vitamin D or supplements to be prevent or treat health problems
- “Ben Franklin’s adage that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” originally referred to fire safety but now is most applicable to our nation’s health. Keeping people healthy by encouraging wellness and healthy behaviors has many tangible benefits, including improved productivity, lower costs, increased happiness, and longer life expectancy”
- “NCH Healthcare System is a nonprofit integrated health care organization based in southwest Florida with the mission of helping our employees and community live longer, happier, healthier lives”
- “The goal of the Blue Zones Project is to improve health by preventing self-induced illness”
- They believe that being proactive consists of more screening (early detection) and reduction in smoking, cooking classes, group exercise classes, walking/cooking teams, financial education programs, parenting classes . . .
- A study found that 1% improvement in population well-being with a
- 2.2% reduction in the likelihood of hospital admissions, a
- 1.7% reduction in the likelihood of ER visits, and a
- 1% reduction in the likelihood of incurring health care costs.”
- “An audit of NCH’s financials showed a 54% decrease in health care expenditures over 6 years” (of their employees)
- Cost savings with Vitamin D category listing has
158 items along with related searches - Health Insurance company still giving free Vitamin D to members who are deficient – Oct 2023
- Employer alliance is trying to reduce the cost of health care – Aug 2017
- Increasing the vitamin D level of all Canadians to 40 ng would save 6 to 18 billion dollars a year – Grant Nov 2016
- UK patients given vitamin D for 3 months were 16 percent less likely to be readmitted – Sept 2016
- Vitamin D supplementation of all pregnant women (in UK) would be cost effective – just considering preeclampsia – March 2016
- Perhaps 4,000 dollars annual less health care costs if supplement with 5 dollars of Vitamin D has the following chart
15,000 US Veterans, 7,000 Germans
One pill every two weeks gives you all the vitamin D most adults need
The ounce of prevention costs 1 hour of vitamin D per year
30 minutes to buy the vitamin D + 1 minute every 2 weeks to take the tiny capsule
Thus: A hour of vitamin D prevents hundreds of hours of health problems
OR: A hour of D keeps the Doctor away- Ten Minutes A Day Keeps The Doctor Away: A 5-Set Full Body Program
- 60 hours a year of sweating is probably not as good for your health as 1 hour of vitamin D
 Download the 2017 Well Being study of America from VitaminDWiki
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (might Vitamin D be worth several pounds)10240 visitors, last modified 26 Aug, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)