
Vitamin D home tester wanted – 50, 000 dollar prize offered by Nestlé – Feb 2019

Nestlé Offers US$50,000 For Tackling Vitamin D Deficiencies

  • “… offering US$50,000 to the winning applicant who develops a simple and economic method for checking daily levels, and creates an app that stores results and provides professional advice on how to improve them”

Details at https://www.henri.nestle.com/    The deadline for responses is 17th March 2019.

Observation by Henry Lahore, founder of VitaminDWiki

I have been tracking simple Vitamin D testers for over 4 years
Many candidate designs have come and gone.
It appears to be a very difficult problem
The only group which I am aware of which has a chance at getting this prize is Nanospeed
My review of their development is Low-cost Vitamin D testers (two yes-no tests for 11 dollars) - 2024
They currrently have a low cost tester which requires an expensive readout device.
   Would be OK for use iin pharmacies, but not in the home
It appears feasible to use a smartphone(with camera) as no-cost readout device
I am sending them a link to this prize