
Protein helps muscles, sarcopenia, metabolism, diabetes (Patrick) is aided by Vitamin D - Dec 2024

The Science of Protein and Its Role in Longevity, Cancer, Aging, and Building Muscle - Rhonda Patrick

YouTube, 40 minutes
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:47 Why muscle matters
00:05:12 Why do we lose muscle?
00:06:46 How to negate anabolic resistance
00:07:39 Why it's never too late to build muscle
00:08:20 Requirements for overweight & obese individuals
00:09:07 Exposing the flaws of the RDA
00:10:27 Optimal intake when resistance training
00:11:10 What to do when losing weight
00:12:24 Does protein harm healthy kidneys?
00:14:14 How important is distribution?
00:16:27 Debunking the "anabolic window"
00:18:04 Benefits of pre-sleep intake
00:19:36 Timing & distribution takeaways
00:20:17 What are the best sources?
00:23:22 Animal vs. plant protein
00:25:44 Protein supplements (whey, casein, & collagen)
00:27:14 Does high intake accelerate aging?
00:30:49 Why exercise changes the story
00:33:19 What we can learn from athletes
00:33:54 Does high intake accelerate atherosclerosis?
00:36:08 8 key takeaways

Her FoundMyfitness channel has a lot more information on protein

Protein - with studies and charts - FREE PREVIEW

Is there any association between protein and "vitamin d"? - asked Perplexity AI Dec 2024

There is indeed a significant association between protein and vitamin D, particularly in the context of muscle health and function. This relationship has been the subject of numerous studies, revealing several important connections:
Muscle Protein Synthesis
Dietary protein intake, especially when rich in leucine (an amino acid abundant in whey protein), combined with vitamin D, plays a crucial role in muscle protein synthesis 1 2
This combination is particularly important for maintaining and building muscle mass.
Supplementation Effects
Research has shown that combining whey protein and vitamin D supplementation can have beneficial effects on muscle mass and strength:

  • A 6-week study on healthy, untrained males found that supplementing with 25g of whey protein and 4000 IU of vitamin D3, either before bedtime or after sleeping, resulted in significant improvements in muscle mass and associated blood hormones compared to a control group  1 2
  • Co-supplementation of whey protein and vitamin D has been shown to enhance lean mass gains, muscle strength, and physical function, particularly in healthy older adults 5

Vitamin D Status and Protein Utilization
The relationship between protein and vitamin D extends beyond simple co-supplementation:

  • Vitamin D status may influence the efficacy of protein supplementation. Normalizing circulating vitamin D concentrations from deficient or insufficient to replete levels may be critical in determining the effectiveness of protein supplementation  5
  • Low vitamin D status is often associated with systemic low-grade inflammation, as reflected by elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) levels  4

This inflammation could potentially impact protein metabolism and muscle health.
Implications for Specific Populations
The protein-vitamin D association appears to have particular relevance for certain groups:

  • In older adults, especially those with overweight or obesity, there's often an inadequate intake of both protein and vitamin D 3

This deficiency can contribute to age-related muscle loss and decreased function.

  • For sarcopenic or frail older adults, whey protein supplementation alone has shown improvements in lean mass and physical function 5

In conclusion, the association between protein and vitamin D is multifaceted, involving their combined effects on muscle synthesis, strength, and overall function. This relationship is particularly important in the context of aging and muscle health, suggesting that considering both nutrients together may be more beneficial than focusing on either one alone.

VitaminDWiki – Muscles and Vitamin D - many studies contains

To build muscles you need more than just Vitamin D
   also need Exercise, Protein, Magnesium, Omega-3, and activated Vitamin D Receptors
     In fact, Vitamin D monotherapy sometimes DECREASES muscles.

Notes on Vitamin D Receptor:
Vitamin D Receptors get vitamin D in the blood to the muscle cells
Approximately 20% of people have poor vitamin D receptors
As people age, their Vitamin D receptors also become less activated
There are 12+ low-cost activators for the Vitamin D Receptor
142+ VitaminDWiki pages have MUSCLE in the title
Dr. Greger on Vitamin D and Muscles - May 2020
Vitamin D Supplements for Increasing Aging Muscle Strength

  • "We have known for more than 400 years that muscle weakness is a common presenting symptom of vitamin D deficiency"
  • conservative "U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, the official prevention guideline setting body, and the American Geriatric Society to “recommend vitamin D supplementation for persons who are at high risk of falls.”
  • AGS recommends 4,000 IU to capture 92 percent of the population"

VitaminDWiki - Sarcopenia (muscle loss) fought by Vitamin D, exercise and protein - many studies contains

To gain muscle, many studies have found that you need some of the following:
Exercise - just even walking (Intermittent high intensity exercise is much better)
Vitamin D - at least 800 IU/day,
    Loading dose will show improvements in weeks instead of 4+ months
Protein - perhaps 1gm/kg/day in a form appropriate for existing stomach acid
Calcium - 300 mg?

Includes the following studies:

  • Muscle loss with aging (Sarcopenia) is 7.7 X more likely if Vitamin D deficient – July 2023
  • Every trial found Scopenia to be associated with low vitamin D - Meta-analysis 2018
  • Sarcopenia 1.6X more likely if you have a poor VDR – Nov 2020

See also Bone Health   reduce falls and fractures   Frailty and Vitamin D - many studies   Muscles and Vitamin D - many studies

VitaminDWiki - Protein, muscles, bones and Vitamin D - many studies

Founder of VitaminDWiki has been taking Pea & Rice protein daily, and is adding muscle at age 78 - Dec 2024

Orgain 76 cents/ounce
It tastes great. Have been taking it for 60 days so far. (age 78), average 30 g/day
Apparently should have >80 grams TOTAL per day (>1 gram/kg @ 80 kg)
I am also doing very intense exercise for 15 minutes daily

Best Protein Powders 2024: what I WISH I knew earlier… video Nov 2022

YouTube, 6 minutes
► 5. Myprotein Impact Whey Protein
► 4. Garden of Life Sport
► 3. Dymatize Nutrition ISO100
► 2. Orgain Organic Protein
► 1. Gold Standard Whey Protein

21+ VitaminDWiki pages have PATRICK in the title

The list is automatically updated Have been subscrbiing to her work since about 2012

Items found: 22
Title Modified
What's the Optimal Level of Vitamin D (50-60 ng) - Patrick Jan 2025 15 Jan, 2025
Protein helps muscles, sarcopenia, metabolism, diabetes (Patrick) is aided by Vitamin D - Dec 2024 05 Dec, 2024
More People Would Supplement With Vitamin D If They Knew THIS - Rhonda Patrick video Aug 2024 15 Aug, 2024
The Science of Magnesium and Its Role in Aging and Disease - Patrick March 2024 20 Mar, 2024
Reduce ageing with Vitamin D, Omega-3, and Exercise (video) - Patrick March 2024 06 Mar, 2024
High Omega-3 index increases longevity, even among smokers - Patrick Jan 2024 17 Jan, 2024
The Longevity and Brain Benefits of Vigorous Exercise - Patrick video Dec 2023 05 Dec, 2023
Benefits of Omega-3s - video and transcript - Patrick - Nov 2023 29 Nov, 2023
The Dangers of Vitamin D Deficiency (and why you should supplement), Video and transcript, Patrick - Nov 2023 29 Nov, 2023
Longevity experts take Vitamin D, Omega-3, and Magnesium - Patrick video Sept 2023 10 Nov, 2023
How Vitamin D, Omega-3s, and Exercise May Increase Longevity - Patrick Nov 2023 10 Nov, 2023
Vitamin D overview by Rhonda Patrick – Oct 2022 07 Oct, 2022
COVID probably fought by Vitamin D, might need 50 ng - Dr. Patrick Nov 8, 2021 21 Jul, 2022
Omega-3 decreases heart disease and COVID: Harris and Patrick, video and transcript - Dec 2021 07 Dec, 2021
Long-haul, VAERS, Ivermectin, vaccines, etc. Drs. Seheult, Patrick: Video with table of contents - Sept 17, 2021 21 Sep, 2021
COVID-19 fought by Vitamin D or Heat - Drs Seheult and Patrick video - March 3, 2021 07 Mar, 2021
Resveratrol benefits health in many ways - Dr. Patrick Sept 2019 26 Sep, 2019
Standard Omega-3 not get past blood-brain barrier in seniors at high risk of Alzheimer’s – Patrick hypothesis Oct 2018 25 Dec, 2018
Benefits of Micronutrients, fasting, saunas, intense exercise, cold showers – Patrick April 2018 21 Apr, 2018
Off topic – Outline of 2 hour health webinar by Dr. Patrick – Oct 2017 12 Oct, 2017
Autism, Vitamin D, and serotonin - Patrick interview by Mercola Feb 2016 14 Feb, 2016
Micronutrients, methylation, epigenetics, longevity podcast by Rhonda Patrick and Tim Ferriss - June 2015 22 Jun, 2015