Serum Vitamin D Status in a Group of Migraine Patients Compared With Healthy Controls: A Case-Control Study.
Headache. 2018 Oct 20. doi: 10.1111/head.13423.
Togha M1, Razeghi Jahromi S1,2, Ghorbani Z1,3, Martami F1,2, Seifishahpar M1,2.
- 1 Headache Department, Iranian Center of Neurological Research, Neuroscience Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
- 2 Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Nutrition and Food Technology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
- 3 School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
50-100 ng of Vitamin D 5X less likely to have Migraine vs < 20 ng
- Migraine headaches cut in half by 4,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Sept 2018
- Note: Need ~7,000 IU to get most people > 50 ng level of Vitamin D
- Chronic migraine headaches 1.4 X more likely with low vitamin D – July 2018
- Fewer headaches and other benefits of higher vitamin D – Jan 2017
- Migraine headaches reduced with 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly – RCT July 2015
Metal | Migraine | No Migraine | Ratio |
Cadmium | 0.36 ug | 0.09 ug | 4X MORE Migraine if decrease |
Iron | 0.97 ug | 0.48 ug | 2X MORE Migraine if decrease |
Lead | 1.48 ug | 0.78 ug | 2X MORE Migraine if decrease |
Magnesium | 10.6 ug | 34.5 ug | 3.5X LESS Migraine if increase |
Zinc | 0.24 ug | 5.77 ug | 24X LESS Migraine if increase |
Items in both categories Magnesium and Headaches are listed here:
- Magnesium and Migraines - many studies
- Magnesium Pidolate may be a good form to reduce headaches – Aug 2020
- Headaches decreased by Vitamin D, Magnesium etc. – Review March 2022
- Cluster Headaches treated by high-dose Vitamin D, etc. (interview and transcript) - Feb 2022
- Migraine headaches cut in half by 4,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Sept 2018
- Magnesium in Healthcare (Rickets, Stones, Pregnancy, Depression, etc.) with level of evidence – Sept 2017
- Acute Migraine 35 times more likely if low Magnesium levels – May 2016
- Migraine headaches quickly reduced with Magnesium – Meta-analysis Jan 2016
- Cluster headaches virtually eliminated in 7,000 people with high-dose vitamin D and cofactors - Feb 2022
- Headache
- Migraines may be due to lack of lack of Magnesium in half of sufferers – May 2012
- Headache with vitamin D may mean you need Magnesium
Optimal level: >50 ng?
- Vitamin D sufficiency 10 to 30 ng, optimal 40 to 80 ng (no consensus)– May 2018
- A group of 6,000 people have vitamin D levels higher than 50 ng – GrassrootsHealth
- Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough
OBJECTIVE: The association between serum vitamin D and migraine is investigated in this research.s
BACKGROUND: Although the pathogenesis of migraine headache is not fully understood, the possible role of inflammation and disturbed immune system has been proposed; thus, higher levels of vitamin D might reduce the risk of migraine. However, the results of related studies have been inconclusive.
Seventy healthy individuals and 70 age- and sex-matched migraineurs (34 chronic and 36 episodic migraineurs), diagnosed according to the International Headache Society criteria (ICHD-IIIβ), were recruited. After obtaining baseline data and assessing migraine disability, a 30-day headache diary was given to the participants. Blood samples were obtained and 25(OH)D serum concentrations were determined using ELISA techniques. Serum 25(OH)D under 20, 20-29, and 30-100 ng/mL were considered deficient, insufficient, and sufficient, respectively. The applied statistical tests for between-group comparisons include independent-sample t-test, chi-square, and analysis of variance. Multiple regression analysis was also performed to identify the possible risk factors of migraine headache.
Migraine patients had significantly lower mean (SD) of serum VitD (30 (16) ng/mL) than healthy subjects (43 (19) ng/mL) (P < .001). The number (%) of subjects with VitD deficiency and insufficiency was significantly higher among the migraineurs (36 (53.7%)) than the controls (18 (26.1%)) (P < .0001). A significant negative association between migraine headache and serum VitD was detected in the fully adjusted multiple regression models when comparing the third and the highest serum 25(OH)D quartiles with the lowest (OR = 0.20; 95% CI = 0.05-0.77; OR = 0.17; 95% CI = 0.04-0.64, respectively, P for trend = .009).
For each 5 ng/mL increase in serum 25(OH)D, there was a 22% odds decrease in the odds of migraine (OR = 0.78; 95% CI = 0.68-0.90; P = .001).
We have found that a higher level of serum VitD (between 50 to less than 100 ng/mL) among a sample of the Iranian population is associated with 80-83% lower odds of migraine headache than those with serum 25(OH)D levels below 20 ng/mL. However, there is a need for well-designed clinical trials to investigate beneficial effects of increased serum 25(OH)D on lower risk of migraine.
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